Chapter 32

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Katie's POV.

I log onto Facebook again the next day to see a message from Mikey. Yes! He replied. It's quite short, so I guess he was tired or something like that.

Dear Katie,

Niall was right, I did have an affair with Lauren. I don't like you anymore, so can you just leave me alone? Please! I would appreciate that very much. Tell the others to leave me alone. I was an idiot for liking you, I mean, how could anyone actually like you? You're so annoying sometimes and just go on and on about stuff that I don't even care about. I think you'll be a lot happier with Niall. So goodbye, I never want to see you again.

Your ex-boyfriend, Michael Clifford.

How could he? How could he be such an arse?! How could I ever trust him? I pick up my mobile, and scroll through my contacts, searching for Niall's number. Then reality hits me! I never gave Niall my new number (I've got a new iPhone now, after I broke my old one). I remember his number, so I go to the dialling pad, and dial his number. Once I've done that, I call it. It rings and rings. "Hurry up." I whisper. It finally gets through, and I hear Niall's voice.
"Hi, Niall, it's Katie."
"Oh, hey, Katie. How are you? Your boyfriend around?" He chuckles, and I burst into tears. "Oh, Katie, I didn't mean to get you upset. Was it something I said?"
"It's not your fault. It's Michael. He cheated on me." I stop talking then, just sobbing, and Niall calms me down through the phone.
"Hey, hey, it's ok, everything will be ok. I'm free now, so, do you want me to come over?"
"That would be nice." I say.
"Ok, I'll be right over."
"Ok, see you soon. Bye."
"Bye. See you soon." And with that, I end the call.

About ten ten minutes later, I hear a knock at the door. I get up from my bed, and open the door. Niall's there, looking at me with concern.
"So, what did he do now?"
"Come inside and I'll explain." He comes inside, closing the door behind him. "Tea or coffee?" I ask him.
"Coffee." He grins at an old school photo of me which was taken when I was about 4 or 5. "You were a cute kid."
"Thanks." I say, really wanting to tell him about Michael.
"So, what did Michael do now?"
"He cheated on me with Lauren." I say, trying hard not to cry.
"I knew there was something going on with them two. What did he say?"
"He sent me a Facebook message." I show him the message that Michael sent. He gasps.
"That's so mean of him."
"You said mean stuff to me." I point out.
"That's because I loved you. And I still do. So, I was wondering, as you're now single, will you go out with me?"
"Yes, of course I'll go out with you." I grin at him.
"So does this mean that we're girlfriend and boyfriend now?"
"Yes, it does mean that." I say with a grin. This will be an interesting relationship.

Mikey's POV.

She doesn't know I was doing it to protect her, to keep her safe from this mess. And the problem is, I don't think she ever will.

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