Chapter 9

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I wake up to a nurse checking my SATS, and notice Michael is staring at me.
"Morning." I say.
"G'day." he says. Cal and Ash are up and so is Luke. As you can see, I called Calum, Cal and Ashton, Ash. Well that's because I've decided to call them by their nicknames. So that makes Michael, Mikey. Yeah! Deal with it! (Said that in a joking way!) Anyway, I decide to get out my iPod and put on some One Direction. And yes, I am a Directionor. I suddenly notice that I might not be able to go to the concert.
"What day is it today?" I ask.
"It's Wednesday." says Cal.
"When will I get better?" I ask the nurse.
"Don't know." says the nurse. Well, that's very helpful. (Note the sarcasm.) I need to know. I know, I'll ask my stomach doctor! Anyway, the nurse finishes what she needs to do and I'm free to do what I like. Which isn't much. Warning: Hospital can make you get bored very easily. I think 5SOS are already bored. I look at them. Yep, they're bored. Mikey is slumped in his chair, Ash is fiddling with his bandana, Cal is just sitting there and Luke isn't here.
"Hey, guys. Where's Luke?" I ask.
"He went to get a coffee." Mikey says.
"I need caffeine!" Cal suddenly cries. I laugh.
"Hospitals are so boring!" Ash moans.
"I should've warned ya." I say.
"But you didn't!" Mikey snaps. I wince. I don't like when people shout or snap at me.
"What's wrong?" Mikey snarls at me. He's just tired, I think.
"I...I..I...I don't like it when people shout or snap at me. It scares me." I say, trying to be tough.
"Sorry. I'm just ever so tired." he says, yawning.
"That's ok." I say. I notice Luke is back with not one, but 3 coffees.
"Sorry I took so long. I got 3 coffees. One for Cal, one for Ash and one for Mikey." he says.
"Good. I need a nice coffee." Ash says, chuckling. The doctor comes over.
"Katie, we're going to move you to another hospital." he says. Great. Another hospital. As if one wasn't enough.

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