A thank you (and reflection)

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If you're reading this, you've made it to the end of my first ever fanfic. I'm writing this now in August 2020, and - looking back now - this was very CRINGE, but it's somehow got over 53k views?! Wtf? Thank you very much.
I did write a sequel, but it's very badly written haha.
I just wanted to reflect on this fanfic. If I could rewrite it, I would, but I want to leave it like it is. Everyone has to start somewhere, right?

I wrote this book from May 2014 until July 2014. 5 Seconds Of Summer were starting to get massively popular at the time. I was a One Direction turned 5 Seconds Of Summer fan. Funnily enough, I did actually see One Direction live in concert. I went into that concert loving both bands, but came out loving 5 Seconds Of Summer. I strayed away from them in 2017, but came back when I needed them most. They're a very special band to me, and I think they always will be.
I hope you enjoyed the story.
- @fairweather_kat

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