Chapter 22

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After breakfast, Luke suggests that we go sightseeing. We each pack a backpack and take our phones and cameras. Ash suggests that we take money in case we want to buy stuff.
"Let's move out!" I say and everyone laughs. We go out, but then we spot some teenage girls. They notice us and they begian to run at us.
"Why do they notice us?" I ask.
"Because we forgot to put on hats and sunglasses." Cal says.
"Oh fuck! I knew we forgot something!" Ash exclaims. We race back to the hotel and get hoodies and sunglasses.
"Uh...Guys. I think the fans know what hotel we're at!" Luke says, looking out the window.
"What makes you say that?" I ask.
"Look outside." he replies. I look outside. Oh my God! There's loads of people outside the hotel.
"Damn! Now what?" Cal says.
"I guess we'll just have to run for it." I say. We go downstairs and I go in-between Mikey and Luke.
"Ready?" Luke whispers to me. I nod.
"Ready." I say. We run out and try -as nice as possible- to push through the fans. They claw at me. I can't breathe. Shit, 5SOS fans are scary. One girl tries to take my sunglasses off me. Another manages to knock them off my face. I gasp, feeling very claustrophobic. Suddenly, I find myself alone. Where's Mikey? Where's Luke? I try to search for them, but I trip. I find myself on the ground. Girls kick and stamp on my stomach. They can't do that! I scream, then I hear someone shout "HEY! BE CAREFUL! THAT'S MY GIRLFRIEND AND SHE'S HAD STOMACH SURGRY! SO LEAVE HER ALONE!" I suddenly see daylight and a very concerned looking Mikey.
"You ok?" he asks me. I nod. He holds his hand out and I take it. Then we run through the crowd and into the car. That's when I feel a bit of wetness on my top. I pull it up and scream.
"SOME OF MY STICHES HAVE COME UNDONE!" Ash stops the car. Then he sees my stomach. He does a u-turn on the road to the hospital.

We finally arrive at the hospital and a nurse that speaks English stiches me up. Mikey holds my hand. After staying in the hospital for a few days, I'm allowed out, but it have to take it easy. We decide to have a little tour of Paris by car stopping off to see the sights.

We get into the car and we drive to a little market place. It's beautiful. As we're walking round a little park, I notice a guy with blonde hair. Oh no! Not him! It can't be him! He's not allowed to see me yet!
"Hey, Mike. Isn't that Niall over there?" Cal asks, pointing to the guy, who's just turned around and has noticed us.
It's Niall Horan. He walks over to us.
"Hey." he says. Mikey clenches his fists. I hold his hand to calm him down. Niall spots me.
"Hey, Katie. Long time no see."
"Sadly, Niall, I haven't forgiven you. Sorry about that. How about you go and bother me some other time, ok?" I reply sweetly and sarcastically. He looks shocked at me. Mikey nods at me, agreeing.
"Yeah, Niall. How about you piss off somewhere else. Oh, and if I see you say something mean to Katie again, then I'll make sure that you know not to say that again."
"I was drunk, I promise you!" Niall protests.
"Yeah, drunk my arse." Mikey says laughing. Niall steps forward towards me. Ash pulls me away from the two boys.
"Best to leave it to themselves." he whispers to me. Mikey steps a little closer to Niall.
"In fact, you know how I said if you say anything to Katie again that I'd let you know not to say it to her again. Well, how about I let you know now?" he says to Niall. Before I know it, Mikey has his arm raised up. He brings it down and it crashes into Niall's nose. There's a crack, so I know it's broken.
"What did you do that for?" Niall cries, outraged at the sudden attack.
"That's for saying that my girlfriend is ugly. Goodbye, Niall. Have a nice day." With that, Mikey walks away with us all leaving Niall standing there with blood dribbling down his face and onto his top.
"Let's go to the shops." Mikey says to us. We agree. But what I didn't know was that whilst we were going to have fun in Paris, Niall was plotting revenge on us all, especially Mikey.

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