Chapter 36

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Mikey's POV.

Today, it's Luke's birthday. Well, when I say birthday, I mean, it's the celebration. His actual birthday was ages ago. So, he's 18. I got him a stuffed penguin and Ashton got him something, so did Calum and Katie. They don't know about the text that Niall sent, and I don't plan on telling them anytime soon. Today it's all about Luke and that's final.

We wake Luke up the same way we woke Ashton up. We all go downstairs, where our presents await. Luke's eyes light up like he just saw some sweets he liked. It is quite funny actually. I take a photo of him, so if he's is annoying me, I can use it against him. Anyway, we wrote him a card on a big A3 piece of paper. It looks cool because we all wrote our little messages on it to him, but we also commented on each others messages, so it looks a bit messy. But it's not my fault (it is actually). You see, I wrote my message, but Calum commented on it, so I commented on his, and then Ashton commented on Calum's telling us to stop arguing, that it was a card for Luke and not a doodle page, but I commented on that one, saying that he done that now. Katie commented on Ashton's message, so he commented on her message ect.

Now I see the card, it actually looks really messy, but I guess that's who we are, messy people. Oh well, there's nothing you can do about it now because we wrote it in pen.  Luke grins at the card.
"Thanks, guys, I love it, just like I love you."
"We're here for you, bro." Ashton says, getting up and hugging Luke. We all do a big group hug.
"Now, time for presents." Luke says, eyes gleaming with pride. I hand him his present. He opens it.
"Awwww, thanks, bro." He hugs the penguin,
"I'm next, I'm next." Katie says, jumping up and down. She hands Luke his present, a beautiful silver charm bracelet, which I can't help but gasp at with awe.
"Wow, it's beautiful. Thanks very much, Katie." Luke hugs her and she hugs him back.
"I'm next." Calum leaps over the circle that we've created around the living room that's now looks like Christmas, but without the tree. He hands Luke a box, which, when opened, contains a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle pillow and duvet set. We all laugh at that one.
"HUMAN TURTLE ROCK BAND!" I shout, making everyone jump.
"God, Michael, try hard not to give me a heart attack." Luke says.
"She's 17, I told her I'm 20." Calum sings high pitched, or what he thinks is high pitched.
"I'm next." Ashton says quietly, handing Luke a small rectangular object. He opens it to find a framed photo of us with the words "Brothers Forever" inscribed in the glass. I start to cry because it's so sweet.
"Awwwwww, thanks guys. I love you." We all have a group hug. Then my phone bleeps, but it's only Twitter. Katie opens my phone (don't know how she got my password) and then almost drops it.
"Mikey, what's this?" She's shaking with fear as she shows us my phone with the message Niall sent me.

You think you could get away that easily? Well, you thought wrong. I'll be back. One day. And when I return, you'll never get Katie back ever again.......

"Michael, what's this?" Ashton asks me. His voice is tight with fear and concern.
"Um, I don't know?!" I say, scared.
"Tell us." Ashton's voice is rising now. He's getting angry. I know it. Everyone looks at me with fear in their eyes. Katie is cuddled up beside me, her breathing heavy. They are waiting for an answer.
There's no way I'm getting out of this now.

Katie's POV.

Why has Mikey kept that text a secret? This is serious, it's not a joke. He now looks scared as Ash is staring at him.
"Michael, what's this?" he asks, pointing to Mikey's mobile.
"It's a text that Niall sent me," Mikey says in a small voice, his head down, not looking at anyone, especially not Ash. 
"WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU KEEP IT A SECRET, FOR GOD'S SAKE?!" Ash suddenly shouts. I suddenly feel brave now. Why does Ash have to have a go at Mikey, I mean, I'm sure he was gonna tell us someday, wasn't he? Or was he going to just keep it secret until everything goes downhill? No, I'm sure Mikey would tell us someday, just not today.
"Hey, calm down, Ashton. It's not Mikey's fault, he was gonna tell us one day, weren't you, Mikey?" I say to Mikey. He nods, still not looking up at us. "And we're gonna stop this mess, somehow," I continue to the others.
"YEAH!" Cal shouts.
"Let's do this shit!" Luke says, making us all, except Ash, laugh.
"It's not funny, Luke. This is serious stuff," Ash says sternly. Luke looks down, embarresed.
"Let's go," a small voice belonging to Mikey says. We all clean up, and get dressed, then we go out to Niall's to sort this out once and for all. Only, it's not that easy, as I find out.

We reach Niall's house, and Mikey rings the doorbell. It opens to reveal Niall. When he sees us, he can't help but smirk.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't the misfits." He laughs, and a shiver runs down my spine. But I'm not going to be scared, I mean, I've been through worse. Niall continues to taunt us. "Had enough of her already? I don't blame you, I mean, she's so ugly-" He gets cut off by Mikey punching him in the jaw.
"Don't EVER talk about Katie like that again, you idiot," he says through gritted teeth. Niall looks shocked, then surprised, then happy.
"Well, at least I wasn't cheating on my girlfriend."
Mikey growls.
"I DIDN'T cheat on her, you know that! You made up those lies, you little spoilt brat. If you knew anything, which you don't, then you would know that I went to Australia to think things through whilst the rest of the band were depressed, and Katie was stuck with a lovesick nobody also known as you! You could have ruined this band, our friendship, and I'm not talking about me and the bands's. I mean our friendship, the one between me and you, Niall, that one."
"What about our friendship?" Niall scoffs.
"I mean, you've ended our friendship, that's what I mean. Goodbye, Niall, it was nice knowing you." We turn around, but when I go to walk, I find I can't. Niall has a tight grip on my arm, so I'm trapped in his grasp, like someone has me in ropes and is pulling them tighter and tighter.
"Let me go," I hiss at Niall.
"You didn't think I would let you go that easily, would you?" To my horror, Niall starts to drag me inside his flat. I scream Mikey's name, and he's running up the path, just as the door slams, separating us forever.

Mikey's POV.

I thought Katie was right behind us. I didn't know Niall had her until she screamed my name. I bang on the door, screaming and kicking it, anything to make it open. I need Katie.
"OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR, NIALL!" I beg him, sobbing.
"What if I don't open it?" Niall asks through the door. I hear Katie sobbing. Stay strong, Michael. That's what Katie would want you to do.
"That's it, move out of the way, Michael. I'm breaking the door down," Ashton says, geared up to run. I move over to Luke and Calum. Ashton runs and kickers the door down. "Whoop! That's how you break down a door. Now, let's be real superheroes, and go save Katie," Ashton says, slightly out of breath. We go inside, walking over the door. It creaks under our feet. I'm nervous. What has Niall done with Katie? I walk into the sitting room to find Katie lying unconscious, a gash on her forehead. Oh my God, what has he done to her? Broken glass surrounds her. I hear a noise and instantly grab a baseball bat that is just lying there. Niall appears from behind the sofa, a piece of glass in his hand, which is bleeding.
"What have you done to her?" I ask him, my voice shaking.
"She tried to run away. She leaped through the glass door, but I grabbed and throw her down. I guess she hit her head and blacked out." It's only then that I see the broken door.
"Mikey?" I hear Katie ask me, her voice all slurred. She sounds half asleep. I rush over to her.
"Katie, can you see me?" I ask her. She nods. "Can you speak?" I ask. Silence.
"I'm so tired, Mikey, so tired." Her voice is a whisper. 
"Ashton, call 999, I think there's something wrong with Katie." I don't hear his reply, just keep on talking to Katie, trying to keep her awake. Luke and Calum don't let Niall get away. Katie's getting paler, I'm worried. I try to stop the blood coming, but it won't stop.
"Mikey, can you sing to me?"
"Sure, which song?"
"Any of your songs." Her voice is so quiet, I'm nearly in tears, and then I hear sirens. Thank God, the ambulance is on it's way. I decide to sing "The Only Reason".
Then the ambulance and the police arrive and rip me apart from my baby. I scream at them to let her go, but they ignore me. I try to stop them, but Ashton restrains me.
"Shush, Michael, it's gonna be ok." Then I think I get sedated because I don't remember anything else.

I wake up to find that I'm in a hospital. I look around and see Calum.
"Hey, don't worry, Katie's fine and well. She's just a bit tired now. They came just in time. Niall got arrested for cyber bulling, so he's out of the way. You get some rest, and then you can visit Katie this afternoon." I close my eyes and sleep.
As soon I wake up, get ready, and get discharged, I go over to see Katie, who's still in the hospital. As soon as I walk in, her face lights up. He mum smiles at me.
"I'll leave you two to talk alone," she says, and walks out of the room.
"Hey, you're alive," Katie grins.
"Yeah, but most importantly, you're alive." I hug her, and she hugs me back. Then she looks at me, her face all serious. I still love her, and I'm ready to give her another chance. I'm about tell her that, but she stops me.
"Michael, I...I...I still have feelings for you. Will you be my boyfriend again?"
"Oh, Katie, I feel the same way, of course I'll be your boyfriend." 
We kiss. This is our own little world, where everything is perfect.
And that's the way I like it.

The End.

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