Chapter 23

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We've got an interview today. We had some fun days in Paris, but now it gets serious (according to management, it was supposed to get serious the moment we got here, but never mind.) Ash, Mikey, Luke and Cal all have smart clothes on (if you count leather jackets and vest tops and skinny jeans smart, which I do). I wear a checked dress without any sleeves with leggings on underneath. I put on some combat boots, and then we're off to the interview. It's going to be live! I'm so excited/nervous.
"You nervous?" Ash asks me. I nod.
"We'll do the talking if you want."
"Nah, I don't mind. Besides, the interviewer will probably ask you the most questions."
"I think you'll be asked some questions as well." Mikey says from the back of the car.
"Ok." I say. On the rest of the drive there, I just look out the window and admire the beauty of Paris.

We finally arrive and I'm shaking like a leaf. I'm so nervous. Luke notices and holds my hand for reassurance.
"If it helps, I still get nervous. We're still not totally used to the whole being famous thing yet."
"Thanks for the reassurance." I whisper. We go to the boys' stylist, who to my surprise is Lou, One Direction's stylist. The boys get their makeup done, which is quite funny to watch. I only get a tiny bit of makeup on as I don't wear it. We go to wait backstage, but guess who's there? Niall Horan. I gasp. Ash has to restrain Mikey from going over and beating Niall up. I hide behind Cal.
"What are you doing here?" Mikey demands through gritted teeth.
"Oh, didn't I tell you? I'm helping out with sound and that stuff." Niall replies sweetly. He makes me sick. Mikey lunges at him, but Ash has got a strong grip around his waist.
"Leave him, Mike." he says to Mikey. Mikey stops struggling and Niall grins evilly.
"I've got a surprise for you, Aussie boy." he says to Mikey. He looks surprised.
"Really? What's that?"
"You'll find out." And with that, Niall walks out of the room. When he goes past me, he slaps me. I wince. Mikey tries to attack Niall, but he's too late, as Niall is out of the room.
"I'm going to kill him!" he growls. He then notices my check is bright red.
"Who done that?"
"Niall." I say. The band look shocked. Then someone says it's time to go on stage. We get up and walk onto the stage. I hide behind Mikey.
"So boys, who's the little girl you've got there?" he asks.
"I'm Katie, Michael's girlfriend. And I'm not a little girl. I'm 15." I say. I just realise how rude that sounds, but no one seems to notice.
"So, boys. Congratulations on getting Don't Stop at number 2 in the UK charts. How do you feel about that?"
"We're happy." Ash replies. I can tell he's pissed off. I think the interviewer can sense it as well because he asks me a question.
"How did you meet?" I explain and he nods. "Michael, how do you fell about having someone who's a bit younger than you be your girlfriend?" 
"She's an amazing girl and I'm very lucky to have her as my girlfriend." he says. The interviewer asks some more questions, then we say goodbye. We go to another hotel and have some well earned rest.

I wake up and notice all the crew and the rest of the band are giving Mikey dirty looks. Mikey is crying. I look at what he's been looking at. I gasp at the iPad screen. It's a magazine article. The headline is this: "Michael Clifford was forced to join 5SOS:'I was never friends with them and I never will be.' "
I think this was Niall's surprise for Mikey. And I have a feeling that's it's only going to get worse.

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