~Chapter 2~

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Apologizing in advance, sorry!

Your POV

     "Jesse!" I called out, a wide smile on my face as I ran up to him, the cowboy doing the same as me. He then lifted me up off the ground by my waist and spun me, sitting me back down quickly as he did so. He then embraced me and let out a chuckle.
     I returned the hug and looked up at him, my smile growing as I did so. He still had that stupid hat
     "Did you guys have fun without me? Or wait- how much destruction did you cause?" I snickered while pushing him away, a slight blush on both of our cheeks as I did so.
     He opened his mouth to reply but was interrupted by a mechanical yet loud voice.
     "We didn't do anything... or at lest I didn't" Genji murmured out as he walked up to the two of us, a very very small smile on his face as he shifted his eyes between the two of us. He hugged me and quickly let go, his smile growing ever so slightly. I let out a long sigh as Eclipse walked up to the two men and let out a small purr.
     "You guys are not gonna believe the shi-"
     "Walker! There you are! My tent right now! You too McCree and Shimada." Gabriel called out as he turned around, quickly walking back to the tent he had emerged from. I looked at the two boys to see soft expressions on there faces as Jesse let out a groan.
"Well darlin, looks like this reunion is gonna have to continue another day." He sighed as all four of us began making our way to Gabriel's Tent. You would think that it would be easy but with everyone running about to ether get food or rest, it's like a sea of lost souls...
"To be honest, this has to be the worst place to even build the base." I murmured to Jesse and Genji, both there heads shifting to look at me as I spoke. Jesse tilted his head as he looked at me, a cigar hanging out of his mouth.
"I mean- when the Omnics attacked they came from the forest so who's to say that they arnt gonna come from here again?" I murmured out as we walked into the large tent that belonged to my uncle... or at lest it was where we would plan our next attack. There was a large electronic table with holographic pictures of the city and a few land markers.
     Gabe set his hands on the table and with the wave of his hand, all of it became 3D. He looked at the four of us and let out a quiet sigh.
     "I know you just got back my sobrina, but something had happened and we must move quick. Jack and the rest have already begun making there way there from the other base." He called out as he pointed at a large location of the map. It was deserted and seemed to be the border between the forest and the city. I guess I was right, the Omnics would be attacking from the forest once again.
     "Shimada, McCree, I kept you both here so that you could gain your energy. Ninja boy, you and that dragon of yours are gonna be doing a lot of work with Reinhardt and Torbjorn. McCree your with me, well be behind the shields. And Walker you'll be front lines. I know it's a lot to ask but I believe this might be the end if we win this. I need you to summon your largest, most powerful creature." He finished as he pointed at the map one last time. He then lifted his head and looked at us.
     "As you could probably see most of our troops are already at the meeting point. We're leaving as soon as we can. Walker, rest as much as you can, Shimada and McCree help me with the weapons. You are dismissed." He finished while looking at the map. The three of us nodded and Eclipse disappeared. He knew I needed what little rest I was going to get.
     Sighing, we left the tent, my shoulders sagging as I did so. I then looked up at the sky to see the sun starting to rise.
     "Do... do you think anything will happen to us?" I questioned as I closed my eyes, a soft breeze whipping my hair aground as it flew by.
     It was silent for a second before I felt someone's hand on my shoulder, causing me to dip my head to the ground lightly.
     "I guess you can say I'm a little nervous." I whispered.
     Though it was true that we had gone on missions before, protecting each other and such, we had never been in a war... and the biggest battle was about to begin.
     "Darlin nothing's gonna happen to us, I promise you that." Jesse whispered as he softly turned me around. My eyes shifted around and I noticed that Genji was no where to be found. Guess he was already helping uncle with the weapons and the other troops.
     "Jesse... I'm scared." For the first time in my life I looked up at him with a slight fear in my eyes. He noticed to because his eyes widened as he stared down at me, his gaze softening. He then pulled me into his chest and embraced me, his vanilla sent filling my nose as I took in a breath. He set his chin on my head, letting out a sigh as he did so.
     "I'll always protect you darlin... even if I have to die for it." He murmured as he slightly pushed me away, still holding onto me as he did so. He then lifted my chin up with his hand and stared at me, and I stared back at him. His deep chocolate brown eyes wavered and his hair flickered slightly in the wind.
     Before he could do anything, we both herd Uncle call out his name, indicating that it was time for him to go. I looked up at him and nodded, pulling his hat down to cover his eyes. A smile on my face.
     "(Y/N)!" He whined as he tilted his hat back up, a soft smile on his lips. He then reached down and ruffled my hair, earning a whine to escape my lips as well.
     "Jesse!" I mimicked back, causing the two of us to let out a fit of giggles. I then let out a sigh and bowed slightly, lifting my upper body back up quickly after I did so.
     "Well Jesse... I'll see you on the battle feild."

I'd like to apologize! Uhhh for not updating and making this a short part! I'm disappointed in myself too, don't worry. But I am going to make the next part REALLY big. But the reason I was late is because of medical issues and all that shizaz. So sorry! But anyways that's all for now! I hope you all enjoyed! Stay tuned for next time and as always... WOLF OUT!

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