~Chapter 28~

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Your POV

    I felt myself gasp as I felt my body take another step forward, my hand reaching out.
    "H-Hey Wait!" I called out to the disappearing person, my voice loud and curious. But also on edge. It's not everyday that some random person knows your name... especially someone who looks so sketchy.
    The man stoped mid evaporation, part of his body still floating in the air as small particles. He stared at me for a second before I spoke up again.
    "You never answered my question, only a few people know my name, and they are either dead, or extremely close to me. So how the hell do you know my name." I questioned darkly as I gripped my gun, my gaze hardening as I glared at him. The man didn't seem effected but shifted his head sharply as I heard a voice in the background.
     "(Y/n)! Where are ya darlin?" I heard Jesse call out from behind me. I shifted my body, trying to see him. But when I found out he wasn't in sight I turned back to the man, only to see that he was gone, the black particles floating in the sky and then leaving.
     I stared in awe for a second, my eyes wide as confusion formed on my face. I didn't know how long I stood like that- my mind swarming with questions that I didn't have the answers to. It was until I felt someone grab ahold of my hand that I was pushed out of my daze.
I turned, meeting jesses chocolate brown eyes. His face was covered in concern as he gripped my hand. I shook my head, trying to get my Mind at ease.
"Yallright sugar?" He questioned while looking behind me. I shook my head, letting out a heavy sigh.
"Yea I'm fine- I just thought I saw something. It was nothing. How did you-" he cut me off by chuckling, turning around and walking away, me following after quickly... he seemed to be in a hurry to get out of this place.
"Genji said you had fallen behind, thought I would escort you back. Plus this place seems creepy" He mumbled as I began to walk next to him. I looked up at him, a soft smile on my face, but guilt began to stretch across my chest. I wanted to tell him about the encounter- but then he would go off into a search. Winston and Angela needed to be told first, then we could begin with defenses. Who knows how long that guy had been watching me- or the base for that matter. We only were just rebuilding.
"Yep- pretty creepy" I whistled put as one of my mechanic hand reached down and grabbed his own hand, instinctively wrapping around his. He returned the jester before speaking again.
     "We've gotten plenty done, base is almost fully operational- besides the fact that it's a secret from the Government. I mean, they know we're rebuilding but Winston has managed to build a cloaking device over the base. From above it looks like it's in ruins. He just put it up today." He finished with a hum. At this point, the base was in sight, and it did look a lot better compared to when we first got here. Broken windows were repaired, and the rusted outside was fixed with new metal. It also seemed like Winston decided to put up a few defenses at the top. Turrets... or maybe those were shield generators. Part of me didn't want to find out.
     "Got your mask on darlin?" Jesse questioned stupidly. I looked at him, rolling my white eyes (with the mask on of course). he continued to walk, oblivious to my amusement.
    "Jesse look into my eyes real quick." I told him while turning my head. His eyes locked to mine, and for a few seconds he seemed confused before his face lit up in realization. I began to laugh as he stuttered in embarrassment, his cheeks flailing up as he reached up for his hat.
     "Jesse this is why I love you" I sighed out happily, not showing any other type of affection considering many people could see us now. He looked at me and winked before whispering under his breath.
     "Right back at you darlin." He smiled. He then jogged forward, making it seem like all he wanted to do was talk to me, which I was grateful for. I continued to walk, still fairly close to the tree line before I felt a wave of energy drain from my body. I paused, and turned seeing Eclipse with his back turned to me, along with... Midnight.
     They were crouched down to the ground, ears up, and eyes wide, not moving a muscle. I crouched as well, knowing fully well that people at the base could see me, and that something dangerous was close by. Funny how they just now showed up. Guess the other guy wasn't that much of a threat.
     I put one of my hands down on the grass, hitting the dirt with two quiet thunks, causing one large cat to look at me, followed by the other, not used to the new stealthy ways I had taught Eclipse.
    I pointed at the panther. tapping two of my fingers together and pointing left, to which he nodded and quietly snuck off. I then looked at Midnight, who observed Eclipse, but then looked back at me. I made the same hand motion, but told her to go to the left, to which she nodded and went off.
     I turned my head, seeing Jesse with his eyes squinted, staring at where I sent the two cats off. I turned and nodded at him, watching him turn and run into the building, hopefully finding some back up. I don't know what was in the trees, but it was enough to make Eclipse and midnight on edge.
    I then stood up, and walked forward, my eyes shifting back and forth within the tree line, looking for any sign of movement. The atmosphere seemed to get tense- eyes were definitely on me. And not those of people I knew.
All I could hear were the leaves crunching under my feet as I began to walk under the trees, listening. I didn't stop as I walked into the dense brush, knowing that now I couldn't be seen from the base now.
Then everything changed. I pushed myself to the side, watching as an... arrow flew past my head, hitting a tree with a loud thunk. I felt my eyes widen for a split second before they narrowed. Now I knew where the bitch was.
I flexed my hands, watching as claws erupted from them. I let out a whistle and there was a loud roar, and in a split second a man jumped over me, a bow and arrow in hand as he aimed for my head. His eyes were tense and narrow, and he had a man bun. Nice small beard....
My hand shot up, grabbing the arrow and slashing it in half, a low growl coming from my throat as I glared at him He narrowed his eyes even more and he began to run towards the base, very quickly I might add.
"Oh no you don't bitch. Eclipse! Midnight! Let's go!" I yelled out while running after the man, dodging arrows as he shot them back at us. Eclipse and midnight ran in front of me, jumping over logs as they got closer and closer. Soon enough they jumped into the open, only a few feet away from the man. I watched in horror as the man pulled back his bow, and shot an arrow- missing midnight nearly- But hitting Eclipse in the stomach.
Everything went in slow motion as the panthers eyes widened, his body falling down to the ground and rolling over a few times. Midnight turned her head, eyes wide and mouth agape as she landed and ran to him, looking at me in pain. I felt tears prick my eyes as my legs began to run faster, rage filling my head and heart.
I jumped over eclipse and midnight who was doing her best to keep him alive. The man had stopped at this point, shooting another arrow at me, but I didn't dodge it. It hit my face mask but bounced off of it.
"What the-" I grabbed his bow, my white eyes glaring at him with such hatred as I slashed over the weapon, breaking it. He watched, wide eyes as his weapon was destroyed to easily. I then punched him hard across the face, watching as he went flying to the ground, a loud groan coming from his mouth, blood slightly trickling down from his mouth. He tried to stand before I leaned over him, claws over his throat. I was ready to kill, and I was going to as well until I was stopped
"Yame nasai!" I heard Genji yell as he ran to us, Jesse by his side. I turned my head, only to get kicked across the face. Though I guess my claws got the last laugh as they cut against the mans arm. I felt my body hit the ground, causing the wind to be knocked out of me, groaning. I felt large arms wrap around me, keeping me as place as Genji stood in between the two of us. The man was lifted up by The cyborg, who you could tell was pissed.
The man looked confused before his eyes widened and he looked between Genji and I. It was at this moment I knew who this man was and pushed Jesse off of me, and ran to the side to where Eclipse was. I fell to my knees my arms immediately going to stop the bleeding, applying pressure. He was breathing quickly, and blood was leaking from his mouth.
"No no no no no!" I cried out as I turned my head, pain etched on what little of my face you could see. Jesse and Genjis eyes widened before the ninja looked at his brother.
"what have you done!" Genji called out while rushing over to me, Jesse following after. At this point I had lifted Eclipse off of the ground, grunting as I turned and ran to the base, Midnight following after. I had the power to heal him. But not so deep. I needed time and a place to concentrate if I wanted to keep him alive. I pushed past Genji and Jesse, glaring at Genjis brother as the doors to the base slid open for me.
I rushed into the med bay, watching as Angela turned only to have her eyes widen. I rushed to the nearest bed and set him down gently, hearing the panther groan as he scrunched his eyes shut.
"Angela I need space" I spoke out before she could ask anything. I began to roll up my sleeves, watching as midnight disappeared, giving me more energy.
"Vhat happened?" She questioned. I glared at her.
"Ask the new recruit, now please leave." I growled out. Her eyes widened, and reluctantly she left. I watched the door close as I looked at Eclipse, who was panting heavily.
"This will hurt, ok? I whispered. His eyes opened and looked at me before nodding. I then let out a heavy and shaky sigh, taking off my mask and setting it down quickly. I blinked and reached my shaky hands forward.
I then grabbed ahold of the arrow, pulling it out quickly, hearing the rip of flesh from his stomach. I felt tears drip down my face as Eclipse let out a pained roar, shaking the room and whatever was out of it. After that, the door opened and Genji and Jesse ran in, followed by Angela who had an apologetic expression. The two men began talking at the same time, making my head swirl. They rambled, and Angela joined in, trying to get them to leave. I felt anger rise in my chest and Eclipse let out another pained groan, his head tilting to the side as he scrunched his eyes closed. I then felt energy drain from my head.
"Just Give Me Space!" I cried out, tears leaking from my eyes as a blast of white surrounded me, black stripes flashing across my eyes as a bubble formed around Eclipse and I.
    It was quiet. I couldn't hear anything, just Eclipse and I. I didn't know what happened but I did know that now I had the concentration to do what I needed to do.
I closed my eyes and focused on his heart beat, which was growing fainter. I began to seal the wound, but it would take awhile. I had to steady his heart, keep him breathing, and seal the wound. And that would take awhile.
"Hang on Eclipse"

Howdy y'all! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Sorry it took so long! But I bet you guys didn't see that coming did ya! Wonder what's gonna happen? What was that bright light? Who knows! See y'all later! Wolf out!

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