~Chapter 31~

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Your POV

"You" I heard myself growl out as my gaze hardened on the man in front of me. My hands clenched into fists but I held them firmly at my side. I didn't plan on killing anyone today- well not anyone we were allied to. Wether I liked it or not, this man was now part of overwatch and I had to treat him as such.
    He was different from the first time we met. Instead of wearing his traditional attire he was in a long sleeved shirt- except the sleeves were rolled up. He wore dark colored jeans- slightly ripped, and Sandles... he looked as if he had just woken up from a nap- except his hair was well done and he looked surprised to see me. His eyebrows rose for a split second.
    His mouth parted slightly before I spoke up, taking a step forward. He looked down at me, glaring slightly- his eyebrows facing down words
    "You mother fucker. Your ass is lucky that Genji is blood related to you or I would have you skinned alive." I growled out. He flinched slightly at my words from the looks of it- probably from my tone if I'm being honest. I pushed past him, purposely ramming my shoulder into his arm, causing him to stumble slightly, but not enough to really notice. I took a corner, knowing he wasn't following me before I let out the breath I was holding. The pain of Eclipse flashed across my mind causing me to take in a sharp breath.
    I regained my composure and continued my journey, stopping when i came across the training rooms. There were a few people doing their usual thing, but then there was the older gentleman I saw earlier. He was punching a practice dummy, very hard I might add. But his hits were clean, and clear. The man knew how to throw a punch.
    Beside him was an assistant that Angela had taken under her wing. Though she had healing powers she still taught as many people as she could about Medicine and first aid. She had a few now- I havent really met any of them. But knowing Angela, she speaks about me.
I pushed my hand against a button, waiting for the door to open at my touch- but it didn't. I narrowed my eyes and let out a heavy sigh.
     "Athena, please open the Training room 12 door- I have yet to get my new hands locked with the system." I grumbled out. I heard a robotic chuckle as the door opened. I thanked her and walked in, already getting a few glances. Ignoring them, I made my way next to the man, not gazing at him, but at the practice dummy next to him that wasn't being used. Then without warning, the girl popped up in front of me, taking him a huge breath.
     "Good morning commander Felidae! It's a pleasure to see you here- would you mind if I scanned your vitals?... Mercy was going to wait a few days to get a training check up but she said if you went to train- I should ask. So?..." she rambled before I lifted my hand telling her to stop. She shut her mouth and smiled slightly, going and taking the small tests that needed to be done. I couldn't help built shift my gaze a few times to the man a little ways away. The way he moved... it was familiar.
     After checking everything the nurse smiled once again.
     "Thank you commander Felidae, I'll get these to Mercy right away. Though she will want a personal checkup soon. Have a great rest of the day!" She then scurried out of the room, taking her data and stuff with her. I let out a sigh and stood up from my sitting position and looked at the practice dummy once again.
    After getting it situated to where it wouldn't fall over I began to punch, lightly at first. There was no point in wrapping my hands because well- they are not made out of flesh. But I still felt the impact.
     I continued this, waiting for the man to stop but he never did. He continued to throw punches, not slowing down, and just as hard. I was curious now. Surely he had to be skilled in hand to hand combat... but where did he learn it?
I let out a sigh and decided to finish up, realing in one more punch before I threw it as hard as I could. The sound of tearing sounded throughout the room as the large dummy went flying back, hitting the wall. I felt the collision hit my hand, and shoot through my arm, but it didn't hurt. It was satisfying.
Hundreds of little metal beads came from the spot that I had hit, spilling to the ground and rolling. But- thanks to winstons tech, they rolled to a certain area of the room where they were quickly sucked up, and put into a new dummy that had been made.
I let out a few huffs before turning on my heal and walking to the exit, glancing at the older man. He looked at me and we gazed at each other for a second before I turned my head and kept walking, knowing that a few beads of sweat were dripping down my face.
     I felt rage- I guess that's why I went into the training room in the first place... to get rid of it. But clearly that didn't work. I let a frustrated sigh, heading to my old room, dodging a few people that I didn't know, getting a few scared and worried glances. I really didn't care at the moment.
    The door opened quickly for me- and I found myself scurrying to the window and opening it, pushing myself out and climbing to the roof. I wanted peace, but with the life I was living it was hard.
     "Well you have seen better days" I herd Genji call out calmly as I walked up to him, quietly sitting down beside him. His legs were crossed, and his hands were resting upon his knees. It seems as if I interrupted his meditation. I let out a heavy sigh mixed with a groan.
    "You have got no clue." I let out another quiet sigh while sitting next to him, pulling my knees to my chest. He shifted his head slightly, urging me to continue what ever I was talking about. I took in a breath.
    "I just- I guess you can say I'm pretty stressed. I'm a commander now." I chucked out at the end. This got his attention and he now had shifted his head to me. He reached up and took of his mask, putting his down gently. His eyes were wide, and his mouth was parted. He was surprised to say the least.
    "That's- that's great though. Why are you upset about it?" He questioned while grabbing ahold of my hand, squeezing it. I shook my head slightly before returning the gesture.
    "I'm not really upset by it- more... we'll I mean. I never thought I would be even close to being a commander and... well fuck how do you live up to Jack, Gabe and Anna?" I blurted out, my voice rising slightly as I waved my hands frantically, letting go of Genjis in the process. I felt his hand fall to my shoulder, a soft smile on his face. He let out a sigh.
"Jack, Gabe and Anna were wonderful commanders... the best I have ever met." He spoke. I frowned- this wasn't really helping my situation. But then he spoke once more.
"But they are not you. You know when you have pushed not only yourself, but others to far. You know what needs to be done. Your quick, and smart. And you know what it's like for most people to survive on their own. No wonder they made you a commander because your not like Anna. Your not jack and you are most definitely not Gabe. Your
(Y/n)." The best Overwatch has for offense at the moment- and not including Jesse. And in my opinion that is..." I felt my eyes widen at his last statement as I shifted my head to his direction. He smiled slightly before taking in a long sigh.
"No wonder they want you as strike commander." He chuckled slightly. I looked at him for a few seconds, eyes wide and my mouth parted. He closed his eyes and continued to meditate, leaving me to my thoughts. I then came to a conclusion, and stood up, patting Genjis shoulder.
      Kyōdai arigatō" I smiled out knowing he could hear me. He shifted his head to the side slightly and nodded, just enough so I would notice it. I let out a hum and continued walking to the ladder, where I climbed down and back into my old room. I let out a sigh.
    I sat on my bed for a few seconds- realizing very quickly that the whole room had not been cleaned in a long time. Dust flew up from the comforter and into my nose, causing me to sneeze. I stood and began to leave the room before I ran into someone.
    "Oh- Howdy sugar-" I shushed the cowboy before looking up and down the hallway, seeing that no one was in the area. I then pulled him into the room, confusion lacing his face.
    "What-" I cut him off by kissing him, deeply. His eyes widened at the Sudden display of affection before he quickly returned the kiss, wrapping his arms around my waist. He pulled me close but before anything could get heated I pulled back, a smile on my face.
    "Sorry about that, I had some stress I needed to get rid of before I do something I might get in trouble for." I rambled out. Jesse looked at me curiously as I pulled away from his grasp- much to his displeasure, and walked to the wall that was separating me and Jesses room.
    "Because I am a commander now... we- we cannot he seen together as a couple- at least not for awhile." I spoke to him softly, my metallic hand going up to touch the ring that was on my finger- the one that he gave me so long ago. I looked back at him to see his face slightly pale- and he looked a little heartbroken. I began to panic and opened my mouth to speak once again.
    "But I found a solution to that." I quickly spoke while a blue and black mist surrounded my hands. He seemed relieved as he let out a heavy huff. But he also was curious.
The mist swirled from my hands and began to form a large creature, six glowing eyes following in the transformation. A large creature erupted from the mist, almost touching the large ceiling.
Jesse- before I- was immediately pushed to the ground my three heads, a loud groan coming from his mouth at the impact. I began chuckling slightly as the large chimera loved on him, three heads rubbing against his own face.
"Alright Elota, Farica, and Onika- I know it's been awhile but after you help me you can attack him all you want." I chuckled out while pointing to the wall. The large creatures heads all nodded before she trotted over to the wall, looking at it for a quick second. She then backed up slightly and with all her force rammed herself against the wall, causing it to fall quickly.
It surprised me that the whole think came off. I expected the large creature to make a huge hole but taking the whole wall down was better than that. She stumbled- not expecting the wall to come down that easy. All three heads stared at their destruction, wide eyed before turning back to look at me. I smiled letting them know it was alright as I pat the side of the large beast.
      "Thank you. We will play later today alright?" I smiled sweetly. The large creature seemed saddened but nodded. I patted Elotas head, her eyes shining at the attention
     "I know it's been rough... I promise, once everything's settles down we will chill alright?" I spoke softly, me eyes shifting Over to Jesse for a split second. His eyes were wide and he was holding onto his hat. Hope that was a big enough surprise?...
     The large creature disappeared and I wrote a note in the back of my head to call her once more in the future. I fully turned to Jesse a slight blush on my face as I spoke.
     "I don't wanna lose you Jess- so if having two doors to a bedroom is the best way to sleep with you then so be it. I love you, and I'm not going to let this get in the way of it." I whispered while walking up to him, a soft smile on my face. I felt his arms wrap around and pull me close, the scent of vanilla filling my nose.. he rarely smoked anymore, but that wonderful smell still stuck to him like glue. He kissed my forehead.
     "It's perfect darlin."

Damn it took forever to make this, I couldn't figure out how to make it- the chapter I mean. I hope you all had happy holidays! A little late but I still wish it! Next chapter will be out soon! As always I hope you all enjoyed, I'll see y'all later!

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