~Chapter 18~

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Little bit of contex! We're gonna speed things. WAYYYY UP. Like- to where the house is built and all that fun shizaz. Because idk bout y'all, but it seems to get a little boring don't u think? so. Why don't we, spice things up a bit? 😉

Your POV

I was cold- that was for sure. The sky was dark, and tiny dots of white glittered it. Though from underneath water, it looked more at ease than it actually did. It was nice. But sooner of later, my lungs needed to breathe
I took in a gasp of air as I surfaced the water of the small pond that we had claimed for our own. Cold air attacked my face, causing me to shiver slightly. A morning swim was probably not a good idea- but it got the job done at waking me up. I had work this morning.
I shook my head and pulled my wet hair back, a sigh escaping my lips and I turned at looked at the home Jesse and I had made for ourselves, together
It was medium sided- just perfect for two people. On the outside it was made with logs of wood that we had managed to take down. Their were some windows from the kitchen and the front door- we had bought those in town. The door was also made- but Jesse mostly did the layout and such. I decorated the place because I think we all know that man has no sense of style. The inside was perfect for us, just splashed of a little Walker and McCree magic.
"(Y/n) get your ass in here- heavens sake it's WINTER." I heard the cowboy call from the front porch of the house, his arms crossed, making him look a lot like a disappointed mother watching her son play in the mud. I shifted my head to look at him and noticed that he was only was only in a Shirt and boxers- his lay around clothing... or his Night wear.
I let out another sigh and stood up in the water, allowing my shorts and and tank top stick to my body. We didn't really need swimsuits so what was the point? We have enough clothing and sense we haven't bought much recently, we had enough money to buy more.
    Though he was right. It was cold, and I could already feel my body start to shake. Quickly, I made my way out of the water and began to walk up to the front of the porch, my breath hanging in the air like a puff of smoke as my feet touched the frost covered grass. I guess it rained last night, how could I not notice that.
Before I could talk to him I felt a warm towel hit me in the face, causing me to let out a gasp. While closing my eyes, My hands reached up as I took in a breath of the warmth, relaxing as I felt the heat spread throughout my body.
I pulled down the towel and wrapped it around my shoulders, sighing happily at the warmth. I opened my eyes and noticed Jesse leaning against the doorway with a soft smile on his face.
"Sense you do this every morning, and it was especially cold this morning, I thought I would throw it in the dryer. Your lucky we just managed to get it installed" he huffed out while walking back inside, my cold self following after as I dried myself in the process.
I took a look at my familiar surroundings. Our little cabin was perfect in both of our eyes. And after a year and a half worth of work, we had things you would be surprised about. For one thing we had plenty of electricity- and that was mainly from me. After installing a power generator and such- I cheated and called in a friend to boost it... I can always summon them again if it needs to happen.
Another thing is we had water, and we had our own spring for it two basically. Our little lake/pond was perfect for getting all the water we needed. But we still had to be carful around winter because of the pipes freezing up.... plus I guess I should mention we don't use the well.. lake water. We use it from a small pond upstream that always floods. So that we don't contaminate the water when we take a swim.
On the inside of the house to the left was our living room, with a couch, a bookshelf with a few of Jesse and I's favorites. In front of the couch was a TV we had bought when furnishing the place. We had a few westerns with a few kids movies because duh, I lived here as well. I needed my entertainment if books were not going to be enough.
To the right was a kitchen, with a sink, a fridge, stove, oven and all that fun shizaz. We had a few pots and pans, but not that much silverware considering their were only two of us.
In the middle of both open rooms, their was a hallway that lead to the bathroom and our bedroom. The bathroom had nothing much, the just the necessary needs. A toilet, sink, and a small shower. So the place was pretty small.... we did have a cabinent in their as well that held a two brushes, two toothbrushes, some toothpaste, and some clips for Jesse and I's hair.... he likes his hair up sometimes when we took a dip. Hell, his hair was long enough for it.
And then we had the second biggest room, Jesse and I's bedroom. Because after dating for over a year we decided that their was no need for two beds. Plus we have slept in the same bed before so it wasn't out of the ordinary.
The bed room had two dressers, two end tables and a nice queen bed. We didn't need a king considering I was pretty small compared to Jesse and we cuddled a bunch. Anyways, their were a few pictures throughout the house here and their. Some of Jesse and I from our Blackwatch days, a few from now and one from when we basically first met. One of him very happy and me with a sarcastic smile, my eyes laced with annoyance even in the picture.
"Darlin, if you don't get ready I think your gonna be late." I heard Jesse Holler from the kitchen, a bowl of cereal in one hand and a spoon in the other. I looked at the clock and gasped- shit it was almost six.
     Quickly, I ran into our shared bedroom, stripping off my wet clothing as I closed the door, much to Jesses pleasure for a quick second. I then, after drying myself off with a towel, began to pull out my work clothing which consisted of a light baby blue collared shirt, and black skinny jeans.
     I pulled my wet hair into a pony tail, knowing that it would dry on the way to work, I then pulled on some underwear and a bra, throwing on my clothing after I did so.
"(Y/n)?" I heard Jesse call out as I practically ran outside of the room, stopping to look in the mirror as I did so. I looked fine for work at least. No need for makeup.
"Yea Jess?" I smiled out as I fixed my hair slightly while slowing down to stand in front of him. He smiled and kissed my forehead, causing me to blush and my smile to grow.
"Be safe, I'll come into town later today, alright?" He smiled softly as he opened the door for me. I smiled and nodded, shouting a "love you" as I ran off.
     Luckily, I was smart enough to saddle up and feed Hades before I took a dip. And he was already awake and out of his morning mood, so that was also good.
    "Morning boy." I smiled as I patted the side of his neck, earning a soft snort to come from his nostrils. I  then hauled myself onto the saddle, double checking to make sure everything was in place and secure. Everything seemed to be alright.
    "Alright, lets get going." I sighed out as the male horse began trotting forward, his head held a little higher than normal which confused me slightly, but eh. If Hades was in a good mood, that meant I wouldn't have to deal with a hissy fit or anything like that.... not that he had a lot.

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