~Chapter 21~

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Your POV fren! I hope you enjoy~

    "So it's decided that after this we will head back?..." I questioned Restlessly as I leaned backwards in the booth Jesse and I had found ourselves in. There was no one in the dinner we rested in for a hot minute, just Jesse and I having a quiet conversation, and a cup of coffee.Which was nice, we rather enjoyed being underneath a roof.... plus we haven't had coffee in a long ass time.
    I tilted my head slightly as I heard a nearby jukebox move from within, picking a song from what I could guess. But it's clicking and movement brought along a song I knew from awhile ago. Reunion.. nice tune. Haven't heard it in awhile either.
     The nearby phone was hanging lose, an annoying beeping coming from it but honestly I could care less. More important matters were being dealt with.
    "Yep, I think it will be fun." Jesse smiled as he looked at me. I smiled back and continued to look around the dinner. There was an apple pie that had a piece taken out of it, that being Jesses fault. He decided to have a snack before our little... well...
     I let out a sigh and blinked my eyes, but not before watching Jesse take a bite of his pie, slowly I might add. His hat was hanging on the seat behind him, along with his belt. It was nice to see the person you love enjoy there time so much.
     Sighing happily, I reached for my cup of coffee and took a sip, Jesse doing the same and winking at me, causing me to chuckle and blush. He shifted his eyes to the clock, but quickly back to me. It was pretty easy to tell that he was impatient as much as I was, but then again. He was taking his time.
    I tilted my head again and looked outside, watching Jesse go for another bite of his pie, but not before the loud horn of a train came running out of a nearby tunnel. His fork froze in place, and my eyes wandered to the train lazily.
     There was a large explosion, causing me to smile slightly and close my eyes. I felt the ground shake slightly as rubble fell from the sky and impacted the ground. Then, as if an earthquake came to kill us both, part of the train fell as well, causing dust to fly up outside through the glass doors.
     I let out a chuckle as Jesse continued to slowly eat his pie, his eyebrows raised as he set his fork to the side and stood up the grab his hat and belt, throwing a coin on the table. I reached for the small chip he left behind, putting it in my pocket for safe keeping.
    I then reached for the small black bandana that was around my neck, pulling it up slightly, but not enough to cover my mouth. It was something I picked up at a nearby gas station, thought it fitted my outfit.
Jesse held the sliding doors open, bowing slightly and motioning me to go forward, to which I did with a smirk. I then kissed him quickly, and scooted out of the way, watching him shake his head as he followed, the sound of a bell going off as the doors closed on there own.
I let out a quiet whistle as the smoke had turned dark now, and we could now see the damage. It was pretty bad, but luckily, no one who could get hurt was on the train. But on the ground...
"Eclipse" I smiled out as the black panther made himself present in a puff of blue smoke. I winked at him and he seemed to smirk, running into the dark smoke.
"Midnight." I turned my head to the side to see the black lioness also smirking at me, following Eclipse into the smoke, but not before nodding her head at me. Jesse looked at me curiously, to which I winked at him.
We walked out of the smoke a little bit, both surprised that we were not caught immediately. Then again, we were still covered pretty well. There were a few boys hauling the luggage from the train, all of them banged up to look like nasty people, but the one Jesse and I had our eyes on was looking at a few grenades like a kid on Christmas. I nudged Jesse, and he put on a serious face. He then cleared his throat, causing the boy to look up at us
"Huh?... Ashe!" The boy cried out as he got up and ran away, dropping the Grenades as he did so. I puffed out my cheeks, trying to keep myself from laughing.
"Ashe! We got trouble!" The boy shook out as he turned and pointed at us. I shifted my gaze, a glare coming from my eyes as a woman turned with Snow White hair and way to much eyeshadow and mascara for her own good.
I paused for a second, staring at the bandana wrapped around her mouth, looking at Jesse who refused to make eye contact and walked forward. Me following suit, my eyes scanning the area.
"Jesse McCree. Been awhile." The woman called out as she took of the bandana, showing a red lipstick... ew. Wayyyy to much.
"You promised you'd write." The woman smirked out. I tilted my head and crossed my arms, my eyebrows raising. I was not impressed so far. Not at all.
"Well Ashe." Jesse reached up and lit a cigar, allowing me to smell the sweet vanilla that I had associated him with. He then let out a puff of smoke, winking, causing me to glare at him slightly.
"I've been kinda busy." He spoke. It was about that time that Ashe noticed I was there, and glared at me. I gladly returned the favor, and my smirk widened. Glad to know she could see me over my boyfriends charming looks.
"We're kind of busy our selves. It's an awful convenience you and... your new toy showing up today." I felt myself hunch over and let out a loud laugh, causing Jesse to look down at me and cover his mouth, him also laughing, his shoulders going up and down.
The woman stared at us with wide and confused eyes, along with the rest of her group. I let out a happy sigh and stood back up straight, my hand reaching up to wipe a tear from my eye.
"Yea... you've never been one to shy away from a good tip." Jesse spoke after getting his act together, completely ignoring what she had said, which I was fine with. I'll get my fun either way.
"Hey! We worked hard for this score. You best move on now. Both of you." She spoke while holding her gun... it looked like a shotgun kind of, but long like a rifle. Custom made, that's for sure. And the robot beside her also looked like it. Jesse let out a huff.
"All we want, is that crate. Everything else is yours." Jesse smiled while taking his cigar out and pointing it at her. He smiled and leaned back slightly, her cocky attitude showing off a lot.
"This crate?" She smirked and hit it with her gun, to which I tended slightly, bad move on your part honey. I really would like to slap her....
"Aw...Bob." She spoke as the large robot quietly, and quiet adorably pressed the button on the crate with one finger, causing it to open and let out some mist.
I watched as Ashe peered into what she thought was hers, and her red eyes widened slightly, and her smirk faded away slightly. And the robot who I guessed was bob blinked a few times, tipping his head to the side. I want him.
"Well well, now you've got my attention. What is it." She demanded as her eyes shifted between the two of us, I heard a low growl, and almost turned. I could not blow there cover, not now.
"That's none of your business sweetheart." I smiled out sweetly. I blinked a few times as she hopped down from what has holding the few crates she had, taking a few steps towards us.
"Far as I see it, now it's very much our business." She growled out, her eyebrows arching forward as she glared at me, to which I smiled innocently at her. Jesse let out a sigh and rolled his eyes
"Doesn't always have to be this way Ashe." Jesse called our whole putting his cigar back into his mouth. Ashe took another few steps forward.
"Apparently." She then cocked her gun.
"It does." She spoke, trying to play over my sweet tone, Jesse reaches for peacekeeper and kept his hands there, while I held my hands out to the side.
Bob jumped down from the payload, and the boy who snitched us out got behind her, trying to look intimidating. I almost choked on my spit as the robot pulled out a "Route 66" sign from the ground as a weapon.
I felt my eyes shifted as I heard footsteps from behind us, and looked to the side to see a sniper aiming for us. I moved my right hand to the side slightly, knowing fully well what I was doing.
We stood there for a few seconds, staring each other down. I almost let out a chuckle as a tumbleweed just decided to pass by us. But I knew what we were waiting on. I felt a soft tick on my wrist, and then the battle began.
Instantly, everyone pulled out or aimed there weapons, Jesse firing forward while I turned around and disabled the two behind us, throwing the guns to the side and shooting one of them in the leg, just to prove a point.
I saw the boy hiding near Ashe fall against her, and she pushed him to the side, yelling something at him. Jesse rolled to the side, and pulled out a flash grenade, throwing it at Bob and Ashe.
I smirked as I heard a loud roar and screaming. Well the sniper is taken care of, that's for sure. I looked up and ducked, aiming at a rope that was holding the train in place. After a few seconds, it came crumbling down, causing a few of the men to scramble and panic, and a nearby cliff to let some debris fall.
I let out a chuckle as Ashe let out a frustrated yell, shooting at Jesse who was hurrying to get to where I was. She began shooting at him, but all she hit were some holders falling. He turned and shot a few times, but bob held out his sign and deflected them, Ashe hiding behind him.
"Bob! Do somthin!" She yelled out. I felt my eyes raise as I saw the omnic put down the sign and his hand turned into a large gun. I began to yell out Jesses name, but watched as Midnight jumped from the cliff and onto bob, sinking her claws into his neck and bitting on the gun.
Jesse jumped behind the rock I was hiding behind, throwing away his cigar.
"Looks like bobs gotten a few upgrades." He mumbled out while re loading his revolver. I let out a chuckle as Midnight jumped over us and hid, her mouth and paws covered in oil.
"Not the cinnamon roll, I quite like bob." I smiled while leaning against the rock, ducking as I felt a bullet fly over my head
"Smoke them out of there!" I heard the bitch names Ashe call out, causing me to let out a sigh. I looked over as I reloaded my gun, immediately shooting the sniper who was somehow still moving.
"Last chance McCree and who ever you are!" She called while firing at us, Jesse flinching as it his the rock. I looked down and smiled, nudging Jesse in the arm. He looked down and smirked.
"Throw out your weapons! She yelled again. Jesse smirked at me and nodded, his head turning to respond to the cocky bastard
"Alright Ashe! Here it comes!" Jesse yelled out as he grabbed the belt of grenades and threw them high into the air after them. Time seemed to go slow as he did so.
"Oh shoot!" Ashe yelled out as I jumped over the rock and shot each grenade a smile on my face as they all blew up, knocking out the whole gang we were up against. I let out a happy laugh and let out a spin as the heat reached my face, my guns being put away. Nice going me.
I let out a surprised gasp as I felt Jesse grab me by the waist and pulled my into a kiss, my arms instinctively reaching up to pull him closer.
"Have I ever told you how much I love you?" He chuckled while pulling away. I smiled and kissed him again, letting out a hum as a response.
"Alright cowboy, lets tie them up before they wake up. Also, you have more explaining to do about this." I called out as I practically ripped off Ashes bandana, the words "Deadlock" hanging off of it. He looked to the side and nodded, walking over and helping my tie up the little group, and dismantle bob.
"Not the cinnamon roll." I cried out jokingly as Jesse set the dismantled head on some rope. At this time, somehow Ashe had woken up. Before she could start rambling, I managed to get the crate Jesse and I needed off.
"McCree" she raised her voice and I turned to her. A smirk on my face as I walked up to her. I had no regrets. What's so ever.
"Aww it's ok Snow White! You'll get it next time." I smiled as she growled at me while Jesse gave bob his bowler hat back. I smirked as she began yelling at the both of us, Jesse turning on the payload and the little group being carried off.
"Say hi to what's left of the gang for us." I growled, now knowing that the deadlock gang had once again risen... but I was curious, who was part of it?...
"Hey asshole! Don't open that, I'm the one with the chip." I chuckled out as Jesse sighed jokingly. I reached into my back pocket and pulled out the little chip, staring down at the crate Jesse and I had gotten back. I held the chip, watching as Jesse presses a button and the blue and white crate once again opened, mist spilling out of it.
I looked at the little white and blue chip and smiled, bending over and putting it in the slot where it belonged, pressing it and watching its creases fade.
My smile grew as I saw a soft blue face appear. And mystic blue eyes with white pupils.
"Hey there you two." A females voice spoke out, causing me to happily jump slightly. I saw Jesse take of his hat, and reach his robotic hand out, a soft happy smile on his face.
"Welcome back, partner." Jesse smiled out as he pulled her out of her little Prison. She wobbled a bit, and I reached out to help her, my robotic fingers twitching slightly.
Her white wing like objects floated from her body, along with herself from the ground. She was still very beautiful and I retracted my hands knowing she could hold herself up. She let out a tune.
"How long have I been gone?" She questioned the both of us, her eyes shifting between us.
"Far to long." Jesse shook his head. Echo then looked down at his arm and her eyes softened as she wrapped her small hands around his own. She then looked at my finger tips and let out a gasp.
"What happened?" I let out a chuckle and took a step forward, my eyes holding a happy gleam within them.
"Well that's a story for another time. But we got a call... we're getting the band back together. They want us. But really, they need you." I spoke quietly, causing her eyes to widen... she's used to my dark personality, it must be weird seeing me like this.
Jesse and I smiled, and turned to walk away, knowing she would take her own path. She's Echo after all.
"Jesse, (Y/n), wait. What are you going to do?..." she questioned while hovering towards us, her eyes full of curiosity as she stared at us.
"We have business to attend to." I smirked as Jesse sat on a nearby motorcycle quickly taking something off of the rim and putting it in his pocket. I followed suit and sat behind him wrapping my arms around him and leaning my head on his shoulder.
"Say hi to the monkey for us!" Jesse called out, causing me to hit him lightly on the shoulder. Echo smiled and playfully called back
"Monkey?" She questioned. I hit Jesse again, who let out a playful groan while putting another cigaret into his mouth.
"Scientists, whatever." He called out while starting the bike. I smiled and kissed him on the cheek looking back and waving at echo who seemed at lose for words... forgot she went missing before Jesse and I got together.
We then took off, me smirking as I looked to the side and saw Eclipse chasing after us, Midnight by his side. They seemed to be having a lot of fun, considering they never really got to run like this.
"Hey that's my bike! McCree!" Ashe screamed out while we passed her. I let out a laugh as Eclipse jumped on the payload and kicked off bobs head, pissing off Ashe even more as he went rolling.
"So, were to now?" I Called out to Jesse curiously. He looked at me as the engine roared, a smirk on his face.
"Home." He yelled as we began to go faster. At this point, I felt Eclipse and Midnight go back, allowing energy to flow through me again. I then realized something.
"We might get to see Genji!"

Hey guys Flame here! I hope you enjoyed this special little chapter, because I know I loved making it. I'm so excited to bring Genji back, but we all know he's going to look very different, to the point where you might not recognize him. But hey! You might not! But again I hope you all enjoyed! Can't wait for the next chapter, and as always WOLF OUT!!

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