~Chaper 10~

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I know a few of you must be a tad bit confused about the last part so lemme clear things up for ya. There heading to Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. I'll go fix that In the previous chapter in a second. Also, I wanted Angela to leave like she did because I'm sure she sees Jesse and (Y/N) as adults. Even at there age- hell they have done many things to prove that. Like- winning a war—
    Anyways, wanted to clear that up! If you have any questions, ask away! But without further a-due, let's continue the story!

Your POV

     I let out a quiet yawn as I packed a small bag that was held on the back of Hades. The soft jingles of the metal hitting one another gave me a soothing atmosphere to work with as I made sure nothing was digging into the horse. After all the past few hours have been just rushing around- trying to gather my belongings and anything else I couldn't live without. Jesse decided to wake me up at two in the morning instead of five that way we could pack.
     Of course I wasn't alone. Eclipse helped carry a few things from my room to outside, where Hades and Rain were at the moment. And Jesse helped as well... even though there wasn't much
     After all, We couldn't bring everything. Just some clothing for the long trip ahead, along with money and a few Valuables. And of course for Jesse that means bringing all of his belt buckles.
     But he was not the only one that was bringing things that others might seem useless.
     "Hey, Hades look at this." I whispered as I leaned on the horse, his large body holding me up with ease.
     His head turned to look what was in my hand, his eyes filled with curiosity as his ears twitched to the sound of me laughing quietly.
     I held the sketch book and went to a certain page, one that had little doodles of Jesse and Eclipse. A small drawing of one of my creatures here and there.
     I flipped through the small pages, smiling softly as I remembered drawing the pictures. Those long nights where I couldn't sleep, where I couldn't get stress out so I decided to show it through my drawings.
     I let out a happy gasp as I came to one certain page. My eyes scanned over the edges of the picture as my robotic fingers traced over it. It was a picture of Jesse, but not just your average doodle. It was extremely detailed, and you could tell exactly who it was. His smile was the same, and his closed eyes gave me a heartwarming smile. it was him from when we first met, from when we first became partners.
Hades nudged me and bobbed his head up and down, causing me to lift my own head up. I panicked as Jesse came walking over, his face holding a wide awake expression... even though it was like- four in the morning. I don't know how he does it.
Quickly, I stuffed the sketchbook with the rest of my drawing supplies, a soft click coming from the bag as I clipped it closed.
"Alright- I've checked my whole room- nothing there that we need. What about you?" He questioned as he fixed a few things that were on Rains back, bags to be precise. I nodded and looked at him for a few seconds. His hat was placed lazily on his head, and he wore different clothing than usual.
"Hey Jesse- what's that on your shoulders?" I questioned as I noticed the strange piece of clothing. Of course- I've seen it on him once or twice but I never got the time to ask what it was. I've seen it in his room as well but decided to never bring it up.
He turned his head to me, his eyes shifting to the ground, and a short wave of sadness seemed to wash over him.
"Ah- uhm. It's a poncho. Boss let me buy it awhile ago when we were on a mission... he said that I needed a little bit more red in my life- sense all i wore was black and because Blackwatch consisted of Black and red... but I didn't want to ever get it messed up ao I rarely wore it. Though now seems like a good time to start using it." he chuckled at the end, his eyes closing as a soft, sad smile as he touched the piece of clothing.
I smiled at him, my eyes softening as I patted Hades on his neck. The horse snorted as I turned and made my way to Jesse, who seemed to be lost at thought
I wrapped my arms around him, causing him to immediately melt into the hug, his head resting on my own as he let out a sigh.
"Kind of hard to believe that we're leaving our home again... ain't it?" He questioned while leaning away slightly, his head turning to where we met our real family... our fallen family.
I nodded, a few tears pricking at my eyes as I did so. I could almost imagine Myself running after Genji for taking one of my things- or perhaps Jesse had said something he shouldn't have.
     I felt a tear slip but before I could wipe it away I felt Jesses hand cup my face, and gently wipe away the stray tear with his thumb. He smiled softly.
     "Don't worry Darlin, we'll make it." He spoke softly before he pecked me on the lips gently, pulling away slowly. His face was flushed slightly as he shifted his gaze to my lips and back to my own eyes.
     I nodded and smiled, my face flushing as well. I knew that I was not used to the affection but something about it seemed to make sense. Like it was suppose to happen.
He coughed while Looking back at Rain and then at Hades, his eyes shimmering slightly as his mood seemed to change back to normal.
"Alright darlin- Y'all ready?" He questioned as he motioned to the large black horse, a small smile placed on his lips as he hauled himself onto Rain.
I nodded and pulled myself onto Hades, a quiet snort coming from the creature as I got comfortable into the saddle. I reached my hand forward and patted Hades neck, earning a whinny to come from the large animal.
     "It... it's to bad we can't tell Genji... I feel so guilty..." I mumbled out just loud enough for Jesse to hear. He looked at me and frowned slightly.
     "Well I mean- do you think Eclipse could track him down?..." he questioned, his voice going higher as he finished talking. I looked at him and then to my side. I saw Eclipse laying in the grass, his tail flicking about as he looked at the two of us. I kind of forgot he was there...
     "I mean— it's Eclipse- he can practically do anything." I told him while looking at the large cat.
     "The only problem is that uh- I don't want to send him that far. Hell, It would take him weeks. I would lose touch with him." I mumbled again, my eyes slanting slightly as I tried to think of a way to tell Genji.
     Suddenly I perked my head up and smiled. I reached my hand up and let a wave of energy surge through it. A ball began to form in my hand causing me to close my eyes. The energy then bursted around my fingers, making me look and see the ball of energy floating in the air, forming a pair of wings.
"Hello Eden" I smiled to the female red tail Hawk. She let out a happy chirp as she flew down and landed on my outstretched arm, carful not to puncture me with her talons.
"This is a new one..." Jesse mumbled under his breath as Rain strode up to stand next to Hades. He looked at the bird in wonder as said bird rubbed against the palm of my hand with her head.
"Oh! This is Eden. I've been working with her for about a year on a messaging system... uncle wanted me to train her in private so we could secretly connect with other Overwatch locations. She did wonderfully with long distance. I'm hoping she can give Genji a message." I smiled as I reached into one of my bags and pulled out a piece of paper with a pen. I wrote down a small note telling Genji where we were going and that if he would like to join us he could. But I knew he wouldn't.
"Alrighty Eden, can you please give a secret to the heavens?" I questioned the familiar instructions. She perked her head up at my words and bobbed her head up and down, a chirp coming from the bottom of her throat as she did so.
I smiled and rolled the small note up, tying it to her leg as I finished. She looked at me, waiting for me to motion for her to go.
"Find Genji" I whispered to her. I then threw my arm in the air, her body rushing upwards as I gave her the boost. She flipped her wings a few times before descending down towards the ground quickly. She made her way to the forest nearby. And just like that, she was gone
"Well. Now Genji should know where we're going." I nodded while smiling. A satisfied look on my face as I looked at Jesse. He smiled and nodded, his hat tilting downward slightly. He reached a hand up and fixed it slightly, a huff coming from his mouth.
     I looked up at the sky and let out a sigh.
     "Alright cowboy. Where too?" I questioned while looking at him. He looked at the sky and nodded slightly.
     "Considering were on the run, we cannot go into any major cities. So I suggest that we take many backroads. It will take awhile to get to our destination on the horses. But one, I could not leave Rain. And two, it's much safer than taking a vehicle and getting pulled over for some reason. We'd be in deep shit if that happened" he mumbled at the end as he looked in the opposite direction of where Eden had flown off.
     I turned my head to be met with a bunch of trees and bushes, but not close enough together that you couldn't walk through them.
    "Stars lead that way" he smiled while slightly tapping Rain with his heals and letting out a click. She began to trot forward, allowing Jesse to take the lead.
     I made sure everything was situated on Hades, double checking his saddle so he wasn't uncomfortable. I then patted his neck.
     "No races for awhile, sorry. Your going to need to have a lot of Energy. Good thing is that this will make up for lost time huh?" I questioned the horse who let out a snort and shook his head gently. He then on his own began to walk forward, causing me to smile slightly.
     "Eclipse? You coming?" I questioned as I turned to the Black Panther who was glaring at me from the grass. He seemed to let out a sigh before getting up and stretching. He then walked up next to Hades and I, his tail flicking back and forth.
     "You know, you could just go back if you would like." I told him, causing him to shift his gaze towards me. He blinked before looking back at our once home. His ears went back slightly and his mouth parted. He then shook his head and began walking after Jesse, leaving me behind slightly.
     He stoped for a second and looked back at the two of us. He then nodded his head in the direction we were suppose to be headed. Jesse was waiting for us at the edge of the tree line.
     "Alright Hades. Let's go"

Welp! There they go, off to there new home. Leaving the base to itself. Wonder if it will ever be used again, huh?
   Well anyways, sorry it took so long! Thanks giving am I right? Or as I like to call it, hungry day.
    I hope you all enjoyed! More parts will be up soon and as always, WOLF OUT!

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