~Chapter 23~

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Your POV

"Ya got everything sugar?" I heard Jesse call to me as he put on his hat, his hands sliding down to secure his belt, his eyes shifting over to me as he did so. He had a slight smile on his face, and looked a little tired. But then again who wouldn't be, we have been on the move for days. And after just getting to sleep, we needed to leave. Thought the good thing was we were very close to the Overwatch base.
     I looked around the room for a second, making sure we had gotten everything before we left. We didn't have much to begin with so it was pretty easy to check.
    "Yea, were good." I spoke back while following him out of the small motel room, closing the door behind me as I did so, and hanging the keys on the door knob. To lazy to return it, after all it was like, five in the morning. But we both got just enough sleep.... even if it wasn't much.
     "Alright, then let's get a move on." He smiled before throwing the keys to the motorcycle in the air and catching them. I let out a chuckle, knowing that he was showing off and followed him, but stoping as he got on and got himself situated. He looked at me confused before I spoke up.
     "I think I'm gonna take one of my creatures. It would be more comfortable for the both of us Yea?" I questioned, causing him to smile and nod. He knew I wasn't a big fan of... Well vehicles. They aren't trustworthy like an animal that is literally mentally attached to you.
      "I'm gonna go on then. You catch up alright?" He told me while starting the large machine up, a loud rumble echoing through the darkness. I nodded, and began walking across the road and into the forest, not taking the chance of anyone seeing me. I turned my head to see Jesse waiting patiently for me, his eyes showing how he hesitated to leave me. Smiling, I waved at him, his eyes widening slightly as he let out a sigh. He then took off, the tires screeching as he quickly picked up speed, his figure quickly disappearing in the distance.
    I turned my head and walked farther into the forest, just to where people couldn't see me, even if they wanted to. Thankfully, it wasn't pitch black. The moon was bright, with no clouds to cover it, giving the world a kind of heavenly vibe.
I stood their for a few seconds, my mind scanning over all the creatures I had summoned. Many were to small for me to ride, or to young. And the other half were way to big, it would draw attention and take a lot of energy. My mind wandered over to Hades, but knew it was impossible.
     I let out a sigh, my eyes closing as I thought. No one seemed to come to mind, and I was beginning to regret staying behind and not going with Jesse. Even if it would be uncomfortable a
    My hands went to my head, rubbing my face in frustration, a groan coming from the bottom of my throat. I then flung them down, a few quiet curses coming from my mouth, but as I began to pull my hands back up to my face, I noticed the vibrant blue that surrounded them.
     I heard a low growl, causing a shiver to climb up my spine. I felt my hands slowly reach down to my belt, where my pistols laid. I then slowly turned around, only to be met with big beady amber eyes.
     "Holy shit." I whispered to myself as the large creature, which was crouching, rose up to its full size. It's ears were slightly back, and it's Jaws snapped at me, causing me to back away slightly, my eyes widening even more than they already were.
     Out of every creature I had summoned that was of this world, never have I seen something so large compared to its other species... even without me summoning it.
     "Alright, big... uh wolf?... let's just calm down here."  I whispered out while crouching my body slightly and putting both my palms out, my metallic fingers clicking. It's fur was black for the most part, but faded into gray when going down to its paws and tail, along with its stomach. And it's canines we're pearly white, making it look more intimidating as it's ears folded back and it snarled.
     I felt myself begin to panic as this creature, which I had summoned, was not obeying my command, nor was trying to. It crouched down, as if to lunge, causing me to panic even more. I refused to kill one of my own creations, but then again I refused to die myself. I'd have to play offensive.
     The wolf lunged, it's paws flinging into the air as it's jaws opened, aiming for my neck. Quickly, I pulled out my gun and turned it around, knowing that the safety was on and jumped out of the way, turning swiftly as the creature landed.
     I then smacked it in the head as hard as I could causing it to let out a grumble of some sorts, it stumbling slightly as it's eyes narrowed at me. I glared at the creature as I felt energy drain from my body as a black flash jumped over me, causing me to kind of let out a sigh of relief.
     Midnight let out a low growl as she crouched low, her front arms spaced away from each other, along with her back legs. Her ears were folded down, and her tail swayed side to side quickly, her claws digging into the ground as she growled loudly.
     The wolf seemed surprised at first, its ears folding up slightly as it backed away two or three steps, and its growling stopped as it stood up straight. But none the less it crouched down lightly again, but no growling came from its muzzle
"You... you were eliminated." Midnight growled out, as if she was yelling. I winced, hearing her strong voice in my head along with her roar, though it also seemed panicked in some way.
The wolf seemed hurt, it's eyebrows arching backwards as it stood up straight again, one of its front paws lifting slightly as it leaned.
     "And so were you." Another voice rang in my head, causing me to look closer at the wolf in front of me. The voice was very deep, but smooth none the less. And it belonged to a female, no doubt for that.... even if the voice was low. Midnights eyes narrowed, but softened as she stood up straight, her ears still pulled back.
"Does not mean that you shouldn't be dead. You were killed, I watched you die" Midnight seemed to whine while turning to look at me. I guess it was at this point that I was acknowledged and the wolf crouched down again and let out a ferocious growl, causing me to grip  my gun harder.
Midnight turned and let out a roar once again, causing the large canine to flop down on its behind once more.
"You kill her we all die. But none the less she would kill you first, no doubt about that... and if she couldn't I would finish the job." The large black lioness stated firmly. The wolf's eyes widened, and it's ears flopped back as it looked at the ground... kind of acted like a child as it pawed at the ground before looking back up.
"How long has he been gone?" The wolf growled out, it's voice going deeper and turning to a males, causing confusion to fling into my head. Midnights eyes shifted to the ground and she backed up slightly. She still was not used to talking about my father, and nor did he have to.
"Marcel died many years ago. Sense I'm about twenty five... that would make it around twenty one years sense his death." I mumbled out while putting away my gun, knowing that if the wolf lunged, Midnight would have... it....by the throat in seconds. Or I could send it back. But something told me I didn't want to do that just yet.
The wolf growled and turned on a dime, going in circles as it seemed to mumble to itself. I looked at Midnight and she shifted her eyes to the ground, not wanting to make eye contact, her green eyes faded slightly.
"Who are you?" I questioned, causing the large creature to stop and stare at me. It's ears went back and its eyes narrowed again before growling slightly.
"I could ask you the same thing." It growled, two voiced conjoined together, giving a creepy vibe. I stayed quiet for a few seconds before the wolf let out a sigh, it snapping at the air and turning yet again.
"Marcel raised me sense a pup, considering that's what stage I was at when I was summoned for the first time. It was a while after he had gained his powers, and after he had met Midnight, and a panther named Eclipse, and a white tiger that went by the name Moon. When ever he wasn't training he was raising me. But all of his creatures where perfect. No flaws, no nothing. The only possible thing that could be wrong was that the creature was rude, or ill mannered. After all he can't control personalities. Except me. I was the only creature he summoned that was born with a mental flaw, and to this day I still don't know what it is. At first, one might think it's multi personalities, but it's deeper than that. It's something evil. And because of it, it's how I was killed in some sorts of ways." I felt my eyes squint as I stared at the wolf- now not knowing if they were a male or female, and deciding not to just choose a gender for them, but my mind was squirming, and filled with questions.
    "What do you mean?" I questioned. I felt like all of this was happening so fast, and I knew that if this went on for to long, Jesse would turn around and come back for me. He probably was already worried.
    Midnight looked down again, her eyes wide and her tail stoped moving side to side. She seemed to freeze on spot after I spoke that question. I looked at her before looking back and the wolf who spoke up.
      "Your father killed me." They growled, there ears going back once more as a snarl escaped their lips, there eyes becoming black with rage.
I felt my heart beat stop for a split second, and my eyes widened. Midnight turned quickly, her eyes also wide as I backed away from her, my eyes shifting between the wolf and her. I glared slightly anger bubbling in my chest.
"(Y/n) wait-" I flung my arm in the air, her body disintegrating before my eyes as she disappeared. I felt rage swell up inside me. It was the same damn thing over and over. Lie after lie...
"What did he do." I questioned quietly, my hands shaking as I clutched my head slightly. The fact that my father killed one of his own creatures scared me to the bone. Because if I were to kill one of my creatures that I had raised.... I would have to be controlled by something.
"I had lashed out, and in an attempt to protect myself from his team. He shot me. Enough times that I wouldn't get up." They whispered walking Towards me, there lips pulling back and showing me there canines. I backed up again, and tripped causing me fall on my back and wince, my eyes closing for a second. And when I opened them I was meat with beady amber eyes once again.
"What are you?" They questioned, there head tilting to the side as I stared into their eyes. I squinted and pulled my knee up, hitting the creature in the chest, causing it to stumble. I then pushed it off me and pulled myself up.
     "Not my father that's for sure." I growled out, dusting myself off as I stared at the wolf, it's body raising as it looked at me.
     "His past mistakes are not my own. I hope you understand that. And though I am royalty pissed off, I have a boyfriend who is probably worried sick about me, and I am choosing to either send you back, or you could cooperate." I mumbled out, reaching my hands out once more, my palms facing the sky. The wolf looked at me before seeming to smirk. It then lifted its head to the sky and let out a loud howl, the clouds seeming to drift away from the moon as it did so. It then looked at me and in a flash of black lunge at me. But instead of going for my throat or anything like that, it's body lifted me up and practically flung me into there back.
     "You might want to hold on" they laughed out, a crazed, kind of mechanical laugh, that to many would seem insane. But it was kind of soothing for me.
    I wrapped my arms around the huge beast as it lunged forward, it's body leaping from the ground and landing many feet away. And as soon as its paws reached the ground, it sped off, somehow knowing where I wanted to go.
"Wait! Do you have a name?" I called out, my body shifting to a more comfortable position, my hands now clamped on the thick fur. Didn't seem to faze them, so I didn't think it was an issue.
     "My past name was Zagan, though now I don't know what I should call myself. I don't want to be reminded of my past as much as I need to." I heard them grumble into my head, the voices still combined into two, causing me to curiously look down. I thought for a second, the wind whipping me in the face, but it was nice.
     "Alright Leviathan it is." I called out once more before continuing with another question. But before I did I could swear I saw the creature smile at its newfound name.
    "Are you a male or a female? I can't really tell by your voice, and I doubt you want me to check." I chuckled at the end while waiting for a response. I saw there ears go back slightly as they sped up. It then Began speaking
"It depends on my day or mood." They told me. At this point I was even more curious about the creature and I couldn't help but ask more questions. Such as why they were so big, or for one, how they could speak to me.
     "Your creatures all have the power to communicate. They just do not wish to use their energy on speaking telepathically, unlike me. Or they do not know how, and will never learn. It is not something that can be taught. They must have a very secure mental stage." The conjoined voices swirled again, causing a shiver to crawl up my spine. I was about to ask another question before I heard the roar of an engine in the distance. Smirking I leaned down close to leviathans body, kind of concealing myself the best I could.
    Leviathan turned their head slightly as the road came to view on the left, but we were still in the tree line and going up hill, while the road cut through the ground. I noticed Jesse still on his motorcycle kind of turning his head back a few times, and even from here I could see the worry in his face as he adjusted his hat so it wouldn't blow off.
     "Let's have a little fun with this shall we?" I chuckled darkly, causing them to kind of laugh and smile. They then began picking up speed to where we were in front of Jesse, and high so he couldn't spot us unless he looked up and to the side. Knowing it was stupid and going to be worth it, I told leviathan to jump, to which they did.
     They soared through the air and out of the tree line, and I practically stuck to their body, trying to hide myself as much as I could. I looked down and saw Jesse lift his head up, and his eyes widened as he came to a screeching stop.
     Leviathan Landing  in front of him on the road, sliding and turning to face him, hiding me in the process. Thank god no one was on the road... come to think of it I haven't seen anyone on the road.... eh, oh well.
"Jesus Christ that's a big ass coyote." I head Jesse whistle out while getting off of the bike and looking accusingly as the two of us. Leviathan snarled at what he called them and charged, but for some reason Jesse didn't seem to effected and leaned on the bike, his eyebrows raised as he pulled out a cigar, lighting it in the process.
     "Aight darlin, you can stop now." I heard Jesse deeply chuckle, causing leviathan to come skidding to a stop, her muzzle only a few centimeters from his face. But she still seemed to be pissed off and snorted at him. I groaned in annoyance.
    "You know, it's gonna be funny when you think that one of my creatures are coming after you, and then realizing it's not mine." I laughed while hopping off of leviathan, her head turning and looking at me before looking back at Jesse and growling yet again, their ears folding back as she raised themself higher. Jesse looked up, and swallowed, but didn't show panic or anything to the creature. Though I could tell he was trying not to piss his pants.
     "Also you might want to apologize cowboy, I don't think my wolf appreciates being called a coyote. And I thought you were better than getting a coyote and a wolf mixed, like do you not see the size of them? We grew up shooting them for a living Jesse." I motioned dramatically, waving my hands in the air at the large beast, remembering the nights where we would have to shoot, or scare away the vermin when camping.
He glared as me before sticking his cigar into his mouth and raising his hands up, surrendering. He closed his eyes and shrugged, seeming not to care.
"Alright, alright. I beg your pardon-" leviathan let out a loud bark, causing Jesse to finally show his panic and let out a yelp. His hands reaching up to protect himself.
     I let out a laugh and pushed away their muzzle, pushing down the sinking feeling I had. I could feel midnight and Eclipse in my head, banging against the door I had sealed up around my head. I was angry, and it was like this all the time. Lie after lie, cover up after cover up. I wanted to be without them for a little bit, and if that meant them not being summoned. So be it.
     "So I figured out why the place is so deserted, along with the motel." Jesse spoke while looking at me. I stared at him and tilted my head to the right, waiting for him to continue. But instead of talking, he motioned me to follow him and jumped on his motor bike- or ashes Moyer bike.
    Leviathan crouched and let me craw onto their back, allowing me to get situated. I then nodded at Jesse, who started the engine and began driving forward, followed by Leviathan, who was keeping up easily... I don't even think they were breaking a sweat.
     Not long after beginning our little drive, we passed by gates with warning signs and rust, bent down and thrown to the side of the road, some still attached to there hinges. They were covered in vines, and I began noticing that the roads were getting more crumbled. And it was about that point that I began remembering things.
"Jesse... you don't mean to say that-" the tree line then stoped and Jesse and I came to a stop, my eyes widening and a large smile forming on my face.
Jesse hopped off of the bike and wrapped his arms around me, a laugh echoing from my mouth.
"Welcome home darlin."

Hey guys!! Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! Next one should be up soon, but I'm sorry I was late, but you can't rush creativity! Stay tuned, and I hope you have a great rest of the day/night!! WOLF OUT!

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