~Chapter 25~

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Your POV

     "I cannot believe you have been here for almost a month partner! And without telling your dear friends!" Jesse called out as he placed his Gloved hand on his chest, his head leaning back as he pulled off a fake saddened expression. His hat was off to the side at the table we were at in the mess hall, and the three of us were having just a few cups of coffee- even though it was late and most people were already asleep. It was an easy way to catch up without being interrupted. Plus we would stay awake longer
I let out a laugh and Genji softly chuckled, a cup of dark coffee being held between his robotic fingers. His mask was softly set to the side, close to Jesses hat but not right next to it. His back was facing the entrance to the hall, that way if someone walked in, he would have enough time to hide his face. Not that he needed to but it made him comfortable. I had a similar situation, but I kept my bandana on, just covering my nose and down. I didn't want to risk being recognized by others just yet.
"Well I knew you two would show up soon enough. that and I was not aloud to talk with anyone outside of the compound. Angela wanted to make sure that after my upgrades I would be fine, so she had me stay inside most of the time. Then she had me do various tests to make sure everything was working properly, which it was. I would have written, but Eden stopped coming with letters, thus I could not send any back." He finished while taking a sip from his coffee, his eyes shifting between Jesse and I. Jesse shifted his eyes down slightly before looking at me. Genji seemed to realize my regret stricken face and looked at me worriedly, to which I smiled softly at him
      "I had what one would call a malfunction with my powers- I was beginning to forget important things and found out it was an overuse of my power. Eden flying miles upon miles took a lot of energy, so I had to pull her back so I could heal properly." I mumbled out as I looked down at the table, guilt stretching across my face as I twiddled my thumbs. But before a few seconds could settle in, I felt a hand softly set on my shoulders. I lifted my head and turned to to the side, only to be met with a soft scar stricken face and maroon eyes.
"Do not worry Imōto, I knew that you stoped writing for a good reason. It is not like you and Jesse to disappear from family. And just as I said, it was a good reason." He calmly spoke with a warm smile and his eyes closed. I smiled, and nodded as he took his hand away, facing Jesse while opening his eyes. Jesse let out a small chuckle.
"So Gecko, what ya been up to?" Jesse asked while leaning back in his chair, his feet coming up to rest on the table as he put his hands behind his head. I gave him a look, and he shrugged before focusing his attention back on Genji.
"Well as you know, after I had left I had found my way to Nepal. And I was a approached my a dear friend of mine, who I now refer to as master." He stopped for a second, trying to get his words before letting out a happy sigh, but also tired.
"His name is zenyatta, he is a- well you would say a monk. He found me in the cold, during a blizzard and gave me a warm place to stay. He told me that he could sense my anger, and lust for revenge... and he helped me even though I was very cruel to him in the beginning. It took awhile, but I have seen his ways, and lived the way he has. Out of harmony and discord, I have changed for the better." He smiled out before frowning and looking down. Jesse and I looked at him for a second, urging him to continue. He sighed and nodded.
"And because I no longer wanted revenge, but peace... I went to see my brother." Genji mumbled while leaning his head back. His grip seemed to have harden on his mug, and the atmosphere had become tense. I felt heat rise within my chest and Jesse had his eyes closed, but he seemed angry as well. Not at the fact that Genji went to see his older brother. But at the fact that Hanzo was even brought up
      "Hold on, hold on. Let me get this straight. You when to see that bitch of a brother-" Genji looked at me, but not in an angry way, but kind of an amusing way as he corrected me, he eyes widening slightly.
     "His name is Hanzo-" Jesse then cut (while jumping into the conversation) him off, his feet coming down from the table as he leaned on it. I looked at me for a second, watching his eyes narrow slightly.
     "Bitchy ass Handzo, what ever the hell his name is. The point is, you went, and what happened?" He questioned hurriedly while leaning closer, butchering the mans name without a care. I found myself doing the same and Genji smiled solftly before chuckling.
     "I had followed him to where I used to live- Shimmada Castle, where he killed a few men watching my old home, from what I could tell they were just guarding it. At first, I thought he was after something valuable that belonged to our father or maybe my mother, but I was surprised to find him sit down where he killed me and pull out various items.." Genji stopped for a second, as if his mouth went dry. He took a sip of coffee before he continued, his eyes closing.
     "He began to mourn over the spot where he had cut me down. At that point he knew I was in the room with him and called me out, to which I responded. We then went back and forth between what is and what isn't honor, and he ended up trying using his dragons powers on me. But Soba-" Soba jumped out of his fingertips and let out a squeak, but a roar as well. She then ran to the first person she saw, which happened to be Jesse. She lunged and grew longer slightly, and wrapped around his neck, purring loudly, Genji chuckled along with Jesse who happily greeted the powerful beastz
"Soba used her own power against them, and deflected the dragons after Hanzo, where they attacked him. He fell, and soon enough I showed him who I was. Of course he didn't believe me but after awhile he agreed to meet with me. All I told him was that there is a home for him, considering he no longer was with the clan. I invited him here-" Jesse and I stood up, both of our hands slammed on the table causing Genji to softly pick up his cup, and raise his eyebrows. Somthing told me he knew we would react this way
"Now hold on a minute there partner. How do you expect us to even like this guy?" Jesse growled out while I crossed my arms, my eyes also narrowing at Genji. He sighed and let out a groan, the young man growing slightly annoyed.
"Though you have heard about all of the wrong he has done, You haven't even met him, and he is changing for the better from what I have seen and heard from him. the way he speaks is... different from when we were kids. He seems to see the world differently now. He seemed to have changed after leaving the clan which is good. But he is still Hanzo, and my heart still feels broken about our relationship. I figured that instead of him just moping around he could do something that helped other... so I invited him to Overwatch ." Genji mumbled while setting his cup down, the coffee from inside no longer there as he had finished it. Jesse and I stayed quiet for a few seconds, both of us shifting our eyes at each other before I let out a heavy sigh, causing Genji to look at me with one eyebrow raised
     "I might just kill him, just letting you know." I mumbled to him while shrugging, knowing that I couldn't stop what was coming. Sure, new member, yay. But I didn't have to like him, especially after what He did to Genji. The young male who I deem close enough to be my brother is much more forgiving than I will ever be, even if I tried. Even though he used to be way more brutal than I ever was
     Jesse let out a huff and rubbed his eyes before nodding along to my statement, his hand reaching for his hat and putting it on before he let out a yawn, causing the rest of us to follow suit. I reached up and rubbed my eyes before blinking and leaning on one of my arms. Jesse looked at me and smiled sweetlyZ
    "Well partner, as much as we have loved catchen up with you, I think (Y/n) and I both are tired enough to sleep for at least a few years. You ready darlin?" Jesse questioned me. I looked up and him and nodded as he stood, me following after him. But not before turning and jokingly saluting at Genji who smiled and waved. I then began following my cowboy boyfriend, watching as a sneaky Angela walked past us and into the dining hall.
   We walked in silence for a few seconds before I
Spoke up
     "I'm so proud of him." I smiled while leaning closer to Jesse and intwining my metallic fingers with his. He looked at me and smiled before looking ahead.
     "Genji?" He questioned, causing me to nod.
    "He's grown back to the boy that we never got to meet... I'm proud that he's back to before his blackwatch days." I mumbled at the end. It didn't take long for us both to reach our old rooms, but both of us didn't separate when we approached them. We both eyed our separate rooms before looking at each other.
"Yea- no. Come on" I chuckled out while walking to the left, my hand leaving Jesses, causing him to follow quickly. We didn't walk long before we came to another door slightly bigger than the single doors, this time with both our names at the top, McCree and The Summoner- though mine had a sticky note saying "you need to change your name, it's to long"
I chuckled and pulled it down, knowing that if I wanted a fresh start I was going to need to change my name. It sounded nice... plus it helped guide me away from my fathers path. Not that I- well didn't love him I guess... I just want a name for myself.
     The door slid up, allowing us both to get a picture of our new room together. It was big- a lot bigger. And like my old room it came with a small kitchen- though I knew I probably wasn't going to use it. Jesse on the other hand would.
     He walked in first, a whistle coming from his mouth as he turned slowly. There were no windows- something that ticked me off slightly. But everything else was perfect for the two of us pretty much. A larger bathroom that way we didn't fight for space, and a large enough bed for the both of us. Two nightstands with two lamps. And in the wall there was a safe- to protect certain things. Probably Jesses belt buckle collection that he left here.
     There was a TV, and the walls were thick. Something that would come in handy in case we fought, or the TV was loud. I wouldn't want to disrupt the other soldiers.
     "To bad they worked so hard on the place- it's nice. I just want both of our rooms to be connected- this can go to another couple." I chuckled before something caught my eye
I stopped half way into the room with my eyes widening slightly. On the side of the bed that would be mine, next to the nightstand was a large cat, complete with a blanket and pillow. Next to it was a bowl- but not a watering bowl... a milk bowl from what the note said on top of it.
    I reached for it, already seeing a bunch of the large lettering. I flipped it open the rest of the way, and let my eyes scan, my heart clenching as my eyes narrowed.
     "(Y/n), by the time you read this it will probably be night and you will be exhausted, but time and the rest of the team (that your close to) thought it would be nice to get Eclipse something of his own! We knew he loved your bed, but with Jesse there was probably no room. So we found the most comfy thing next to that- well made it. Angela helped... anyways, tell that old cat that we missed him!

                                                      ~love Lena"

     I looked at the note for a few seconds, knowing that Jesse, who was behind me, was reading it as well. I sighed and set it down before walking and sitting on the bed, one of my hands reaching up to rub my face.
     "Your gonna have to talk to them darlin." Jesse quietly mumbled while sitting beside me, his hand reaching for my resting one and squeezing it softly. I let out a heavy sigh before speaking to him, my eyes glazed over.
     "How long will it take Jesse? How long till I'm old enough, till I'm strong enough, till I'm trustful enough for them?... it's a backstab, and I... I wonder what other things they are hiding from me." I whispered out while leaning against him, my other hand falling into my lap. Immediately Jesses free arm wrapped around me and pulled my closer, his head resting on mine as he did so. I felt his chest take in a breath before he replied.
     "Everyone has secrets darlin- but they wanted you to remember your pops as a man with no flaws that has never done anything bad-" I cut him off by closing my eyes and whispering harshly, angry tears clouding my vision.
     "But he killed one of his creatures- someone part of his family Jess! Can- can you imagine?..." I choked out, my hand reaching up to cover my mouth to muffle myself. I felt him pull me even closer- but not enough to hurt me in any way. His non robotic hand reached up to cup my head as a means to calm me down. I leaned into his touch once again and muffled a sob. Just the thought of... killing a creature I had raised. It was enough to break me.
Jesse shushed me soothingly, his arms rocking me back and forth as I cried my heart out, my mind scrambling for answers that I didn't have. I yelled at myself mentally, knowing that my creatures could hear me... they could always here my thoughts. It just took me a long time to realize that.
"I shouldn't be crying- crying shows weakness..." I choked out as my hands grabbed ahold of Jesses poncho, holding it tightly as I leaned against his chest, my body shaking. He moved his hands down to my waist, not breaking how he was holding me.
"Crying shows anything but weakness darlin... it can be for happiness, or sadness. But for you it's because you have been strong for to long. Your thoughts have occupied you and you haven't let any of it out. Weather it be through talking or something else. Sugar-" Jesse leaned back and brought one of his hands up to my face, using his thumb and one finger to lift my head up to look at him. My eyes were read and swollen, and my face was soaked with tears.
"You are the strongest person I know." He whispered while leaning his forehead against mine. I hiccuped and began taking deep breaths as to calm myself down, my grip on his poncho fading. He continued to hold me, his voice fading with every second and my eyes closing for comfort. Soon enough I was on the brink of sleep, causing him to set me down on the bed. But not before I grabbed his poncho one last time, feeble tugging it causing him to smile and lay down next to me, pulling me close to him.
"Hey Jess?" I whispered out, my voice hoarse from the crying. It was at that moment that I grew glad that the walls were sound proof. I didn't want others to know about my breakdown.
"Yea sugar?" He questioned as he kissed my nose, causing me to give a tired closed eyed smile. I then scooted closer, leaning against his chest and letting out a sigh.
"I love you." I mumbled before falling asleep in his warmth. I felt him chuckle before he kissed my forehead.
"Love ya too darlin."

Howdy yall! Sorry for being a month late, but I've been in Peru for the past few weeks! Hope you guys can forgive the lack of chapters, and this short one! You guys excited for Hanzo to step into the picture? Wonder what you will do... oh well. Thank you guys so much for reading! Have a great rest of the day or night, and as always. WOLF OUT!

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