~Chapter 32~

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Your POV

     It was quiet... and the sky was dark. The moon was covered in a thick layer of not only clouds, but fog that rose from the earth and grass covered cement. It was a night that hunts began and finished. Only This time... I was the predator.
     I stood still, leaning against a wall that was hidden behind a dumpster. The stench was horrid- but I needed to stay still and I needed to stay quiet
    There was a soft buzzing in my ear- erupting from my com as Winston spoke quickly but quietly. I listened- carefully keeping my eyes open and aware of my surroundings- knowing that my night vision was on and my eyes were not glowing.
     "He should be arriving on point Commander Felidae. It's only a matter of time... we just need that intel." I heard Winston quickly mumble, the typing of a key board coming after it. I let out a quiet sigh, remembering why I was sent on this mission.

~Flash back~

I stood tall with my hands held firmly behind my back, my legs slightly spread. My mask was firmly placed on my face- keeping me safe from the naked eye.... though I really did need it at the moment.
    In front of me was a large electronic map plastered on the wall, showing where some recent terrorist attacks had happened. There was something about it that was different- there was a pattern. Winston was here to explain it.
     "Alright everyone, let's get this started. Winston if you will?" I spoke firmly while moving out of my spot, noticing the familiar faces as I turned. Jesse sat in a seat next to Genji, leaned back and looking bored- his feet prepped against the table. Genji also seemed that way- but less... Jesseish... maybe they were just tired. It was pretty early in the morning.
I let out a heavy sigh and took of my mask, placing it gently on the table, watching as the eyes dimmed down to a black color. I shifted my eyes to the people in the room.
Rein, torb, tracer, mercy and Winston were thrilled- and of course Jesse and Genji were as well. I didn't take my mask off that often- but in the meeting room I knew it was safe. Not only was Athena watching but there were no cameras.... Athena was not a camera.
     I had been spending more time with them- with my family- in secret of course. I mean- they knew but the rest of the base did not.
     It was nice to catch up on everyone... or at least everyone that had been here. I learned that torb had not only a wife but a kid now- and she wanted to join Overwatch soon- she really admired Rein- saw him as her uncle which I loved.
Lena had a girl she was sweet on back in her home town- I felt bad that she came back and left her... but I was proud that she finally came out of her shell.
Either way- it was nice to catch up with them. Winston said that we had some powerful people coming to join us. To say the least I was nervous- I didnt know how everyone was going to be... I didn't want a traitor to join. That's why we had Athena though- to do a background check.
Winston let out a gruff coff, gaining my attention. Everyone was looking at me, causing me to slightly blush and apologize for getting off track. Jesse smirked while Winston smiled and nodded. He took in a breath, everyone's eyes shifting to him.
"From what Athena and a few agents have gathered- we are dealing with a large terrorist organization- Talon is what it is called. In the past, we have dealt with them-" I shifted my eyes to the ground, remembering that I was part of a one time experiment for them- even if it was quick. But I do have to thank them in some way- I never would have been with Jesse if it weren't for that incident... of this close to him at least... I wouldn't have Eclipse or Midnight either
    Jesse looked at me as Winston continued to ramble about talon and their goals. He seemed worried and raised his eyebrows at me. I smiled slightly and shook my head, letting him know that I was okay.
     "We have found their- well leader of sorts. He seems to be the one behind the attacks. Though it has not been confirmed if he IS the leader- we know his name. He goes by Reaper." Winston then flashed a few pictures of the man, and I felt my eyes widen drastically. It was the same guy from a few weeks ago- the same skull like mask and black cloak. I felt my heart drop.
     "We need someone stealthy- there is to be a meeting between this man- who has intel and a person with Overwatch secrets. Little do they know we have found the persons with said secrets and have taken them in. We plan on setting up this meeting with one of our agents-" I cut him off by speaking and turning to leave.
     "Ready the ship in ten minutes- I'm leaving for it immediately." I spoke while leaving the room. I heard words of protest but Winston knew I would want to go on this mission. We needed someone skilled, sneaky and quiet. I was perfect for the job.
    I had already talked about it to Jesse... but none of them knew why I was going... I needed to know who that man was. Because a part of me knew he was familiar.

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