~Chapter 36~

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Small disclaimer! I'm gonna make Jack a little younger than he really is, to cope with the story more. Ima make him at 40. Keep in mind he is not going to look as old as he does in the actual game- and Angela is going to be a little younger than she actually is- but not by a lot. Same with Genji- I'm making him the same Age as Jesse. Also. More characters soon will be added, and their back story's, and age will also be altered.

Your POV

"Everyone out!" I yelled as I walked into the room, my head slightly lowered as my eyes adjusted to the light.  A sense of sweat, and must fell to my sense as I slightly flinched at the smell. Everyone in the room froze and turned to me, surprised. No one moved an inch- it was as if time stopped everything and everyone.
There was a low growl beside me followed by a loud roar- causing every agent except Tracer and Solder 76 to leave the room, scrambling to get out of Eclipses and Is presence. The Panther followed after the group, only to make sure they were- in line. I noticed that from anyone else's angle... the large cat could not be seen.
I made eye contact with Lena first. She was shaking slightly, and her eyes were wide. She seemed sad- confused- maybe angry? Either way she was frozen stiff and I needed to calm her down before I dealt with the other problem.
"Tracer- it's alright." I spoke softly as I rushed up to her. I wanted to use her real name, but I couldn't. Though I have to say- out of everyone on the compound- Lena had to be my female best friend. Though... I kind of saw Angela more of a mother figure than a friend.
"C-commander" Lena whispered as she looked over at "Solder 76" who refused to move. He stood silently as he watched the two of us converse. I reached my arms out and held Lena close, softly guiding her to the door before it burst open once again. I expected to see Jesse or Genji but instead I saw Angela with heart broken eyes and her lips slightly parted.
She was panting as she walked in, looking at me with wide eyes looking at me as if to ask "is it true?"
I could only look at her and hand tracer off to her, carefully I might add. Angela looked at the Brit and immediately pulled her out of the room, nodding sympathetically at me. I could only watch as the doors closed once more, leaving me alone. I hoped that they were both going to be alright. I stood there for a second before speaking.
"How long." I spoke softly with a slight hint of venom in my voice.  I slowly turned around, a glare forming. I came face to face with the man I once knew but I didn't want to just see his mask. I wanted to see his face. I felt tears already begin to swell within my eyes.
    "How long were you gonna keep up this little act, huh?" I spoke a little louder, taking a few steps forward, my hands raising and shaking side to side slightly. I was upset- no I was fucking furious
"To just- Walts around under our noses like we wouldn't figure it out? How stupid do you think we are." I seethed out while coming closer to him, almost an inch away from his face. He still refused to move- not even wobble a little. I let out an angry sigh.
      "I guess you were right on the stupid part. I should have just followed my gut in the beginning." I whispered as I turned, my back faced to him. I took a few steps towards the wall before stopping. I shifted by head up the the ceiling, as if I was looking at a certain person
     "Athena, lock all doors and dim all windows- both sides to 100%" I spoke loudly to her, my words slightly less fueled by anger. My voice echoed around the room, allowing me to hear how angry I actually was
    "Of course Commander Felidae. I will let Agent McCree and Doctor Ziegler know of these changes." Athena responded. I let out another sigh, but this one was quiet and more calm. I clenched my fingers, releasing the tension in my hands- even if they were robotic.
    "Go ahead. Take the visor off Jack." I spoke softly, still facing the wall. I waited a few seconds- knowing that he didn't do it. I reached my hand up and gently grabbed ahold of my mask, slowly pulling it off and setting it down on the ground... more like dropped it- a loud Klink coming from the impact as it settled.
    I turned to look at him, my eyebrows narrowed and my eyes slightly red from the tears threatening to spill. Both from anger- and happiness. He was alive after all.
    That got him moving, even if it was by a little bit. He took a step back, his lips parting.  If I could see his eyes- I'd know if he was actually surprised or not.
     "(Y/n)..." he spoke in a low raspy voice- but yet sincere- and also... surprised .His gloved hand slowly reached up and gripped ahold of his visor, bringing it down and allowing me to see faded blue eyes.
     "So I was right. You did survive." I spoke softly, looking as his scarred up face. I didn't know what to do in this moment... I thought I did... but now that I know the truth I didn't know how to feel. I was happy- I was upset- I was angry!
    He let out a slight gruff, putting his visor back on. I watched him do so, but decided that this conversation needed to continue.
"We're you going to say something? Anything?" I questioned quietly. It was silent- and quite awkward- I must say. But surprisingly, he decided to break the tension.
"It was only a mater of time." He spoke while looking at me, slightly crossing his arms loosely. I let out a heavy sigh, putting one hand on my hip while the other went to pinch the bridge of my nose.
"I- I really don't know what to say other than you've aged horribly." I smiled slightly, my anger slowly washing away to be filled with a soft joy as I took a few steps towards him. Of course I would continue to be upset- of course I would continue to be pissed off... but someone close to me was just brought back into my life. And I was quiet happy to know that he was alive- that he survived and was okay... unlike others.
    "Jee- Thanks kid. Your hands have never looked so clean and shiny." He shot back, a smirk also appearing on his face. I reached up and wrapped my arms around his shoulders, the older man slightly tensing at my touch.
     "Welcome back Morrison." I spoke softly, a smile on my face. The older man returned the embrace- along with the smile.
     "It's... good to be back." He replied as I pulled away. The older man laughed, a larger smile on his face. I can't tell you how long it's been sense I've seen that face.

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