~Chapter 39~

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Your POV

Relaxing was rather easy... or at least this morning it was. Usually when I tried to meditate-I had trouble because of how stressed I usually was- but this morning really lifted a bunch of weight off of my shoulders- and I had Jesse to thank for that. We never had time together like that anymore, and it was nice to just be able to calm myself down.
I took in a breath through my nose, the smell of peppermint wafting through my senses- leaving a slight taste of the treat on my tongue. I let out a breath through my mouth, emptying my thoughts the best I could- thinking of a blank slate- or at least trying to
     My goal was to get into a... sleep like meditation- if that made sense. Physically my body would stay in the position I was in- but mentally I was hoping to go elsewhere. Hopefully to my dream like area where I meet with Eclipse and Midnight. But my mind did like to bring up unwanted memories- wether I liked them or not.
     "What are you doing." I heard a low familiar voice call out to me rather gruffly. I felt my body tense at his words, and my mind quickly come back together.
Sitting there for a a few seconds- I finally let out a sigh- slightly slouching my shoulders in the process. I then opened one of my eyes to stare at the large panther that had taken a seat right in front of me, his tail flicking back and forth as he eyed me suspiciously. after coming to the conclusion that it was impossible to lie to him- I told him the truth
    "I guess I was trying to reach Moon- or at least I was before I was interrupted" I smiled slightly, raising my eyebrows as I did so. my eyes were both open now as I watched him.
     Eclipses ears folded back slightly and he seemed to let out a huff of annoyance- as if he were stuttering on his words. I couldn't help but let out a quiet chuckle before he let out a sigh, his shoulders slightly slumping forward.
"You know I would let you continue, but Moon is... he will not let you talk to him that easily" eclipse spoke softly while looking at me. I could almost feel my eyes dim at those words- even though I had already known that he was telling the truth.
It had been a short time since Eclipse fully recovered from the wound in his stomach- so it had been that same time sense I had seen moon. But I was curious- I had been in many situations where I could have used that shield of his... but why then? Why when I was so stressed- was it because eclipse was in danger and not me?...
"I know- I know. I guess I just had some questions for him that I wanted answered." I sighed out shaking my head. I was no longer relaxed- more like disappointed and uneasy. I shifted my eyesight over to my little incense burner- watching as it began to run out of the peppermint smoke. I let out another quiet sigh and rubbed one of my shoulders- feeling cold all of a sudden.
"Now I'm just bored... I feel restless- as if I need to do something." I groaned, lifting myself up and stretching- shaking my shoulders as I did so. The large panther followed my movements with his eyes, his ears folding up slightly.
I thought for a second, my mind wandering before I got a splendid idea. Practically Throwing myself towards my dresser- I had finally decided to get dressed and do something at least a little productive- but then I paused
     No one had really seen me around the compound as... myself. I was always dressed in my outfit. But the fact of the matter was that I wasn't going to wear the outfit- I wanted to dress comfy.
      "Just throw your cloak and mask on." Eclipse offered, jumping on my side of the bed as laying down, a loud huff coming from his mouth. It was funny how he knew me so well.
     I thought for a second, deciding that would be the best course of action. Asking Eclipse to face the other direction- I began to get ready
     quickly, I put on a bra and regular white T-shirt with light pants to go with. Then with a swift motion I grabbed my cloak and threw it over myself- watching it land gracefully on my head and shoulders. It was at this time the Panther turned his head back towards me
      "Really? Black on white? I thought you had a better fashion sense" I heard Eclipse remark. I snapped my head to the side, making eye contact with him and squinting ever so slightly.
      "Why are you so talkative today?" I questioned suspiciously. The large panther didn't flinch- and seemed to shrug his shoulders as he set his head on his large paws. I shook my head before reaching to grab my mask, watching it light up as it hovered onto my face- concealing my identity.
     After making sure everything was off and in order within the room, I made my way to the door, pausing to look at the bed where Eclipse was lazily vibing by himself. He seemed rather peaceful.
     "Come on you old cat." I chuckled slightly. This seemed to grab his attention as his ears folded back, a growl escaping his jaw as he jumped down.
     "I don't age after I reach adulthood- or at least physically I don't you insolent child." He growled out, his voice low and threatening. I shrugged, rolling my eyes in the process as the door opened. I felt my eyes squint at the harsh light- realizing rather quickly that Jesse and I's room was dimly lit- and yet still enjoyable.
     Taking in a breath I began walking- listening as the door shut closed behind the two of us. Eclipse quickly caught up to me, walking beside myself rather easily. I shifted my eyes down to him, a slight smile on my face as I watched the panther walk beside me quietly.
While walking I couldn't help but let my mind drift around the large feline. Random memories floated about, and the smile on my face grew the longer I thought about it.

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