~Chapter 24~

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Your POV

Jesse put me down and we both turned again, looking at the place that we had practically grown up at. It looked old, and a little rotten in some places, but the place had been abandoned for years! The fact that it was still standing was a Surprise, with looters, and other people who would want the tech that was on the inside.
     My eyes wandered around the large place, seeing landing pads and many other things. I could see myself sitting outside messing with my powers when I was younger.... but all of that needed to change.
You could see that it had been busted into- maybe. But I knew for a fact that before Winston left, he made sure that it would still be operational, and untouchable. Only old members knew where it lied, and even Jesse and I had trouble getting here.
"Well, lets get a move on-" I stopped him and grabbed ahold of his arm, gears clicking in my head for a few seconds. He turned to me, confusion spreading across his face. I pointed, and it was at this moment that he noticed all the people outside working and such, though they had a long way to go. I was surprised that they didn't notice us, but we were still at the tree line, probably blending in somehow.
I thought for a second before speaking, cursing at myself mentally for stuttering.
"I- I know there will be old friends, but there are also going to be new ones. And with that, there will be new enemy's. I don't want to- to walk around showing off my skills and my face- I don't want to be recognizable outside of the compound unless it's for my powers at most. If we are doing this, I need to hide myself unless In a private place or with close friends.... I hope your ok with that." I mumbled out at the end, my head falling to look at the overgrown grass to the side. I felt him turn around and softly lift my chin up, a soft smile on his face as he kissed me on the forehead.
"You always were the smart one, and of course. Though I think ima stick to my cowboy look." He chuckled at the end as I reached into my satchel, pulling out my scarf like bandana and pulling it over my head, lifting it up to where it would cover my mouth, nose, and ears. Once situated Inside after a few days, I planned on getting colored contacts, or something to cover my eyes...
"You change your look, and I make sure you regret it." I threatened with a chuckle as I looked at him. He could tell that even from under the bandana I was smiling. He could always tell my emotions, no mater what.
He smiled and pointed at leviathan who was lazily resting on the broken road, their eyes looking bored as they stared up at us. I smiled and nodded, there head returning said nod and disappearing in a puff of blue and black smoke.
I then looked at him, as he looked at the bike and tipped it over, not really caring if it broke or not. It was Ashes after all, and both of us really hated her if I'm going to be honest. It at least I hated her guts
"Well then, lets go." I smiled while walking forward, both of us holding each others hands as we walked forward, but as we got closer, I began to noticed there were people walking outside from the front door- or doors. At first they seemed defensive, considering all of them seemed to be wearing the signature Overwatch colors. The people outside also seemed alarmed. And I was on guard, considering none of them looked familiar.
But as soon as Jesse puffed out some smoke from his cigar and we kept walking without showing any fear, a familiar voice rung out, bringing a smile to Jesse and I's faces- though to everyone else it was just Jesse.
"Lower your weapons! They are friends" a familiar Swedish accent Called out as the person pushed through what I could only guess were new recruits. She looked older and a little tired, but none the less, she was still one of overwatches best.
"Jesse! (Y-" I cut her off by pulling my finger to my lips- or bandana. She looked confused before understanding and nodding, but her happiness was not dying down one bit as she ran up to the two of us, practically jumping as she pulled us both into a tight hug.
"Oh I thought you two would never come back! And look at you two! So grown up!" She laughed while pinching Jesses cheeks to which he chuckled and shook his head, her arms retracting as she smiled. She then looked at me and cupped my face, tears in her eyes as she smiled warmly.
    "Oh (Y/n), look how beautiful you have become." She whispered, just loud enough for me and maybe Jesse to hear. I felt tears well up in my eyes as I leaned into her touch, my arms going up and softly holding her hands.
    "It's good to be back Angela." A smiled as I looked behind her, only to see that everyone had broken up, going back to there jobs, and a few familiar faces had shown themselves.
     The first one to come running up to us besides Angela was Lena, or tracer to everyone sees. She screamed in delight as she zipped right into Jesses arms, hugging him while speaking quickly and excitedly.
     "Lena calm down! We ain't goin anywhere." Jesse laughed out while hugging back. Now you would think I would be jealous, but over the years. I have learned that there is no need to be jealous over friends and family. I knew Jesse would never do anything like that.
     "We all thought you would never show up love! You and (Y/n) both." She whispered at the end, winking at me while smirking. I guess it wasn't that hard to find out I wanted to keep my identity a secret. She then grabbed Jesse and I's hands.
    "Well come on! Might be an old base but it's being remodeled! We haven't touched your rooms, but a little birdie told me you two were a- well item?" She chuckled at the end while winking at the two of us. Jesse and I blushed, holding hands once more but nodding happily. We then began to follow her, getting many weird looks, though some were in aw.
    But not at me. No one knew who I was considering I was hiding behind closed doors, and my powers weren't leaking from my hands. Though Jesse seemed to be having a good time, with all the other females gawking at him. Ahhh, little did they know that he was taken. They seemed to be too dense to see the two of us holding hands.
"Welcome back"

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