~Chapter 5~

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Your POV Summoner

I let out a soft sigh as I reached my room. The familiar smell of books and scented candles.... when have I ever had scented candles in my room?
"Eclipse?" I questioned looking down, knowing he was right beside me. His head perked up as his purple glazed eyes stared at me. He then let out a quiet chuff in response causing me to lightly smile.
"Do you think you could get me my hair brush from the bathroom? I'm gonna change really quickly." I mumbled the last part after my question. He nodded slightly and slowly made his way towards the restroom, using his paw to open the door.
I took this time to walk to my drawers and open the top layer, grabbing a clean bra and underwear. I then decided it would probably be best to wear something baggy for I didn't want anything tight over my wounds.
Quickly, I grabbed some sweat shorts- which were sweatpants but in the form of shorts if that makes any scenes, and looked around for a shirt.
"When the hell did this end up in here?" I whispered to myself as I reached down and pulled up a piece of fabric. I found a familiar green button up flannel that seemed a little rustic.
I felt a smile spread through my face as I realized what it was.
"Oh my god, I haven't seen this shirt in ages!" I chuckled to myself as I threw on all of the clean clothing, buttoning up the shirt over the bra.
It was around this time that Eclipse walked out and lifted his body onto the bed, flopping down on it. He dropped the brush out of his mouth and let out a tired sigh, closing his eyes as he did so.
"Thank you Eclipse." I murmured as I reached for the brush, stopping and looking as my fingers as they twitched a few times, sending very small jolts up my arm. I felt by body shiver slightly as they went back to normal... I'll have to talk to Angela about that.
"Jeez, at least they work for the most part." I smirked as I began brushing my hair— that looked like a birds nest. It then occurred to me... how was I clean? Did... did Angela give me a sponge bath or something?
"BLEH-" I groaned out as I finished brushing my hair, another shiver going through me and I shut my eyes closed. I then shook my head and looked at Eclipse who was fast asleep... he must be so tired, after all he did watch over Me for like a week straight.
With the have of my hand, his body disappeared in a puff of black smoke, sending him back to the meadow that I had once woken up in. He needed to rest.
"All right.... wait..." I murmured as I took in a breath through my nose, letting the smell of my room go through me again... but this time I smelt something different... like it wasn't even there... vanilla?... I also took the time to actually look at the shirt I was wearing. Of course I remembered it but I just now realized who it belonged to.
It was at this time I let out a gasp and rushed towards the door, or limped I might say. Panic ran through my system as I ran to the medbay but before I could get there, I stoped as I had come face to face with someone I knew very well.
His hat was missing, something that thew me off slightly. And his hair was a little messier than usual. He wore a black shirt with baggy pants... guess he's got wounds on his legs to...
"(Y/N)?" My name came from his lips as he began to walk towards me, his speed picking up rapidly as his face formed a happy smile.
"Jesse... Jesse!" I called out at I ran to him, already feeling my eyes tear up, but at the moment I could care less. His smile caused my heart to leap out of my chests and before I knew it I was in the air in his arms, a laugh coming from the both of us
     I wrapped my legs around his waist as I ducked my head into the crook of his neck, one of his arms going to cradle my head while the other held onto me.
     I felt my eyes start to water as tears began to drip down my face, my grip on him becoming tighter as I cried.
     "You big dummy! Almost getting yourself killed out there!" I laughed as more stray tears ran down my cheeks. His eyes glossy as I leaned back and looked at him as he smiled.
     "Darlin do you never listen? I told you we would be fine." I laughed as he rested his forehead on mine, a soft sigh escaping his lips.... we stayed like that a few seconds taking in eachother a company before I felt something trickle down my leg
"Hey Jess?" I questioned, his eyes opening allowing me to see his gorgeous brown, chocolate eyes.
     "Can you Cary we to the med bay? I'm pretty sure I just ripped my stitches open." I laughed slightly. He nodded and quickly carried me to the med bay, setting me down on the bed I had escaped from not to long ago. I then looked at my leg and noticed that the stitches were fine, just some of the blood managed to make its way out.
"Now- normally I would complain about you being reckless but I'll keep my mouth shut for now." He said as he reached to a nearby table and grabbed some bandages. He then wiped away the blood and wrapped my leg up lightly, a content smile on his face.
"When Genji came and got me, I was in Physical therapy for my arm, so it took him a while to get to me. Though I made it here three times the speed that it took for him to get me." He chuckled. I then noticed his arm- that was replaced with a robotic limb. He had scars going up from where his flesh met the metal and I felt my heart drop slightly.
     Without thinking, my hands reached for his left arm and pulled it gently closer. I held it in my hands looking at it and let out a shaky sigh.
     "I'm... I'm sorry I wasn't there sooner- I- if I were fast enough I could had-" Jesse then lifted his right hand and held a finger to his lips, to which I did. He then let out a sigh.
"Sugar, as soon as the blast hit, it was already gone. There was nothing you could do." He whispered as he looked down at my hands. We both looked at the robotics for a few seconds before I spoke up.
"Jesse- grab Genji really quickly." I whispered as my eyes brightened. Confusion went over his face but non the less he walked out of the room and quickly returned with Genji, to which also looked confused.
"Gentlemen. Please take a seat in my office." I spoke motioning for a spot on my bed or the other chairs that were scattered around the room.
Jesse let out a chuckle as they both grabbed a chair and sat down, both looking at me. I then lifted McCrees robotic arm and set it on the bed. I then Grabbed Genjis arm and set it next to him... I don't think I've ever seen them look so confused in there life.
I then set my hand next to them, my robotic fingers slightly twitching.
"Boys, I think you know what this means." I smirked. Genji then spoke up before I could speak, his eyes holding an amused expression.
"That your both dumbasses— but I think we already knew tha-"
"Genji!" Jesse and I both exclaimed as we laughed, followed by a quiet chuckle from The ninja.
I then cleared my throat and smiled.
"All three of us as Cyborgs now. I think we need to make a cult name-"
"God dammit (Y/N)" Jesse burst out laughing while Genji looked at me, his eyes widened by what I said. Though I don't think it was about the cult idea that I was joking about. His eyes seemed to be teary and his mouth was open slightly.
"Hear that partner? That means that if anyone talks smack about you and how you look, we've got your back." Jesse nudged him while smiling. The Cyborg smiled and closed his eyes, a sigh escaping from his lips.
"Anata wa futari de kore o watashi no tame ni muzukashiku shite imasu." His smile faded as he looked down at his hands.
"I beg your pardon?" McCree mumbled while looking at Genji, a questionable look on both of our faces as we looked at him, his scarred face twisting with an un readable expression.
Genji lifted his head.
"I- When I first came here I was a dead man. A man who was killed by his own brother, a man who still has hatred and vengeance in his heart..." he began and Jesse and I listened. We already knew about his older brother Hanzo, and how he struck Genji down for there clan... fuckin bastard, if I ever meet him I'm gonna punch him so hard he will be half way to Mexico
"And when I first was able to walk again and realized what I had become- I... I wanted nothing more than to just die for I believed that I was a monster..." he spoke as A small red light came from his finger tips and a small dragon appeared, one that everyone had rarely seen. She was a ghostly red and was quite small but adorable at the same time. She slithered over to Genji and nudged his hand with her nose to which the cyborg softly pat her head gently.
"It's ok Soba, I'm fine..." he smiled causing the small dragon to perk up. It then turned around and looked at Jesse and I before slithering over to me and curling up in my lap, a content sigh coming from her.
"I- I still sometimes wish that I was dead- believing that it would be better than being like this but I've come to Realize something... there are people who have taught me to care for myself- and accept myself but... I cannot be burdened with the pain of vengeance and betrayal any longer." He then lifted his head, his eyes holding a soft sadness to them. Soba got up from my hand and rushed to him, practically jumping onto his shoulder.
"I have decided to leave-" Jesse and I immediately jumped into action, my eyes Widening in fear.
"Genji! You can't-"
"You did not wait for me to finish." He chuckled before sighing yet again. He then Looked outside through the window.
"I will return someday. But i cannot continue like this. I must find peace within myself. Where I am going I do not know but I have decided to leave tomorrow." He finished waiting for Jesse and I to respond, to which we didn't at first.
"Genji, i know that things have been rough for you but... if this makes you feel better than go for it partner- but your ass better return to us or at lest keep In touch." Jesse smiled, knowing that there was no way in changing his mind. When Genji decided on something there was no changing his mind.
Jesse and Genji then shifted there gaze to look at me for I had still not answered. Thoughts rushed though my head about how I only had a small amount of people that I had loved- that I had cared for.... and they all seemed to be disappearing.
Without thinking I lunged at the cyborg, tears threading to spill as I wrapped my arms around him.
"Promise you'll be safe- promise right now Genji." I whispered the last part as his arms wrapped around me, holding me.
"I promise Imōto" he whispered as I pulled away, a smile on his face as he let out a laugh.

~Time skip brought to you by Eclipse- because god dammit you can't seem to not worry him~

Your POV

We stood at the Entrance of the base early morning with Genji, a small bag full of what I could only guess was money and maybe other small valuables. Jesse and I were the only ones up for Angela had already sent him off last night... she seemed more upset than usual but then again... who wasn't.
"Promise to write every week, I swear to god if you don't write I'm coming to get you myself-" I was cut of by Jesse who was chuckling.
"And I reckon he'd better eat his vegetables right?" He laughing causing the three of us to smile and chuckle. I then turned to Genji and smiled, my hand pressing something extremely small that was in my hand.
"Do not worry, I will keep in touch-" I quickly hugged him, gently placing the object that was in my hand on his back- a smirk on my face as I did so.
"You'd better come back Shimada." Jesse said as he tipped his hat, a sad smile forming on his face. Genji nodded and hugged me again while shaking Jesses hand who pulled him into a hug. Genjis face showed surprise as McCree let him go but was quickly hidden as he put on his mask. And just like that he was gone.
We stood there for a while- wondering if he would turn and come back- maybe forgot something but we knew he was gone. I let out a sigh.
"Eclipse-" I called out as the panther showed up by my side a determined expression on his face. I then reached and grabbed my watch, putting it on as I did so.
"Sorry Genji But no way in hell I'm leaving you to wander the world by yourself." I whispered as I pointed to where Eclipse needed to go on the map. He looked at me, asking if I really wanted to do this.
"He needs you more at the moment. I'll be fine- after all. We've learnt that I can summon two creatures now so I'll be fine. When he's settled down in one place- come back to me ok? Now go." I whispered as he licked my face, a small purr coming from his throat. He then took off running. To wherever that ninja was.
I could feel Jesses gaze fall on me causing me to turn my head to him, a smirk on his face.
"Good call darlin." He smiled. We then both began to go back into the base just before the sun was rising before I felt his hand grab onto mine. I turned around to see him smiling.
"Hey- I get that your upset with Gecko leaving, so am I sugar- so I was wondering if maybe tomorrow- you'd ah... let me take you on that date?" He stuttered a drop of sweat rolling down his face.
I opened my mouth to speak but he began to move his lips faster than I could.
"Now I get it if you don't wanna- hell its been a rough week but I thought it would be nice and I've lo- liked you for a long as while and I-" I leaned my head up and kissed his cheek a small smile on my face as his cheeks flushed red.
"Your rambling jess- and yes I would love to."
I couldn't help but remember the time he first asked me to be his partner and compare it to this moment.
     Laughing to myself and shaking my head I turned around and made my way to my room. Knowing that I needed to Summon a few things.

Gecko- is the best nickname for Genji I have ever had- I thought it was hilarious but do not worry! Genji will return! Eclipse is gonna make sure of that- trust me. But yea, I hope you all have enjoyed! Next chapter will be out soon but I hope you stick around! And as always, WOLF OUT

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