~Chapter 35~

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Your POV

Overwatch was in full swing now- well... more than it already was I mean. More recruits were beginning to walk through our doors, but not before being tested and having a background check by Athena, and Angela. We didn't want to risk having spy's or anything like that- and thanks to Athenas technology along with Mercys powers- it was easy to do a deep scan of a person... informatively and medically.
    The base had been fully fixed, no more destroyed sections of the large building hung in ruin. We had actually been working on expanding to the parts that we had... neglected for the time being. Mostly to out door shooting range- along with blackwatch.But we did need to work on the hangar for the dropships and such- never new when we would need them. Thankfully Torb and some others had been working on it.
I had been trying hard to get used to my work but considering I didn't have to pay for bills or any of that... it was easier than what Jack probably dealt with. But I did deal with my fair share of reports and such.
"Hey Athena- is there anyone that has yet to have a report on?"I questioned out loud while looking at all the papers that were sent to me by Angela and Winston- who got them from Athena. I was just reading over them- getting ideas on whom I would be leading and medical issues. The papers held DNA profiles and and such- along with background info- that kind of stuff.
I had a pencil in my hand, and the end of that pencil was leaning against the bottom of my lip, slightly tapping here and there. I was focused that's for sure.
My hair was in a messy bun- I had found myself liking the hair style very much. It seemed to fit me and I felt most comfortable with it. My mask was sitting to the side- I didn't worry about it sense my door was locked and Athena would only let in authorized people unless I said so.
"All but one person has contributed background information and blood samples Strike Commander Felidae." I heard Athenas smooth voice echo throughout the room. I thought for a second- lifting my gaze slightly to the ceiling. That's right... I wasn't just commander Felidae. I was Strike Commander Felidae- and that's what most called me now. It was weird being called that- but I was starting to like it.
    "Whom?" I questioned back, leaning in my chair slightly. I had been up early and I was slightly tired. But I really didn't care. Later today I would be going to check on the others... Lena was training with speed Tactics... that was gonna be fun to watch. It was quiet for a second before Athena responded
"Soldier 75" she finally spoke. I felt my mind quickly go to the older man I knew- but also didn't at the same time. I had spoken to him a few times- he has been here for awhile after all- but then I began to think.
    I hadn't known him- no one really know him besides that he was a man and went by the name Soldier 76. Everyone knew he was a little older- and had some combat training but that was basically it.
"Is there a reason he has not had a physical done?" I looked up at the ceiling once more, waiting yet again for a response. Athena spoke quickly after I asked that question, but still replied smoothly.
    "It seems he has managed to avoid any and everyone that wants a checkup on him. Looking at security- sometimes it looks like it's on accident- others it looks intentional. What do you suggest Strike commander Felidae?" Athena finally asked me a question. I sat there for a second, thinking. The man showed no hostility, and showed up before we had really announced we were back. The only people- in the beginning really- were the people we recalled... but looking back on the group he showed up with... those people were all familiar- face wise I mean. They were old members. But that meant he had to be recalled as well... right?"
"He has shown no threat as of now... give him time and keep an eye on him Athena. We can't fully trust him until we know who he is. I want to know where he is and when alright?" I gave her instructions as I rose from my desk, stretching slightly. Athena only hummed in response, telling me she was on it. I let out a groan before grabbing my mask and putting in on my face, feeling it turn on. I reached over behind my chair and grabbed my cloak, looking at it for a second.
     It didn't take long to get a new cloak- and a new outfit entirely. I had replaced everything except my mask, changing m color scheme slightly. I wore a tight fitting light grey shirt, and navy skinny jeans. Wrapped around my waist was my new belt that came with many things- first two holsters for my guns, and one for my knife. There were also some smoke Bombs, and an extra com Incase someone needed another way to get to me- though I already had one in me at all times.
    I also was wearing navy and purple gloves, but the fingertips had been cut off. If I was going to use my hands as weapons, I didn't want to rip a new pair of gloves every time. They reached up to my elbows, but they were still rather comfortable.
    "I'm going to check on Tracer, keep the place safe alright?" I asked Athena as I began to walk towards the door.
    "Of course" she responded before the door slid open- the exact same time as the lights flickered off. I took in a breath before stepping out of my office, walking down the corridor and into the main hallways of the Overwatch facility.
    My black cowboy boots clicked against the ground, informing everyone I was coming in a way. I wanted to say close to my roots... that and Jesses style has slightly rubbed off on me.
As I was walking, many recruits stopped and saluted. Some of them looked familiar- others not. But they all looked intimidated by my presence. Some just ran past me- holding papers and such.
    "Strike Commander, wait up!" I heard a familiar voice call out. I shifted my head to the side, my eyes looking back only  to be met with a pair of brown and maroon eyes. I smiled slightly before fully turning on my heel.
"Ah McCree- and Genji." I spoke to them, being slightly professional for the time being. But I knew the two wouldn't be with me- they didn't care about reputation... and I had decided that it was okay to treat me like they normally would... just with the name Felidae and with Jesse keeping the reigns on about our relationship. Jesse wanted to be called Agent McCree- sense he has always been called that. Genji too- except with his first name because once again, that's what he was always called.
"Sorry to keep you held up but both of us just finished our work for the day- thought we'd join you partner." Jesse chuckled as I turned knowing that the two men would split to the sides of me. Genji quickly appeared to my left keeping up with my speed along with Jesse. I nodded to Jesse, letting him and Genji know it was okay to accompany me. I then looked over at the cyborg, speaking off topic slightly.
"Genji I really apreciate you helping McCree with training today- good lord he probably needed it." I snickered quietly, knowing that only the two men were listening- plus I had managed to keep a simi straight face. I was aloud to smile- I'm not gonna walk around being an emotionless robot... Genji chuckled while Jesse let out a quiet gasp in offense.
"Now- correct me if I'm wrong but I am the best sharpshooter we've got Commander Felidae." He spoke with sass, trying to get me on his side. I shifted my eyes to the cowboy, smirking slightly before responding to him.
"Not the best teacher though. Tell me Genji- how many times did he mess up?" I questioned. Jesse tried to speak but Genji quickly cut him off, responding to my question quickly.
"Sixty seven times." He spoke mater of factly, lifting his head a little more. I let out a smirk as Jesse let out a whine, slouching slightly.
"What? No I didn't!..." he spoke before he became quiet. Genji and I shifted our eyes to hum, unamused: He then finished his sentence a pout echoing from his lips, crossing his arms.
"It was only sixty six..." he mumbled childishly causing Genji to let out a loud chuckle, gaining the attention of others in the hallway we were walking down. I still continued to hold the small smile on my face as we came up to the training grounds, me going into the authorized personnel only viewing box, bringing the boys with.
I have come to realize that being strike commander... I need everyone to be trustworthy. Including myself to everyone else in the base.
I felt as if it was unfair that I knew everyone's name- part of their past and such. I felt like it wasn't right and continued to try and get closer and closer to being myself.
In the beginning of me being in charge- Refused to let myself smile, and I'd speak firmly and loudly- only when I needed to speak that is. I was scary- and I began to realize that I was a lot like Gabriel... but looking back on it- that's not who I am anymore. I was when I was younger, when I was in my teens. But now as an adult I didn't mind being myself. I just wanted to give it time, and Jesse and Genji knew that- and I'm glad that they respected it.
     "Doors are shut (Y/n), ya can relax now." I heard Jesse snicker after the sound of the metal sliding down hit the ground reached my ears. I let out a sigh, slouching my shoulders and letting out a groan. I heard Genji let out a quiet chuckle as he patted me on the back.
    "You are doing great, it will not take long before you can start to... adjust to every one around you." Genji spoke calmly as he took a step toward the large glass window that finished off the observing room. It was designed so that we could see out- but others could not see in. It was so that if we wanted to test the new recruits- we could do so in secret to see if they tried or not with training.
    It was simple but nice- when it came to an illegal base. The room had a few chairs lined up to the window- and a water dispenser. Next to the chairs was a worn down metal table. Giving time- we could turn the room into something cozy.
I let out a sigh and reached up and took my mask off, blinking a few times to adjust the the light of the room... the mask helped with brightness. I then set it down to the side.
"Has anyone shown up yet?" I questioned the boys and I relaxed a little- rolling my shoulders. Genji was leaning against the glass- a little off to the side. I had asked him to come and observe- maybe give a few tips. He was very quick when it came to raw talent- where tracer needed help to jump through time. But she was still skilled when helping people improve on anything really.
Jesse was here because in tough situations he was flexible- he was able to think fast.... at least now he was- back in Blackwatch days I can't count how many times the two of us had been cornered and I had to drag home through fire.
"Nah but we are slightly early darlin." Jesse spoke as the flopped down into one of the seats, causing his hat to lean right into his face- blocking his eyesight. I watched him smile as I flicked the hat back up, shaking my head.
"No napping cowboy, your here for a reason, and that's to watch and help improve these agents skills in the future." I spoke in a slightly commanding voice but kept it more normal than I would with many others. His smile only grew as he closed his eyes- completely ignoring me. I felt my eye twitch as I took in a breath- ready to raise my voice before I was interrupted
    "Alright loves! Right this way, come on!" I heard the loud but happy Brit call out as she zipped into the room, standing on her tippy toes as she looked around the large area. Her eyes were wide along with her smile as she turned her head to look at the recruits that had followed her in. A few were dressed in the attire we had giving them- but there was a very small handful that wore their "gear"
   And by a small handful I meant one person- Soilder 76. He wore His worn down outfit, head gear and everything. I took a step towards the large window, my eyes squinting. Genji looked over at me, curiously staring.
"Athena, focus eighty nine percent of the cameras onto Solder 76. I want you to focus on his moves and compare them to every old member of overwatch- no Mater what their role was." I spoke. I watched as most of the cameras switched over to the older male slowly and silently. Most were hidden but some were plain obvious. Just so that they knew we were watching and to not fuck around. Though- this was the only room with an observation deck, there were others that had cameras.
    "Is he the unidentified one?" I heard Genji ask as he gazed at the older man, watching as he listened to Lena.
    Lena decided to start with something simple- dodging her... okay not so simple considering she can just sip around. But it would help us figure out where everyone was.
    I nodded watching as one younger male stepped up to the mat- he seemed like a baby... must have just turned into an adult. After all, we refused to allow the underaged join unless... well shit happened. I'm referring to Jesse, Genji and I. We were special cases.
   He seemed cocky enough, black hair, brown eyes as he smirked at Lena. She wobbled on her feat, giving off innocence as she smiled sweetly. Too bad none of them knew how quick she was- or how smart she was.
In a split second the fight began as soon as it ended, with Lena quickly zipping up into the air and smacking the younger male in the back of the head. It was very amusing to watch- I must say. The boys eyes widened as he went tumbling forward from the force, turning around and looking at his trainer.
I chuckled, watching as one by one, everyone quickly got their asses beat- leaving none other than 76. I reached over and slapped Jesses Leg, causing him to slightly jump and quickly lean forward, catching his hat in the process. He seemed in a daze before he shook his head slightly glaring at me.
"Don't give me that shit, I told you not to sleep. Now pay attention." I spoke as the male let out a huff in annoyance but shifting his eyes to the training room. He tilted his head.
"There's only one guy left" Jesse mumbled as he put his hat back on. I glared at him slightly- he was giving me an attitude. I almost began to growl at him before I felt a small wave of energy drain from my body.
"Did you have to fall in love with... him?" I heard Eclipse call out as he looked at Jesse, ears pulled back and eyes wide. Jesse wasn't stupid, and knew when the Panther was threatening him. He held up his hands and scoffed.
    "Fine fine." Jesse growled out as he leaned forward, lazily watching as Lena readied up for the next match. I let out a chuckle, looking down at Eclipse and nodding- a slight blush on my face. I knew he was joking- he loved Jesse as well, just in a different way. The Panther seemed to smile before he sat down, joining the rest of us in watching.
    He was healed now- fully healed. The would was nothing but a small scar that would only be visible if you moved his fur around enough- but it was still there. Though just like me... he hated Genjis brother. Not only because he was almost killed by the man- but because he knew what the archer did to Genji when they were children. Eclipse was not one to forgive people- and neither was I.
"Him being the only one left is why I want you to pay attention Jesse. You and Genji." I spoke, mentioning the cyborgs name causing him to nod in my direction. Jesse once again huffed and rolled his eyes. He was only pissed off because I woke him up. He'd have to get over it.
"Alright love- let's see how long ya can last! Maybe above a second- a new record!" Lena called out as she stretched her leg slightly, winking as she spoke. The other Agents all seemed embarrassed- and upset. Of course they were, they took Lena for granted and payed the price.
Solder 76 only looked at her before slowly going into a fighting position. I felt my eyebrows raise in curiosity as he seemed to focus on Lena and Lena alone.
The fight began, and Lena zipped right over to the older man- but instead of winning immediately by hitting the gut, her hand swiped down, missing him by a hair.
Lena seemed surprised as she regained her footing... looks like she now was the one to underestimate the situation. She turned but she was not angry. She was excited.
    She zipped at the man again, a giggle followed as the man once again dodged.
I squinted and began to notice Solder 76's movement. It seemed familiar... so very familiar. I felt my eyes widen slightly as I reached up to my com, quickly pressing it. Genji and Jesse looked at me confused.
    "Tracer, execute training move 5671" I spoke into the mic. I could practically hear Jesse and Genjis eyes widening.
     Training move 5671 was somthing that Jack pulled out of his ass years and years ago- it was an attack that no one could escape except him. The ironic thing was that no one was able to do the attack. Except for Lena. She never missed unless it was...
    "Commander are you sure? If I hit him he will be pretty hurt!" She mumbled into the mic, looking up at me quietly through the screen. I responded with a yes and the brit put on a sigh before she quickly backed away from the fight a determined expression on her face.
     You could see the nervousness in her eyes as she quickly ran forward, towards the unarmed agent. But instead of landing a hit or even trying to she jumped over him, hitting the wall and bouncing off of it- only to hit another wall... we'll she didn't really hit the walls- she landed on them.
    She continued to do this, racking up speed to the point where you could only see blue lines of energy, indicating where she had been. The agents that had already gone, backed up with scared faces as they huddled together.
    "(Y/n)... darlin what are you getting at?..." Jesse questioned quietly as he stood up, coming to my side but I refused to look at him for even a second. I needed to see this.
    "Trust me." I spoke as Tracer finally came to her top speed. In an instance, she rammed herself against a wall, and pushed herself off, aiming right towards Solder 76.

    Time seemed to go slow The older man dodged easily, grabbing Lenas outstretched arm and slamming her against the mat earning a loud "oof" to come from the Brits mouth. But she was fine, for when she opened her eyes, there was nothing but shock and confusion.
    I felt my eyes widen as I took a step back. Eclipse stood up, ears up as his tail stopped moving. Jesse rushes to the glass looking at the older man and Genji kind of just stood there, eyes wide.
    "With me." I spoke quickly as I grabbed my mask and threw it onto my face, rushing to the door. Eclipse was the first to run after me, his paws hitting the ground quickly.
     The door slid open and the two of us rushed out. I expected the boys to follow but to my surprise they began going in the other direction. But I couldn't focus on that now.
     "Are you sure about this?..." I heard eclipse call out to me as we rushed down the ramp- but I was speed walking. As much as I needed to see him- I needed to stay calm.
    I nodded as I made it to the large doors of the training room. I took in a breath before pushing the double doors open, being met with the bright blinding lights of the training room.

Alrighty! First off I'd like to say that I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I made it a little longer than usual- so I hope y'all likes that bit.
    Now that That's out of the way I need to say some things as to why this chapter is a month and a two late.
     Maybe a month ago- possible less- a stage three tornado touched down less than half a mile away from my home. I'm not going to go into details but it- during that time- was hard for me and my family. Some of my friends were deemed homeless, and we lost power for about a week and a half
     Luckily that's all that happened to our house- just power going out. No trees fell, nothing. But because of that and COVID19 it has been slightly difficult for me to pick up my phone and start writing. But I'm getting back to the rhythm of things.
     I'm not asking for forgiveness because frankly I don't need to. This is something that could have happened to anyone and I'm great full that we only lost power. I'm asking for you all to understand that this is why this chapter is late- and for those of you that do- I thank you.
    But- THATS enough of that! Again I hoped you enjoyed this chapter- I was... okay with it until the end which is why I cut it off. But I'll see y'all next time!

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