~Chapter 27~

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Your POV

"You know, I really thought it would take Awhile to get used to these things" I spoke calmly as I lifted up another rock from the ground and threw it. It's hard surface skipping across the waters surface before sinking to the bottom. my new hands clicked as I moved my fingers. I turned to the side a soft smile on my face.
"You did have them before for a long time. Only you just have the palms now." Genji softly replied as he messed with his sword. His mask was firmly placed on his face, but you could tell that he held a soothing expression. It seemed hard to get him worked up now, not that it was ever easy. Though he did like to play along now.
     "Well yea, I guess your right. But now I have to get used to the wrist as well." I replied while turning around, one of my new hands reaching up to run through my hair. Genji looked up at me and smiled before speaking again. His voice seemed cocky.
     "Though you have yet to check out your "attack" mode. It's been two weeks (Y/n), don't you think you should at least try and test them out?" Genji questioned, his hands putting his sword back into its rightful spot. I stoped moving for a second, my eyes drifting down to the ground. It seemed very interesting all of a sudden.
Considering Genji was the only person in the base at the moment with both hands that were robotic, Angela thought it would be best for him to help with my therapy. Though after three days I was golden, and we had just been screwing around, making up for lost time. Angela gave me three weeks to test out my hands in general and then my "attack" mode. Though I had not even touched it. Jesse would be helping me, but Rein and Winston had him fixing up the base. To say he was jealous was an understatement. We had new recruits coming in every day. Wether it be one person or ten, he was usually the one welcoming them, along with Lena and a few others.
"I mean- why?..." I questioned out, trying to get out of it. Truth be told I was nervous. A gun I can use, knife, perfect. But claws? Those seem a little bit out of hand. I mean, how long till I slice myself open with em on accident?
"(Y/n) we have talked about this, all you have to do is basically flex your palm in a certain way and they will appear. Angela along with Winston even said that it wouldnt hurt. Plus, better to learn now than when your pinned to a wall about to be slaughtered." Genji sighed while standing up. His head turning to the left and then right before stopping to look at the small lake we had been training at. It wasn't far away, just took a hot minute to get here. Here I felt safe enough to have my new mask off, which was over near the cyborg, sitting neatly on a rock.
     "I guess your right... better start now than later." I mumbled out while looking at my hands. My fingers were curled, and my palm was facing upwards. I took in a breath before flexing my hands, only to be met with a shiver down my spine, and my hands forming claws. It sounded like a sword being unsheathed, something that Genji seemed to be very interested in.
     I backed up in surprise at the feeling. It didn't hurt, more like felt good and normal. Like breathing. I looked at Genji, a smile on my face as I beemed with pride. He shook his  head while letting out a laugh before grabbing a rather large stick off the ground. I was about to ask him what he was doing before he chucked it at me. A quiet "catch" coming from his mouth.
     Panicking for a split second before regaining my senses, I swiped at it, trying to hit it to the ground. But instead I clawed through it, and the stick turning into five pieces of finely chopped wood. With wide eyes I watched the chunks fall one my one with a soft thud, some rolling before stoping
It was quiet for a few seconds, and I flexed my hands back to normal before Genji spoke up.
"Well at least your reflexes are in tack- OW" He called out as I chucked a piece of the wood at his head, a growl erupting from my throat in annoyance.
"You ass! What if I wasn't quick enough!" I called out to him, my body rushing over to him. Panic seemed to spread across his face as I rushed towards him. But before I was in reaching distance, I slowed down to a walk and reached down to grab my mask, which was right beside him, and put it on my face. It hovered to my eyes effortlessly, glowing purple from the sides as it locked on. I waved my hand in front of my face slightly, and my eyes glowed, allowing me to see. Genji no longer seemed scared but he lad lifted himself and made some distance, causing me to chuckle.
     "Oh come on now, you know I would never." I laughed, leaning forward in a teasing way. Genji shifted his head and let out a huff of annoyance before he looked up at the sky.
I followed suit, noticing that the sun was almost to the top of the sky, which indicated that it was almost noon.
Genji looked at me before shrugging.
"Looks like therapy time is over. Let's get going. If we hurry, we might make it for late lunch." He chuckled as he began to walk away, his hands behind his head. I looked at him before speaking up, my body not moving from it's original spot.
"Hold on a minute ninja, we have been walking to and from the base for the past two weeks! Let's spice it up a lil!" I chuckled as as my hands were surrounded by a black and blue mist. Genji turned and felt his eyes widen as I threw down the large mass.
     The mass erupted into a large explosion, but one that wouldn't damage anything. There was a low growl before the mist disappeared, allowing the large wolf to appear.
"Leviathan!" I smiled out as the large wolf let out a low howl before turned to me. There tail wagged happily as they marched over to me. They were quiet, somthing that I was beginning to get used to. They didn't talk much after we first met, but we were working on it.
"Genji, meet Leviathan. they are our ticket home." I smirked out, as the boy looked at the creature up and down before swallowing. The large creature let out a huff, there eyebrows raising, before slowly walking up to him. Their body raised even higher as they straightened out.
    Curiously I watched as the large wolf stop, and looked down at Genji who looked up at it. He wasn't scared- more like nervous, but kept still either way.
Leviathan leaned down more before opening they're  mouth and swiftly grabbing ahold of him, carful not to hurt him in any way. They then flung him up into the air.
With wide eyes, I watched as Genji let out a yelp and fell on top of the large wolf, his hands clenching onto the thick fur.
Leviathan wagged there tail before happily bouncing over to me, a smirk on there face. I heard Genji begin yelling at me, causing my face to pale to a pasty white.
"(Y/n)! Watashi wa anata no o shiri o uchi makasu tsumoridesu!" He called out angrily, but also in a humorous way. I shut my mouth at his threats, knowing that even if it was a joke, he would do it. I glared at the large wolf before they grabbed ahold of the back of my shirt, lifting me up. I expected them to set me on there back, where I would surly die, But instead, the wolf leaned forward, me still in there jaw and letting out a yelp.
     I screamed as Leviathan went bounding forward, quiet quickly I might add. And Genji was laughing his ass off. I turned my head, cursing after him as he let out another laugh.
     "Leviathan! I'm suppose to make a mark here, if you show up with me in your mouth, people are gonna think I'm weak! Why Couldn't You do This To Genji!" I cried out in embarrassment. Genji yelled out at me, telling me he didn't want to be in that position either but after awhile ago he deserved it.
But the large creature didn't listen to me, they only continued to run. I let out a sigh and crossed my arms, rolling my eyes.
But before long, Leviathan slowed down to a walk before they came to a complete stop. They then set me down gently before laying down.
"That's it huh? Well thank you anyways-" Leviathan stopped me mid-sentence before turning their head, their tail raising in alarm along with there ears. At this point Genji had jumped off, and was alarmed as well.
I shifted my gaze to where the two were looking, one of my hands slowly pressing something that was attached to my belt, and the other grabbing my gun.
I squinted my eyes, focusing on the woods. Genjis senses were amazing, and I didn't dare question Leviathan. So all I could do was listen, watch and prepare for what ever the hell would come out.
There was a snap of something, possibly a stick. Leviathan let out a low growl, and crouched to the ground. There ears folded back, and their eyes focused on the forest.
Genji now had his sword slightly unsheathed, and his head was dipped slightly, his eyes probably narrowed.
     I looked forward allowing my eyes to shift back and forth between the greenery. It was quiet for a few seconds before somthing large jumped out of the bushed. Leviathans eyes widened as they almost lunged at the creature.
     "WOAH- easy EASY! It's a deer, it's all right!" I called out as I rushed in front of the large wolf who relaxed quickly before glaring at the deer that didn't seem bothered by us. They then let out a ferocious bark, scaring the living shit out of the deer, causing the poor thing to run off in fear, it bounding off in the distance.
    They then let out a huff before looking at me and letting out a huff.
     "It wasn't a deer" I heard a male voice echo within my head. I looked up at Leviathan before he let out another growl. He then disappeared in a puff of black and blue smoke, leaving Genji and I to ourselves.
    I turned to look at Genji before letting out a sigh.
    "Let's go." I mumbled out. He was a few feet in front of me, leaving me to the back.
     I felt something hit the back of my head, causing me to let out a surprised, quiet "ow"
    Genji continued to walk forward while I stopped. I turned my body and felt my eyes widen. The world seemed to stop.
    There stood a man- but- it was weird. He was buff, and he wore all black. His gloves were sharp at the ends- like claws. He had a cape that went down to his large boots. And he had shotguns with shotgun shells, which were hung around his chest.
    But his head was much different from his body. He had a black hood to cover the top of his head, but his face... he wore a mask. It was white, and resembled that of a skull. But something about the guy seemed familiar.
     "Who are you?..." I questioned while taking a step forward, my head tilting to the side as I squinted my eyes.
    The man said nothing except shifting his head to where he made eye contact with me. It was quiet for a few seconds before the man took a step forward, his body evaporating in thin air. But before he could leave- he let out a low demonic chuckle.
     "Hello (Y/n)"

Howdy y'all! Hope you enjoyed this small chapter! Sorry it's taking so long, I'm working on a secret project! (Hints- it's a new book) but hopefully after the first few chapters are up with that, I can shift between both books! But I hope you all have enjoyed, stay tuned for next time, and as always WOLF OUT!

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