~Chapter 8~

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Your POV

     "Jesse! Jesus- you scared me half to death!" I laughed slightly as I closed my eyes for a few seconds, my heart quickly returning to its normal rate, the way it should had been. I let out a happy sigh as I opened my eyes quickly to see him with both the horses, saddled up and prepared for what ever adventure He was taking me on. Rain seemed to be thrilled, her head was held a little higher and her eyes seemed to be filled with excitement. While hades seemed... more upset than usual. His head has held to the ground slightly and he refused to make eye contact. He tugged his head slightly, causing Jesse to harden his grip.
"Sorry darlin- guess I got a little ahead of myself" Jesse chuckled, his eyelids closing but quickly re opening, allowing me to see his chocolate brown eyes. His hair was nice, or at least brushed and made to look good, but of course he was wearing his hat. It wouldn't be the Great McCree without his hat.
     His smile was wide, and his eyes seemed to have a glimmer of happiness. He reached out his right hand, that was holding the reigns of Hades who seemed to be restless. The horses eyes darted over to me before quickly shifted to the other side. I quickly grabbed the reigns and went to stand in front of him, a smile also growing on my face as I did so, though I did know that in the back of my mind I would have to have a chat with my loving horse
     Jesse leaned forward slightly, his head tilted up and his eyes looking down at me, his grin never fading as his eyebrows arched slightly.
     "Shall I help you up darlin?" He flirted, something that I was not used to from him but quickly got the hang of it. I smirked up at him and flicked his hat up, earning a surprised reaction from him, but his smile never seemed to fade. Quickly, I passed him and hauled myself onto Hades, a chuckle coming from my mouth as I did so.
     I looked down to see him grinning still, his pearly white teeth shimmering in the sunlight that was peeping through the trees. He then turned and hopped up on Rain, the horse moving ever so slightly as he got situated.
     "So Jesse? Where we headed today?" I questioned. Knowing quite well the we were both nervous. Usually when ever we were together it was always laughs and we would talk... but it seems quiet.
"Well sugar, thought we'd go out to eat, though of course we have to take a detour." He smiled, causing my cheeks to turn red. I then looked down at Hades who seemed still be upset. Sighing, I reached a hand down and stroked his neck, patting it afterwords. He let out a snort and backed up slightly, indicating that he just wanted to move. What is up with him?...
"Well, lead the way, though don't go to fast. I'm going to hold back for a few seconds and see what's wrong with Hades." I smiled to Jesse who's face lit up. He nodded and looked at the Black horse who lifted his head up and snorted loudly. The cowboy the looked back at me and smiled. he then softly clicked his tongue, causing Rain to take off, leaving me and Hades by our lonesome.
I jumped off of Hades when Jesse was out of sight and walked in front of him, his reigns still in my hands as I did so. I then stopped and looked him in the eyes, though he did not return the favor.
"Hades. Look at me right now." I mumbled, causing the horse to slowly shift his blueish black eyes back to me. He shifted slightly, his hooves making hollow sounds as they touched the ground.
I reached up both of my hands and cupped his face, leaning my forehead onto his as I did so. He immediately calmed down and lowered his head, his tail flicking slightly.
"I'm sorry, I know I haven't spent time with you for awhile. After everything happened- I guess I got to carried away with trying to... cope with everything. I know it wasn't fair, I promise I'll try to make it up to you, alright boy?" I whispered to the horse, hoping he would listen to my words. I was answered when he nudged my face with his snout, a soft whinny coming from him as is ears perked up.
Smiling, I was about to hop back on him but was stopped when he nudged my hand... I forgot that I haven't seen him sense I lost my fingers.
I looked down at then and aloud him to look at him for a few second, his eyes shifting, seeming to study every part of the mechanics.
"I lost my fingers to the explosion. Luckily, I was able to gain them back... just not flesh." I chuckled at the end, causing the horse to nudge me yet again, but this time be pushed me toward the saddle.
Laughing, I patted his neck again and hauled myself up onto the western saddle. I then repositioned my self and looked forward.
      Looking down at the large horse, I noticed that his head was slightly turned to me, his eyes holding a fierce gaze. I smirked at him, my back straightening as I looked forward.
"Well boy, I doubt we want to lose them do we? Plus is is just a little to quiet for my taste." I called out, my tongue clicking at the end, telling Hades to go forward.
The black horses head then snapped forward and was held higher than it was before. His front legs lept to the sky, a cry coming from him as his back legs held his large body. His tail flicked yet again, and his mane waved in the slow wind.
He then jumped forward, the ground shaking as his hooves slammed against the ground.
The large horse rushed forward, And before I knew it, Jesse came back into view. As we rushed passed him and Rain, Time seemed to go slow.  I turned to him and winked, his face filled with confusion and surprise. He reached up to his hat and held it on as hades tail flicked him in the face, earning a curse to come from his mouth. Hades seemed to let out a snicker of some sort.
"Better hurry up cowboy! I don't even know where we're going!" I laughed out as his surprised face quickly turned into a smirk. He let out a happy yell as Rain then lept after us, her hooves pounding against the ground as she quickly caught up to us. His hat- somehow stayed put on his head as we both rushed forward, the leaves twirling behind us as the horses seemed to dance.
     I laughed but that quickly died away when Jesse and Rain took a Right, heading up a hill that looked like a cliff from where I was. Small Rocks fell from the edge as they ran.
    At first I had thought that he had just left me and was on his way to where ever we were headed off to, but all of that ended when I looked up at the cliff that was to the side, a loud whinny coming from the top of it.
     Rain lept from the edge, her hooves stretched outwards as she fell to the ground.
    Jesse had his hands reached out, a loud laugh coming from his throat as he did so. His hair waved from under his hat, and his eyes were slightly watery from the air that was hitting him in the face.
    Hades let out an angered cry as he almost tripped on himself as they basically landed on us, causing the large horse to swerve and regain balance.
I looked to the right a laugh escaping my lips as he winked back at me.
"Where did you learn that huh?" I called out as Hades jumped over a fallen tree, a huff coming from him as he had just been out tricked by the other horse.
Jesse smiled as We slowly took a left, a trail coming into view as we did so.
"Eh- taught it to myself a while ago." His voice echoed throughout the forest. His smile died down slightly as the horses both began to slow down, Hades anger radiating off of him. But all of that seemed to disappear when the horses completely stopped, there heads facing forward as they seemed to freeze.
Curiously I turned my head forward, expecting something dangerous or something that had spooked them. But instead I was met with a pair of bright purple eyes
"Eclipse!" I called out as I jumped of Hades, tripping over myself in the process.
Tumbling to the ground and onto my knees, I wrapped my arms around the Black Panther, a large smile wrapping around my face as I felt his paws reach up and wrap around me, a sand paper tongue smacking my face.
"I am glad I was able to get back quickly. Genji has made it quite far within twenty four hours. He is held up in a motel at the moment, but I have learned where he is headed." He spoke within my mind, his voice lacing over a few times before stoping.
     I turned to Jesse who seemed as happy as I was. He jumped off and softly patted the Panther on the head, a purr coming from Eclipse as he did so.
    "What did he say?" Jesse questioned as he pulled away his hand, the horses slowly walking up to us as he did.
     "He said Genji is safe, he's held up in a motel right now. But Eclipse knows where he is headed." I beamed while lifting myself from the leaf infested ground, Eclipse doing the same.
"The Boy said he was heading to Nepal. The reason why, he did not say. But I'm afraid he caught on that I was after him..." he mumbled in the end, his mind reaching out to me and digging itself within my mind. Before I could react a flash of white grew across my eyes, causing me to wince.
     What I saw before me was foggy but I was able to see what it was. I saw Genji walking within a small motel room, his hood hiding his body and his face. He wore baggy pants along with gloves... he must not had wanted people to know that he was a cyborg.
     Suddenly it showed him through a windows eye view, sitting on a bed, a sigh coming from his lips.
     "Panther... I know you have been following me." Genji called out while getting up and opening the window, allowing Eclipse to jump in, an annoyed expression on his face.
     Eclipse jumped on the bed, laying down in the process, a huff coming from his mouth.
"I know why though, so I am not angry." Genji laughed as he sat down a little ways from Eclipse, a happy sigh coming from his lips. A flash of red beamed as Soba flew about and landed in front of Eclipse, a squeak coming from her as she curled up into his chest, resting her body on his crossed paws.
"When you go back, tell them I am going to Nepal. I have heard there are some... people... that can help me." Genji finished, his hand going to the back of his neck to rub it. But as soon as he did so, his eyes widened slightly as he pulled something off of him.
In his hand was an extremely small chip, the tracking device I had planted on him.
He laughed and shook his head while grabbing his bag. He then placed it on the side, a soft click coming from it as he did so.
"If it shall make her less worried..." Genji mumbled while putting the bag down. He then turned to Eclipse and smiled. After patting his head, he motioned to the window.
"You and I both know you must go." Genji spoke as Soba lept up, her body soaring as she gracefully landed on the ninjas shoulder.
Eclipse nodded, and jumped of the bed, his front legs reached up and touched the window seal. He then turned his head, his purple eyes wavering. He then let out a chuff, as to say goodbye.
Genji waved, and after that. My vision faded to white again, and then back to normal. I saw Eclipses eyes open, as he backed away slightly.
Jesse looked at me, his hand on my shoulder and his face holding a worried expression
"Y'all right darlin?" He questioned. I shook my head and smiled.
"Yep! Perfectly fine. Genji is going to Nepal, and that is where he will stay... it's nice knowing that weight is off my chest." I sighed happily.
Jesse nodded, a smile still playing at his lips.
"You and I both sugar." He laughed as we both turned to Eclipse who looked at the two of us. He lit out a chuff and closed his eyes.
His body then disappeared in a puff of blue smoke, with a mixture of black.
"Blue..." I whispered out in surprise. Jesse didn't seem to hear me and hauled himself into rain, motioning me to get on Hades, which I did.
"Well McCree, where too?"

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