~Chapter 22~

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Your POV

     "Aaaaanndddd here we are!" I called out tiredly but thrilled at the same time as I opened up the door to a cheep and worn down motel room. It was nothing much... at all. One bed, a dresser, TV and then a bathroom. Again, nothing special but considering Jesse and I were exhausted. It was a welcome sight.
"We have been driving for hours." I heard myself mumble out as my satchel slid off of my shoulder and landed on the carpeted floor with a loud thud. I felt my eyes sag slightly as I stumbled over to the bed, and fell down on it. A soft sigh coming from my lips as I seemed to sink into the covers as if they were clouds.
    "More like I have been driving for hours." I heard Jesse chuckle out, causing me to lift my head and turn to face him, a soft smile forming from my lips.
    He went and set his stuff down, not that we had much except clothing that we wore everyday, minus our sleep wear, and walked over the bed, falling onto his back and causing the bed to bounce. We lied there for a few seconds before I lifted myself up and kissed him on the forehead.
"Alright cowboy, you and I both know that we need to shower." I hummed out as I lunged from the bed and began to make my way to the small bathroom. Jesse looked at me and smirked, following after me.
"No." I turned and pointed at him, one eyebrow raised and I smirked. He raised his hands and backed off, his eyes closing.
"I have a kid to wash, you can wait." I chuckled out, causing him to open his eyes in confusion before betrayal. He began stumbling after me like a child.
"But you guys are going to use up the hot water!" He cried out, causing me to laugh. He then mumbled something just loud enough for me to hear, and it caused my face to turn red and open the door again, throwing my shirt at him as I did so. I then shut the door behind myself and let out another laugh, hearing his deep chuckle from the other side of the door as I did so.
     "Well that's that." I sighed out tiredly. I then proceeded to take off the rest of my clothing, minus the shirt because it was already off.
     I then started the shower, waiting for a few seconds before it began to turn warm. I then dragged myself into the satisfying warmth, opening my eyes when I felt a large creature behind me, blocking out the water.
     "Hello you three." I chuckled while turning around, only to be met with a pair of big beady eyes... well at two pairs of them. In front of my stood the Chimera Jesse and I had raised from an egg, and she always seemed to show up whenever I showered... they seemed to love them as much as I did.
Elota let out a loud yawn as her chest rumbled, a loud purr coming from her. As a very small cub, she grew quickly. But the bigger she got, the slower that process went. So now she was almost to big for a shower, which broke all three of their hearts.
A second head came down looking at me with a tilted head. Farica always seemed to know my thoughts, and hear ears folded back slightly.
To my right, I noticed the curtains opening slightly, and my eyes came face to face with slits for eyes. Onika gazed at me and began to wrap around the shower head, but not to where she stopped the water.
"Guys, come on you know better." I chuckled, knowing fully well that I had no room anymore. There was a wine from Farica, and all three of them climbed out, hopefully not making a mess from the water they were covered in.
"Thank you." I sang out as I quickly began to clean myself, knowing there would be plenty of hot water for Jesse. I began to sing to myself quietly as I washed my hair with shampoo and conditioner, and then continued to wash my body with soap. It didn't take long at all, but I did need a haircut... badly.
      I sighed happily as I turned the water off and climbed out, grabbing a towel as I did so. I then dried my hair slightly, just enough to where it wouldn't drip, and then I wrapped it around my body, unlocking the door and walking out after.
     "That was quick." Jesse called out while sitting on the edge of the bed, his hat by his side and his poncho off. All he wore was his shirt and pants, along with his shoes.
    "Darling I'm always quick" I winked while snapping my fingers at him, a hand still holding up my towel as I stuck my hip out slightly. It was quiet for a second before Jesse burst out laughing, his hands going to cover his eyes and he leaned back.
     I felt heat rise to my face and I smiled in embarrassment, as I walked over to him.
     "Yea yea, now go take a shower." I chuckled out, my face still burning as a grabbed a nearby pillow and smacked him on the head, a loud sigh coming from his mouth.
He then pulled himself up as I stood in front of him, a smile on my face as he leaned forward and kissed me softly.
I then felt him get pushed away as a sound of protest came from his mouth. I looked up from my position and chuckled as Jesse was being circled by My chimera, his eyes holding a gleam as he held his hands out.
"Hold on! Your wet as hell!" Jesse cried out as the large beast jumped on top of him, causing them both to go tumbling down to the floor and Jesse to yell once again in protest.
"NO" he dragged out as he laughed. Elotas paper tongue slapped him in the face, his hands coming up to try and push her away playfully.
"Alright alright, once we're back to base you can play but for now I need to send you back. We don't want to get someone to check on us, after all. Your both being pretty loud. I chuckled while pulling out some clothing from my satchel. Just a tank top, soft shorts and underwear. And after I'm dressed, I'll my outfit and go rent a washer and drier.... I'll probably grab Jesses dirty clothing as well, but not his poncho... last time I tried to wash that thing it did NOT go well.
I put the clothing on the bed and turned back to the other two in the room. I then waved my hand and in a puff of blue smoke, she was gone. I watched as Jesse stood up and dusted himself off, a quiet chuckle escaping from his lips.
"I never want kids." He laughed while walking into the bathroom. I laughed and called after him.
"That's a lie and you know it! You talk in your sleep a LOT." I told him as I heard him close the door and make sounds as to tune me out. I shook my head and made sure the curtains were closed, and once doing so I began to get myself dressed.
     I pulled my hair into a ponytail, pushing it out of the way. I then grabbed the clothing I had taken off, and put it in a pile, turning to go into the bathroom because someone didn't throw there clothes out.
     I opened the door, my eyes squinting at the steam as I began to pick up various clothing from the ground. You would think that a mad didn't need so many accessories.
     "(Y/n)?" Jesse quiestioned out only to hear me shush him and walk out of the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I then grabbed the rest of the pile and walked outside of our small room, taking a left to the office, knowing that they had what I needed.
I walked in through the glass doors, to be greeted with a woman with gum in her mouth. Her faded blue hair was pulled up into a bun, and in her hands was a magazine. She raised her head at me and in a bored expression stared.
     Without speaking, I motioned to the laundry in my hands and she pointed to a door to her right, immediately going back to looking at her magazine, a loud pop coming from her mouth as she continued to chew the gum.
     I sighed as I walked into a room, pushing yet another glass door open as I did so. My eyes landed on the washer first which is exactly what I came for. I began to walk forward, opening the thing up and putting the clothing in it. Thank god there wasn't a lot. I then put in some soap, but not to much.
     "Ah shit..." I mumbled out as I realized I didn't have any spare change on me. I then turned only to be met with dark purple eyes.
    "Oh, hey Eclipse." I spoke out while continuing my search. My body turning and looking around. I mean, someone had to have dropped something right.
     I jumped slightly as I heard something loudly get hit. I turned quickly and saw Eclipse sitting on top of the washer, his eyes glancing at me before pawing at the machine. Before my eyes it started up and confusion filled my head
     "It came with the room stupid." Eclipse mumbled out as he lied down on the washer and dryer, considering they were right next to each other. I stared at him for a few seconds before shaking my head slightly and sitting down on a nearby chair.
     "Your lucky no cameras are in here and the girl at the desk could give two flying shits about me, because if she walks in here and sees you, I'm going to have to play along." I chuckled out to him, causing him to lift his head and slightly smile, his ears perking up as he did so.
From then on out, we had small conversations, things never getting awkward between us, even when I had to get up and put the clothing in the drier. It was nice, considering I hadn't been alone with him for awhile.
"Alright you overgrown house cat, lets go." I called out while grabbing a nearby hamper that was for use, putting the dry clothing in them as I did so. The large panther looked at me and jumped down but before he left, he turned and vanished... forgot about the chick.
I let out a huff and walked out, passing by the girl without even glancing, and walking outside through the glass doors. I smiled as the cool fresh air whipped around my face, my eyes closing for a quick second.
"Alright, clothing is ready for tomorrow." I called out while walking into our little room. My eyes scanned over only to see the bathroom light still on and Jesse to be no where in sight. Quietly, I set down the hamper, and walked to the bathroom, my eyes widening slightly as I saw Jesse with a long razor. You know, the ones they use in old barber shops.
His beard was covered in a shaving cream that he covered around, and his eyes held a soft guilty look as he pursed his lips slightly.
"Jesse McCree, you know for a fact that you can't shave yourself for shit." I told him while softly taking the razor out of his hands. It was at this point where I noticed that his shirt was off, causing me to blush slightly but shake my head.
"Yea, but I didn't know where ya went." He mumbled out as I softly started to shave part of his beard slightly, but not the edges around his mouth. Just around his jaw line and such.
"Still should had waited. You remember what happened last time right?" I chuckled out while cleaning the knife like blade and setting it a side. I then grabbed a nearby towel and wiped away the rest of the shaving cream, checking his face to make sure it looked fine only to see it pale at my last statement.
I chuckled remembering when he tried to shave himself but failed miserably. Worst week of his life having a baby face before peach hair began to come back.
"Alright come on. It's like, eleven." I yawned out leaving the bathroom, him following me with a yawn of his own.
"Aight, aight, got it darlin." He chuckled tiredly, his deep voice rumbling into my ear, causing me to smile warmly and blush even more as I crawled under the covers, sighing at the cool feeling.
Jesse then fell next to me, causing me to let out a gasp as the bed shook. I looked over at him as he crawled under the covers. I looked at him for a few seconds before he noticed my stare.
"What?" He questioned before I held out my arms. With a smile, he wrapped my hands around my waist and pulled me close to his chest, my arms curling up as I let out a sigh.
"Dammit, left on the light." I cried out tiredly, only for the bathroom light to turn off. I turned my head to see Eclipse standing in the doorway, smiling as he disappeared.
I let out a happy yawn, thanking him internally as I leaned my head against Jesses chest, his arms holding me tighter and closer, but not to the point where it was annoying.
My mind was then wandered off on a silk blanket, taking me to forgotten dreams and new ones. Never to be forgotten, but not remembered either.

Hey guys Flame here! And I hope you enjoyed this short lil chapter! Because the next chapters I'm going to try and make it a long one, for it's a reunion! The long wait is coming to the end. Though I don't think you know what's going to go down, and neither does Jesse! I guess that it wasn't just a recall for old members if you know what I mean
But as always, I hope you enjoyed! Stay tuned for next time, and as always, WOLF OUT!

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