~Chapter 7~

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Your POV also, it's short. Wanted to make it special for the date so sorry! Your gonna have to wait and I apologize.

I hummed in delight as I felt warm water wash down my body, steam coming up from the liquid as I did so. I closed my eyes and let the steaming water drip down my face, allowing some dirt to wash off and sink down the drain. It felt nice, and relaxing. Like a shower should be.
I then heard the sound of the curtain move slightly, causing my eyes to open and my head to snap to the side, allowing to see my intruder.
There stood Onika, her eyes blinking as her slick tongue slithered out and went back into her mouth. Soon enough the other two had joined, there heads looking down at the water and staring at it curiously.
     Chuckling, I turned the water down to a lower temperature and leaned over to pick up the small creature, a sound of surprise coming from them. I then gently set them in the tub, allowing the water to also run over them.
     The three heads looked at me, curiosity in there eyes as they padded around in the water.
     Sighing, I continued to wash myself, carful not to let any soap fall down and land on the small Chimera, the fear of getting soap in her eyes.
After what felt like forever, I had finished washing myself and turned off the water. I then made my way out of the shower and wrapped myself in a towel, mumbling a random song. I then reached into the tub again and pulled out the small Chimera, a happy sound coming from them.
I then wrapped a towel around them, quickly drying them as I did so.
"You know, yesterday was quite a day for you and I wasn't it?" I questioned to the small creature as she looked up at me and jumped up and down excitedly. I then opened up the door that led to the rest of my bedroom, steam erupting from the door.
The little creature then ran to the front of my room, a gleam in each of there eyes as they did so. They then paused at my room door and waited for it to open to which it did. They then ran out, taking a right to where I could only guess was Jesses room... considering that was the only other place I let her go to.
     "Ok... well then. Now to pick something to wear..." I mumbled to myself as I thought of what Jesse told me a few hours ago.
"Where something nice darlin— but not to flashy. We ain't going somewhere fancy— if that's ok with you sugar! I mean we can..."
     "Aaannddd then he continued to ramble..." I mumbled to myself as I reached into my dresser and began to pull out a few pieces of clothing out. I couldn't help but remember that he always rambled when he was nervous.
     "How about I go with this..." I whispered as I picked out the outfit.

(There it is, though of course you can always chose your own type of clothing

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(There it is, though of course you can always chose your own type of clothing. I just happen to love flannels. Also imagine the sunglasses are not there)

     I let out a sigh as I threw on a black shirt over my bra, the fabric covering everything except for my arms. I then reached and grabbed the flannel, and smiled. I softly touched the fabric and noticed that it was slightly worn out.
     "After all these years. I still can't believe this thing is intact and still fits." I chuckled to myself as I remembered when Jesse gave me this when we first met. It used to be part of my main outfit.
     Shaking my head, I slid on the shirt, buttoning it up after I had done so. I then grabbed the skinny jeans and pulled them up, another sigh coming from my lips.
     "Ok where are my black-" I turned to where I last put my favorite shoes and noticed the ripped pieces of the clothing scattered around it.
     I blinked once, and then twice.
     "How fucking dare she" I laughed as I picked up the ruined shoes and threw them in a nearby box. They were ruined yes, but there was still stuff to be ripped off. Might as well keep it for her so that she doesn't go after my other footwear. Think of it as her toy.
     " alright, lea go with my white shoes." I mumbled as I reached over to grab them, relief filling my chest as they were not ruined. I then slipped them on, tying the laces as I finished.
     I then stood up and looked at myself in the mirror, a smile on my face as I did so. I then looked at my face and thought for a second.
     I then reached down and pulled out some mascara, applying it as I did so. I then brushed my hair, deciding to let it do what ever it wanted for tonight.
     Looking at myself again, And nodded. Happy with how I looked. I then began making my way to the door, about to exit. But before I could, a small Chimera ran in with something in the lions mouth and... a small black bow on the goats neck.
     "Oh my god he's so cheesy..." I laughed as I reached down and grabbed the note, patting all three of there heads In thanks. I then opened up the note and read the one word that was on it. It was simple... but was made in a cheesy way if you know what i mean.
"Barn... Oh alright- but I swear if this is a scavenger hunt..." I mumbled at the end as I waved my hand, causing the small Chimera to disappear in a puff of blue smoke. I couldn't bring her and I couldn't leave her, this was the best option in my opinion.
     "Well. Now to make my way there"

Alrighty. It's one of those days where the first part is shit but the next part wolnt be. So here we go! Wonder how the date will go...

Still your POV my dude

     I felt myself let out a sigh as I began walking through the leaves, a soft crunch coming from the bottom of my feet with each step. I looked up at the trees to see them already orange and red. An assortment of colors covered the ground as well. Guess you could tell what time it was. October I believe it was...
     "Jesse?" I called out as I came closer to the barn, it's rustic look making my heart warm at the sight.
     I paused at the large doors, confusion beginning to fill my chest as I looked at them. I then reached with both my hands and opened the large doors, a loud creek coming from them as I did so.
     But what I expected to see was not there. Hades was no where to be found... and nether was Rain. I.. I wonder where they could had gone?

     "Howdy darlin"

Yes. I know it's short. But hey, at lest the next part will be dedicated to the date right?

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