~Chapter 13~

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Picture has nothing to do with the chapter but I thought it was adorable, and well created. Hope you enjoy!! Sorry if there are mistakes!
Your POV

I heard myself let out a huff as I leaned backwards, my feet dangling on the sides of Hades as he grumpily walked forward. His ears were flopped back and his head was hung low. It's not that he was tired or anything- more like pissed off.
His mane was cut short- making him look like a horse from a western movie... if you know what I mean- Though I wasn't complaining, I thought it made him look intimidating. And his tail was also cut short, making it look like a little bob... though again- I thought it made him look bad ass. But I guess that he had yet to see it like that for he would keep abruptly stoping, just to see if I would fall off.
"Oh come on! You can't seriously expect me to apologize! You were so miserable in the heat and you know it." I called out as the black horse shook his head and let out a... growl?...
"Ugh" I groaned out as I looked up from the angry horses face and forward, specifically to the back of a certain cowboy.
Around us was grass... well- dead grass I guess? And trees that seemed to be buzzing with life- just not the type of life you would expect. Instead of green leaves, they seemed to be darker than expected. But that's to be expected when you reach New Mexico.
"How much longer Jesse?" I called out, one of my hands reaching from the reigns and cupping over my mouth, making my voice seem louder. His head perked up, causing his hat to shift slightly. His upper body turned around, allowing me to see his slightly sun burnt face. His eyes were wider than normal, but it was early in the morning- or at least early for us. He cleared his throat before he began to answer my question
     "We just passed another major city a few days ago. Once we pass the last one and make it around the border of the state, I'd say we could build or do anything we could possibly think of. considering we can't really buy a house... so I would say maybe another day? But then we would have to still find a place that's close to civilization. But like- a small town. What do you think?" He questioned while tilting his head, causing his hat yet again to tip to the side. Though he was a young adult, that hat seemed to never fit him properly... but I guess that's what made Jesse him. And I wouldn't change him for the world.
     "Well I agree with the notion of staying near a small town, but I would like it to be... hmm..." I shut my mouth for a second, my mind wandering to different thoughts as I shook my head, trying to get my head wrapped around things.
"I guess I don't want it to be a town that's under the weather- if you know what I mean. or anything- like not as dangerous. I don't wish for it to end up like Deadlock did." I told him, stumbling on my words slightly as I leaned backwards. I sighed as I heard Hades letting out a snort, causing me to shift on his back. I swear to god- he's like any petty stuck up person you could meet if you made him mad enough.
Silence hung in the air for a few seconds, allowing my thoughts to travel through by head once more, but this time I didn't need to to stop me from distracting myself. My mind wavered to a few nights ago, when Midnight had made an appearance for the first time and had saved me from a few incidents that could had happened because of one wound.
     And looking back on it- I realize how stupid it was to say "let's talk" when I didn't need to. I just needed to sleep and meet her in the dream scape- and Eclipse managed to make it there as well. Though... I'm still a little pissed off at him. Though I know I shouldn't be...

"Hello?" I felt myself question as I opened my eyes to a bright blue- but celestial sky. The bright blue sea wavered as it turned dark- allowing stars and a purple moon to appear- black swirling in the middle as it glowed in the calming darkness.
Around me was a soft glowing green, resembling the grass that was around me. It was soft- not grass like but like silk.
     "Welcome back" I heard a feminine voice call out to me, causing me to pull myself up. I was now standing, and my eyes were shifting around rapidly as I looked for the voice.
      I felt them them stop on the black lioness I needed to meet. And besides her was Eclipse. His eyes were shifted to the ground, ears back slightly and hunched over. His once glowing purple eyes seemed to be slightly faded, causing me to slightly feel bad. But I was still furious at him for not even bothering to tell me about what my powers might hold.
"I assume you are happy, yes?" The black lioness purred out as she stood up, her tail flicking slightly. Her green eyes were glowing- and it seemed like a mist surrounded them. Her once wounded paw was now healed- as if it was never there. By now I knew that her power was healing.
     "Happy for what? I have no need to be happy here." I mumbled out as I dusted off my pants, my hair slightly falling in my face, causing me to move it quickly. I then sighed as Eclipse now stood.
     "(Y/N)- please let me explain-" he tried to reason out, his ears flattened and his eyes wide as he fumbled on his words.
     I wanted to speak up. I wanted to yell at him. As I've learned about my powers and how to control them- memories from my childhood kept popping up. Ones that children would rarely remember from how far back it was. I had every right to know what my powers could do.
     "Allow me" Midnight murmured out as she looked at me. Eclipse starred at her and nodded, reliving that she would get a better chance at getting to me.
     "I know you must be very confused-"
     "Obviously" I cut her off, causing her raft to twitch. She then shook her head and continued.
     "- and angry. But you see, and please believe me. Eclipse had no idea I was even alive anymore. And I had no idea I was alive ether- if that makes any sense. I was in a state of no return when your father died. Eclipse was able to stay because he was summoned when your father... passed away..." her ears flattened as he looked at the ground. Eclipse nudged her head- as if to reassure her. She closed her eyes and took in a breath, the scenery changing as she did so. Visions of my childhood- which I never remembered flashed before my eyes. Some where I was playing- sleeping or even watching my father. And in almost each flash we're three large cats. A Panter, a Black Lioness, and a white tiger.
     "The first memorie I had when I woke up was the vision you had seen. And then I was brought back into the real world. At first I was hesitant- but when u saw you, I saw the young girl I had protected way back then" she finished as she looked at Eclipse. Judging him with her hip and nodding into my direction. Eclipse looked at her and seemed to sigh.
     "I would had told you had I known they were alive. But now that I know that Midnight is alive... Moon might also be somewhere. The problem is you can't summon him. He has to summon himself... somehow... and I'm sorry. You had and have every right to know about them. I was foolish to keep it away from you." Eclipse spoke as he walked up to me. His eyes trained to the floor as he stopped in front of me, his tail swishing back and forth.
     Without thinking I softly fell to the knees and wrapped my arms around the large cat, earning his whole body to tense up. But soon enough he rested his head on my shoulder and seemed to let out a purr
     "You have no need to apologize, i on the other hand am. I shouldn't had gotten mad and yelled at you. I've begun to notice how easily angered I can get. Can you forgive me?" I asked as I leaned back, a smile on my face. I noticed that Midnight had moved to his side, a smile of some sorts on her face as Eclipse nodded.
     "Well, looks like you showed up just in time Midnight. When I wake up, all three of us are gonna have to be training non stop. After all Eclipse and I have been lacking..." I murmured out, causing eclipse to sigh and let out a lazy breath. Knowing quite well that we have not really done anything except ride horses- walk and everything else.
"And because Eden returned a few days ago- with a letter from Genji I might add, it will be easier to practice. Because then... I could actually practice with you both than just one." I chuckled nervously at the end. I then felt a strong gust of wind, causing me to close me eyes and take in a breath. I lifted myself up, standing once more.
"I'm guessing that you can summon yourself?" I asked Midnight, warning a purr to come from her throat. I felt another gust of harsh wind, making me sigh.
"Guess its time to wake up"

"(Y/N)!" I heard Jesse call out my name, causing me to shake my head and look at him. My eyes wide as I dragged myself out of my own memory.
He let out a laugh as he pointed up ahead, where trees seemed to be more lush. And there seemed to be more plant life on the ground. And I could hear birds softly singing in the background.
I looked ahead of him and noticed a small pond that had a steam coming from both ends. One joined the pond and one emptied it... like a never ending cycle.
"We've been up sense dawn. Reckoned we should settle down for the night." Jesse cakes out as Rain trotted forward, stopping next to the pond and dipping her head down, taking a drink.
Hades followed after her and repeated her actions, closing his eyes as he drank the cold water.
I jumped off of the large black horse, earning a loud thump from the ground under me. I then began to unbuckle his saddle, softly dragging it off his body and looking for a large branch to hang it on. Though I didn't have to look for long for Jesse had already found one.
Setting the saddle next to rains, I turned and began taking off everything else that Hades was carrying, setting it down in different places gently.
"Hades" I softly called out, causing the horse the lift his head and turn it to me. I then softly took of his reigns that were attached to his head., earning a head shake from the tired horse. I then went and sat it next to the saddles, a soft sigh coming from my mouth.
     "Darlin?" I heard Jesse call out to me, causing me to turn my head. I noticed that he already had a fire going, and sleeping bags were out rather than hammocks. He looked at the fairly large pond and back at me, smirking.
     "Jesse- no" He inched closer to me, his smirk growing wider as he reached his arms out to me. I noticed that he was wearing a cream button down with jeans, and his belt buckle was in his bag for his belt was only visible. And his hat was on top of his sleeping bag.
     "JesSE" I Yelled out as he snatched me from the ground, flinging me onto his shoulder as he did so. Immediately, I began kicking and laughing, lightly hitting his back
     "Put me down!" I yelled once more as I noticed we were extremely close to the water, his feet dipping into the liquid as he walked further into the pond.
     "Wait! I'm still wearing my shOES-" I felt him launch me off of his shoulder and my body go flying. Before I could do anything, I felt water engulf me and mud. Surprisingly- the pond was pretty deep, tough I could still touch the bottom.
     "Jesse McCree!" I yelled out as I flung water everywhere, a loud chuckle coming from the gunslinger as he splashed water at me, causing my hair to fall limply into my face.
     Quickly, I pushed my hair out of my face and locked eyes with the cowboy, his face red from laughing as he was hunched over.
     "You son of a-" he raised his hands in defense"
     "Now- in my own defense- that was hilarious-" I wouldn't allow him to finish as I tackled him into the murky water, landing on top of him as I did so. His eyes widened as his whole body was engulfed with water.
     I burst out laughing as he resurfaced his his hair just covering his eyes, and a straight line for a smile. There was mud all over his clothing, and he did not look happy.
     He shook his head, causing his hair to fling water and get out of his face, he then looked at me with a challenging smirk.
     "Now- in my own defense" I leaned forward with a wink.
     "That was hilarious"

I felt so happy with that ending for this chapter! Like, my heart melted just a little bit! But anyways- I am so sorry for not posting more often!! I just lost my grandfather, whom I was very close too. And it's been hard over Christmas and New Years.  Updates will be slow, and I apologize! Please understand, I know many of you will and I thank you so much for that.
     But that is all for this chapter! I hope you all enjoyed, next part will be out soon! I hope... but anyways- WOLF OUT!!

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