~Chaper 9~

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Your POV

I let out a tired groan as I opened my eyes slowly. After blinking a few times, I pulled myself up, a few cracking sounds coming from various places of my body as stretched my arms, another groan coming from my mouth. Yawning again, I sat there for a few seconds, my mind scattering into different places before one of my hands reached up to my face, my robotic fingers tracing my lips as I did so.
My rushing thoughts then went to one thing on my mind, causing me to silently gasp. Blushing I recalled yesterday along with last night.
"Holy shit" I murmured to myself as my face heated up slightly, my heart rate picking up quickly causing my breathing to become hitched.
Shaking my head lazily and putting one of my hands to my chest. I let out a long sigh, my eyes closing as I did so.
"Jeez, look at me. I'm like a love sick puppy... and to think that I once would kill on sight..." I murmured to specifically no one, recalling when I was serious all the time. Alone... it's kind of hard to imagine that I was ever alone, isn't it?
     "Eclipse?" I called out as the large Panther appeared in front of me, blue smoke evaporating into thin air as he let out a yawn.
      He pounced onto the bed, his tail flicking as he flopped to his side, a sigh coming from him as he let out a low growl.
     "Awww hey mister grumpy-" Eclipses head shop up and sent me a glare, causing me to laugh as he set his head back down, another yawn coming from his mouth followed by a low and quiet growl.
     "Alright, Alright, ill let you sleep. I've got to shower anyways." I laughed as I hauled myself of the bed, my feet flinching slightly as they touched the cold ground.
     Quickly, I walked into the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind me. I then looked at myself in the mirror, noticing that I looked more awake than usual.
Shrugging it off, I began to take off my clothing, throwing it into a bin nearby as I did so. I then again looked at myself. Hmm... I looked fine as fuck.
Chuckling to myself I turned on the hot water, wincing as it was just a little to hot. I then realized something.
"Would I shock myself if I got these wet?..." I mumbled to myself as I looked down at my robotic fingers, my curiosity itching to see what would happen.
"Welp. I'll find out." I called out to specifically no one. I then walked myself into the shower, humming in delight as I felt the warm water rush down my body. Surprisingly, I didn't get shocked once, but my fingers did twitch slightly. Though they did that regardless of what I did.
     Humming softly to myself, I quickly washed every inch of my body off along with my hair, waisting no time to turn the water off and hop out of said shower.
     Softly I grabbed a nearby towel and began drying myself from head to toe, a smile playing at my lips as I did so.
     After completely drying myself I grabbed a piece of choice clothing- specifically something black but something caught my eye. I shifted my gaze down to my hand, noticing that the ring Jesse had giving me was still there, not bothering to slid off of my robotic fingers.
"Huh..." I mumbled to myself as I traced my palm over its edges and design, loving it more and more as I did so. Every time a looked at it it made me feel a sense of happiness, and such.
     "Thanks Jesse." I smiled while opening the bathroom door that lead to the rest of the room, a blast of air hitting me in the face while I did it. Shivering, I grabbed the nearest thing I could find that could warm me up. Luckily it was a fluffy jacket... blue. A color that I am seeming to favor now a days.
"Eclipse? Let's go get some food alright?" I questioned the Panther as he lifted his head from his paws, his eyes blinking. He then lifted his large body up and stretched his front lumps out, a loud yawn following as he finished
He then hopped down from the bed and padded to the door, waiting patiently for me, his tail flicking back and forth as he stuck his tongue out.
     Following after, I opened the door, allowing it to close behind me as the both of us made our way to a kitchen that was for Authorized personnel... and sense no one was here it was just a kitchen that the few people cooked in.
"I'm thinking you want your usual?" I questioned the cat as I walked my way up to the fridge, a yawn escaping my lips. Jeez, yesterday must had really worn me out.
Eclipse let out a chuff as he nudged my leg, what seemed to be a smile appearing on his face.
Nodding I opined the fridge and looked around, spotting the few things I needed. Quickly, I reached and grabbed a carton of milk along with what I could only guess were grapes... they looked like them and I've probably eaten worse.
Pouring the milk into a shallow bowl, I set the meal down for Eclipse who leaned over and let out a loud purr that went on for awhile, his tail wagging like a dog except more graceful.
Laughing as he had his meal, I ate a few of the mystery stuff I found. Sighing mentally, I was happy to find that they were actually grapes.
While eating, my mind wandered over to random thoughts that plagued my mind. Like- what if... my uncle survived? What if Jack survived? But of course they would had returned... right?
Shaking my head, I let my mind go to a bother thought.
"Hey Eclipse? Have you seen Angela anywhere?.. come to think of it Lena has left... do you think..." I quickly shot out of my chair, Eclipse jumping out of surprise causing him to tip his bowl of milk, growl like gasp coming from his mouth.
Looking down at the spilled food, his eyes seemed to be full of sadness as a river of the mild spread.
Running out of the room and towards the med bay, that happened to also be Angela's room at the moment, I called back to him.
     "Sorry Eclipse I'll Get You More!!" I yelled as I made a turn, my feet hitting the ground roughly as I made my way there. My heart was already racing at the fear that... no one else that Jesse and I truly knew was here.
"Angela?!" I yelled out as I opened both doors to the med bay, my lungs slightly gasping for air as I slowed down to a walk, my eyes widening slightly as I did so. My eyes wandered around, noticing the lack of supplies... and the lack of the Swiss doctor.
"Angela?..." I called out as I slowly walked into the room, my foot steeps echoing ever so slightly. The beds were made, with neat sheets and white flat pillows... fucking hate those pillows.
Some cabinets were left open, with a few towels, needles, thermometers and basically anything that you would find in a doctors office.
I noticed a small table in the middle of the medbay, one that Angela would always sit at if she had things she needed to get done. Such as paperwork and such. It for once was clean... besides one piece of folded paper.
     Making my way over to the table, my ears began pounding as my heart beat was as loud as it could possibly be. My right hand reached to the small paper and picked it up, my eyes wandering over the edge of the folded note.
     Slowly, I opened it and let my eyes trace over what ever was written on it.

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