~Chapter 37~

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Your POV

    "Angela is with him right now- hopefully getting all of the medical exams done while talking To him... after that- he's going to... well stay in Overwatch I guess... I didn't really speak to him about that." I spoke softly while leaning my body over, my hand coming up to cup my own cheek as my elbow rested down.
I had found myself in Genjis room sitting at his Chabudai- which was a type of table. Unlike Jesse and Is- Genji had a traditional Japanese bedroom- minus a futon. He had a regular bed- but other than that he had some potted plants- a mediation spot- his chabudai- and then his tea set that Zennyatta had gotten for him while he was in Nepal. Even a mini waterfall next to the small table- giving off a peaceful vibe... to which I was great full for
Genji walked Over to the low table and took a seat across from me, two cups for tea in hand. His mask was off, and set neatly on the table- specifically on his side. In the center of the table sat the tea pot- full of hopefully some green tea. The ninja had gotten me hooked on it
     He passed me the small cup, a content expression on his face as I took it from his grasp, a soft clink sound bouncing off of my fingers.
     "It is best that she talk to him... they did have a strong relationship." The cyborg nodded as he crossed his legs, back straight but head dipped slightly. I on the other hand was slightly leaned over, a tired expression on my face as I let out a quiet yawn.
"Your right... I hope she can get some answers because I can't- I can't deal with him right now. A new batch of recruits are coming in- and a few of them are... well- very skilled." I chuckled softly as Genji hummed in amusement. His black hair was short- and near the tips was a slight green- something you wouldn't notice unless you looked really hard.
The younger male had always said that he loved having his hair dyed green- said it was his favorite color. That would also explain-
"Oh! Hello Soba-" I heard myself call out happily as the small green dragon slithered quickly over the table, her big beady eyes aimed at my fingers.
I heard Genji let out a quiet chuckle as the dragon rolled onto her back, using one of her front paws to rapidly smack my hand. I smiled softly and reached for her, scratching her stomach gently. A soft purr came from her body as she practically melted on the table.
"I assume Jesse will not be joining us hm?" Genji questioned as he leaned over and lifted up the tea pot, offering it to me. Using my free hand I lifted up my own glass and put it forward, watching as a soft brown liquid poured into the cup effortlessly. I squinted slightly
"You know Jesse- he's a coffee person. Hates this "leaf water"... or at least that's what he calls it- also what flavor is this- it's not your normal green tea" I mumbled out a question at the end, staring down at the hot drink. The smell of lavender wafted to my nose- overpowering any other smell that could have erupted from the liquid. This seemed to grab Sobas attention as well as she hopped up and lifted her body towards my cup.
    I saw Genji smile slightly before tilted his head back.
     "Ah, well I could see that you were stressed. I decided to... make my own tea and specialize it to that stress. It holds lavender, passionflower, valerian, and chamomile." He smiled warmly, bringing his own cup up to his lips and taking a small sip, his shoulders relaxing as his eyes closed.
      I stared down at the drink before taking in another whiff of the smell, a soft smile also coming to my lips. I brought the cup up to my mouth, taking a small sip of the liquid. The small dragon in front of my watched intently- like a dog waiting for a snack or two
      A bitter yet sweet taste spread through my mouth, and I couldn't help but sigh comfortably through my nose, the taste of lavender strongly sitting on my tongue. The small green dragon popped up and ran to Genji, hopping up and down. Genji looked down at her with one of his eyebrows raised.
I couldn't help but snicker as Genji pulled over a nearby plate, his eyes closing as he set it down near one of the corners on the table. He then grabbed the tea pot and poured a small amount onto the plate- enough to where it wouldn't spill. The dragon let out a happy chirp and slithered over to the liquid- drinking it.
      "How is Lena doing? She did have a... difficult reaction to our old friend." Genji questioned with concern, bringing down his drink and holding it with both hands. I felt my smile falter slightly before taking a breath, my eyes closing.
     "She didn't want anyone with her unless she called to them... with that information she called for Zennyatta. He is probably the best suited for her needs right now..." I mumbled quietly, turning my head slightly to look at one of Genjis potted plants. It was a small Sakura tree- just big enough to be a bonsai tree. It had small pink petals and a dark bark... it was beautiful.
Genji nodded his head, and I took another sip of my tea, feeling the sense of security wash over me again. I felt my eyes close as my thoughts wandered. I knew Lena was struggling right now- she was mortified when Jack "died"
     That's why she left Overwatch in a hurry. I didn't even see her after the bomb fell and I woke up. She was gone- and I was so scared that her feelings would eat her up. She liked to hide her emotions with a happy smile and a loud laugh. But I guess she met her girlfriend and got help... but now she's back and Jack magically popped up. It must be destroying her from the inside out.
    "What about you?" Genji questioned out, his voice a little lower and more soothing. I felt my eyes open slightly, and yet I kept them glued to the table. I slowly brought down my cup from my lips, swallowing the liquid.
"Are you okay?" He questioned once more, one of his hand coming up and slightly reaching over the table, resting gently on its surface. I shifted by eyes up to him, my eyes widening a little once more. His mouth was parted slightly and his eyebrows were slanted into a worrisome position. I took in a breath to speak, only for my words to be caught in my throat.
I went silent for another second before looking back at the cyborg, seeing that he was still waiting patiently. I let out a quiet sigh.
"I've talked to Zennyatta over and over about it... so many times- but I can't stop." I whispered out, my eyes dropping to look at the cup in my hands. I felt myself grip the cup harder, my emotions beginning to take over.
"I cant unsee his face- I can't unsee Gabriel's face. I can't unsee his surprised expression when he realized who I was- when his secret was discovered. His eyes were so dull. It was as if he was wounded- as if he was... drowning In his own sea of pain." I whispered. Gabriel was the Leader of talon- or at least that's what we thought. It's what we had learned- but I couldn't help but think that maybe he was under someone's control- maybe he was just a pawn that needed saving in this bloody chess game. I kept looking for ways- kept thinking that he was a puppet in this war but then there was the part of me that told me to face the truth.
    I felt something large nudge my arm and I shifted my head to the side, my eyes meeting Purple slits.
     Eclipse looked up at me sadly, his ears back slightly and his eyes slightly drooped. He lifted a paw and rested it on my thigh, a soft chuff coming from his mouth. I couldn't help but smile at his actions.
     I had no one growing up- I was a fucked up child doing what I could to survive on my own. Hell- my English was so bad- I remember Jack sitting me down in front of words asking me what they said... to bad I didn't know. Though back then I did rather enjoy Jacks lessons... Gabe would be so mean when teaching math.
      When Jesse saved me my whole life began to change. It was as if someone flipped a switch on my perspective. I had someone to hold on to- someone who I could relate to. Someone I would never let go.
And then Overwatch found us- and with that I found a family... and my blood family. I instantly began to look up to Gabriel and Jack- mainly Gabriel because well... he was my Uncle- he was my only family.
    But when Jesse or When Gabriel couldn't be there for me- and when my powers manifested there was Eclipse. He was there for me- even when I was a baby. and even though he was locked away within my powers for years- he found a way out to protect me. He had always been there for me- even when I didn't think I needed it.
"(Y/n)?" Genji questioned out, snapping me out of my daze. I flicked my gaze up to him quickly, my breath getting caught in my throat. I shook my head, a smile appearing on my face as I waved my free hand. I took in a breath.
     "To answer your Question Genji- I am fine. Just sometimes I re-live events that I wish I didn't have to. I'm sure you understand." I sighed out, pushing my thoughts into the back of my head. I heard Eclipse lay down and rest his head on my leg, a quiet purr coming from his chest. He felt relaxed when I was relaxed- it was part of our bond.
     I heard Genji hum out a quiet response, his arm going back to hold his cup. He opened his mouth to say something before there was a knock at his door. The cyborgs shoulders lifted up as he leaned to the side, looking at the door with his eyes slightly widened in curiosity. I turned my head as well, and Eclipse joined me, his tail flicking from side to side. The panther let out a curious chuff as he blinked. Sobs let Out a squeak and jumped up onto her paws, also looking at the door.
      "Genji do you have any extra-" the door slid open and in Walked Hanzo Shimada. I felt my eyes slightly narrow and my mouth close quickly, swallowing the lump in my throat. From the corner of my eye I saw Eclipses ears fold back, his head dipping. I quickly reached a hand out, scratching his head- trying to calm him down. Soba seemed to crawl over to Genji and climb up his body- wrapping herself around his neck.
      Hanzo stopped, freezing on the spot. He made eye contact with me first, and I followed that contact, refusing to change my facial expression. His eyes were wide, and his lips parted. He seemed surprised to say the least.
    He shifted his gaze to the Panther next to me, before closing his mouth slightly, the door sliding behind him- sealing him in with us.
The five stages of grief seemed to flash across his eyes rather than as a facial expression. It was silent and awkward for a minute before he began to move.
      slowly, he bowed his upper torso down, his arms going to the side of his body. This was something I did not expect.
"I deeply apologize for the trouble I have caused you both. When arriving I should have taken note that I was the intruder- not the guard. I have caused you pain and suffering and I humbly ask for your forgiveness." He spoke quietly but sternly. It was short- but considering how he used to be... this must have been a big apologies for the older man. I could feel My eyes widen at his statement, but I saw no such thing coming from the Panther.
     The large black cat stood quietly, ears still matted down. I shifted my eyes to him quickly, panic beginning to cloud my mind- what was he doing?..
    When Eclipse was fully standing he began to talk forward, his tail flicking back and forth. I looked at the cat- and remembered that he was indeed quite larger than a normal Panther. Not big enough to ride but big enough to fear. He was intimidating.
     Eclipse let out a growl when he made it in front of Hanzo, and the older Shimada raised his head slightly- looking at the large feline. In that moment Eclipse took in a quick breath and let out a large Roar- louder than I had ever heard- and when I tell you The man physically flenched- he flinched. pulling his head back up quickly and taking a step behind him- eyes wide and pupils dilated. It was quite a sight to see.
     I quickly went to cover my mouth to muffle a snicker. And I could hear Genji doing the same thing as the two of us watched.
    When Eclipse finished his act- her then shook his body and turned swiftly. Gently trotting over to me as if nothing had happened and laying down next to me. I shifted my eyes to the older Shimada and he seemed confused. I brought down my hand, my smile going to a slight dim.
     "It means you are forgiven Mister Shimada. And sense he has forgiven you- I must as well." I spoke softly. I was a woman- no doubt about that- and well... I hold grudges. For a long ass time. But I have learned to let things go when I need too- and this was one of those times.
     Genji shifted his body to look up at his brother, a wide smile appearing on his face as he closed his eyes.
     "Care to join us brother?"

Howdy y'all! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter- next ob is on the way! I'm going to give Hanzo and Genji more character development as brothers. I Also wanted Jesse and Hanzo to be good friends- mainly because that's how they seem in the actual game.
    Again- I hope you all enjoyed! I'll see ya next time! Have a great rest of the day or night and be safe!! COVID is out and around and dangerous! Love you all!

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