~Chapter 38~

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So for this chapter I wanted a certain vibe to go to ya (Y/n). I know this is a McCree x reader story but I feel like making... the reader and McCree have alone time rare- makes this book different than the others. And lucky for you- this is one of those rare moments. Enjoy this fluff because it's one of my best chapters yet ❤️

Your POV

The sky was dark grey- covered in large clouds that were full to the brim with rain. It was early- there was no doubt about that. But it was one of my favorite days- a day where I don't have to really worry about much. Because today I decided to sleep in- I decided to take the day off.
I hummed in delight as thunder boomed from outside, a flash of light echoing across Jesse and Is shared bedroom. I rolled over, reaching my hands out slightly- softly touching what I was aiming for.
     Jesse was a heavy sleeper- he always had been and forever will be. He had also gotten used to sleeping in and not waking up till twelve in the afternoon... much to my displeasure. I on the other hand usually got up around six- letting him be because I didn't have the heart to actually wake him.
    I pulled myself closer to the man laying beside me, wrapping my arms around him. Instinctively, Jesse moved his arms and body to not only make himself more comfortable but me as well. I smiled as he lazily wrapped an arm around me, a groan coming from his mouth as he snuggled deeper into his pillow.
I stayed like that for a few minutes, taking in the sent of vanilla and cherishing it. It wasn't until a particular loud jolt of thunder erupted from the clouds did I decide to get up. I was wondering when it was actually going to start raining... hopefully soon
I pulled away from Jesses body, already missing his warmth as I scooted away. He seemed to whine as he grabbed some of the covers and pulled them closer, turning slightly. I couldn't help but smile, remembering certain things that washed through my mind.
"Remember when we first met and you asked me to stay in the Deadlock gang? When you told me you weren't interested in me romantically? I wonder when that changed..." I questioned quietly as I leaned over and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. The man seemed to hum in delight as a barley visible smile appeared on his face.
I leaned back once more, raising my arms and stretching them letting out a quiet groan, my neck craining from side to side. I then shook my head and shoulders, enjoying the feeling of my muscles waking up. It was rare for me to wake up on my own time.
The room itself was grey- just enough sunlight was able to get through the dark clouds and make the room visible. I blinked a few times letting out another yawn before softly pulling the covers off of my legs, and bringing them to the side of the bed.
The floor was cold, and I felt my body shiver at the contact. But after getting quickly used to the temperature of the room I made my way to my dresser, quietly opening it. Looking back to see if Jesse had stirred. After making sure he was good I turned my head back
I had a few pairs of the same items for my work outfit- but sense I was taking the day off to relax, I decided to go with something more comfy.
I grabbed a rather large T-shirt and some leggings- slipping them on over my body- not really bothering to put on a bra considering I wasn't going to be leaving this room... for now anyways. I then grabbed a pair of grey fluffy socks, slipping those on as well. I rubbed them against the ground, smiling as my feet began to warm up.
I shifted and began to make my way into Jesse and Is shared bathroom, turning on the light as I did so. I felt my eyes squint at its brightness, a small huff coming from my mouth. I then began to close the door- only leaving it open by a smidge. Sighing softly, I began to brush my hair, my eyes instinctively closing as I did so.
        I did this for a few minutes, enjoying the feeling of my hair being... well brushed- when I felt two large arms wrap around my waist, a head resting in the crook of my shoulder.
I smiled as I set the brush down, my hands coming to rest on the persons arms, a quiet sigh coming from said person. I must have woken him up with the light. I leaned back slightly, my head raising.
"Come back to bed... it's cold.." he spoke- his voice low and raspy. I couldn't help but chuckle as I turned, his arms staying in place as I leaned into his chest.
His hair was a mess- but then again when wasn't it? His eyes were closed still and his body slightly slouched as he held onto me.
"Okay." I responded quietly but sweetly, letting him snuggle into my neck. In one swift motion he moved his arms to that he could lift my up by my legs- my arms wrapping around him as he walked out of the bathroom- me reaching to turn off the light as we left. I was a sucker for the darkness.
     He then laid down with me, his arms still wrapped around my body protectively as I pulled the covers over the both of us. It was in that moment that the sound of rain hitting the roof top began to softly echo throughout the room. I smiled at the sound of it.
"I spoke to Genjis brother the other day" I whispered quietly as I nuzzled my face into his chest. He let out a hum, his chest vibrating as he did so.
"And?" He questioned quietly. I let myself yawn once more before responding. I may be awake but that doesn't mean I'm not tired- I've been going and going non stop.
    "Well- He apologized to Eclipse and I both... mainly Eclipse- but that's what I wanted to be frank. I'm still slightly bitter about not only the incident but what he did to Genji when they were young... I can't help it." I whined out quietly, leaning my head back in the process.
     There was a large part of me that wanted to forgive the man- really there was. But then there was the younger- more violent side of me that wanted to pound his face into the ground. Not only did he hurt Eclipse- but he mentally- and physically destroyed Genji. And I don't think I'll ever forgive him for that.
     Jesse let out a chuckle, bringing one of his hands up to push his hair out of his face- his fingers combing though. I felt my face heat up slightly at the sight. He never looked bad- even with his hair a mess and all greasy. He always looked so perfect and attractive.
     "Well you are pretty damn protective darlin." Jesse spoke as thunder erupted once more from outside. I couldn't help but look up, practically watching the room shake.
"That storm must be right on us huh..." I mumbled as Jesse followed my gaze, his chocolate brown eyes blinking slowly. It was in that moment he unwrapped his arms and lifted his body, leaving me to my lonesome. I looked over at him, my head tilted as he stretched- some pops echoing throughout the room.
"I'm going to make some coffee real quick. Would you like some sugar?" Jesse questioned as he sauntered over to our small kitchen. I let out a groan in response causing him to laugh.
      "Are you asking if I want coffee or just sugar by itself?" I questioned, leaning back slightly with a smirk. I saw him snap his head to look at me, a slight tint on his cheeks before I chuckled, a happy sigh coming from my mouth.
    I closed my eyes, not wanting to get up again. I was comfortable- and even though I knew I needed to get up at some point... I didn't want to. I was aloud to be lazy today.
    But soon enough- the smell of coffee soon wafted through my nose, and it began to wake me up- by the slightest at least. I let out a grumble as I pushed my upper body up, a yawn escaping my lips once more as my shoulders shivered. I guess I still wasn't used to the temperature. Why was it so cold?
"I'm glad you took a day for yourself Darlin- you've been workin pretty hard if I do say so myself." I heard Jesse call out as he walked back over the the bed, two cups of coffee in tow. He reached one of his arms out to me, waiting for me to take my own cup from his grasp.
Quickly but gently, I grabbed the hot mug from his hand and smiled at the warmth. I took a whiff of the smell and sighed.
"I just hope that nothing bad happens today while I'm gone. We are preparing for new recruits after all." I mumbled out as I blew on the hot drink, watching as ripples came and went. The bed dipped down and Jesse sat back down beside me, pulling the covers over his legs and leaning back slightly.
     "I'm pretty sure Angela and Winston can handle it." Jesse chuckled as he took a sip from his black coffee. That was one of the things I would never understand about him- how he liked his coffee black... I on the other hand liked a little cream and sugar- it still woke me up either way. But still- no... cream or sugar?
I leaned on his shoulder, a content sigh coming from my mouth as I closed my eyes and enjoyed myself. But I couldn't help that my mind began to wander.
Hades and Rain were to show up soon, and to say I was excited about it would be an understatement. The two were being transported thanks to Winston and a few trustful recruits... we considered this a practice mission. The only difficult part was getting Hades to come willingly because Jesus- he probably wouldn't. We weren't worried about rain though. She could tell whom was trustworthy and whom wasn't.
    "You knows what's funny?" I questioned with a snort causing Jesse to shift his gaze over to me. I took a sip of my coffee before continuing.
     "I don't even remember my own age... what am I- twenty five?... Twenty six?...those memory issues are slowly coming back. I'm going to have to take a break from summoning more than one creature... maybe all my creatures for a short period of time..." I mumbled sadly and quietly. I felt Jesse wrap his free arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him. I felt him twirl some of my hair around his finger, a hum coming from his chest.
"Considering I am twenty eight- that would make you twenty seven my dear. After all- we did celebrate your birthday back at home remember? Before we left to come back here?" He questioned softly. I began to think- recalling that memory. I had almost forgotten that I had a unofficial birthday- and it was on the first of December. Jesse and I always celebrated- and we always celebrated his- which was in November. Neither of us liked- big party's or anything. Just each other and possibly a few pals- but not a whole gathering.
"We're getting old." I chuckled out, taking a sip of my coffee. I began to think- about my future... and about my past- about my life really.
It was no question that Jesse and I were close- more close than anyone on the compound. I had seen every side of him- and he had seen every side of me. Yet we stayed as boyfriend and Girlfriend... mainly because we didn't have time to get married and settle down- no mater how much I- or he wanted it.
Though we had never spoken about it- We both knew that the two of us getting hitched was only a mater of time. Yes- we could have had a private session back when Overwatch collapsed and we got settled. But I think we both wanted... our family to be there. And sense everyone kinda disappeared... we wanted to wait.
"Darlin- I don't think you know what old means" Jesse hummed out, knowing I was joking. I followed along with him, letting out a hum of my own. I felt him shift slightly, pulling me slightly closer and he let out a sigh.
We sat like this for the next while, joking and recalling memories. I think it was because he knew I was begging to forget- I was definitely overworking myself. We finished our coffee rather quickly, and then began to snuggle before the cowboys com began to go off- rather loudly I might add.
He groaned in annoyance, followed by a whine as he reached his hand out to grab the com and pull it to his ear, his eyes closed. I watched as he pressed a button, ready to speak into it. Before he could there was talking on the other side.
    Jesse visibly panicked as the voice got louder, causing me to shift my head to the side as he flung himself out of the bed, stumbling over to his dresser.
     "Yea yea- I'll be right there Angela- yeash go easy on me." I herd him call out quietly as he pulled his pants up, buttoning them as he did so. He then ended the call and slowly turned his head towards me. He looked like a kid who got caught stealing from the cookie jar.
     I was disappointed- of course. But I had to remember that Jesse didn't take the day off- he still had work to do. I could only assume that he forgot and Angela was chewing him out for it.
     "Did you forget that you have a job?" I questioned out with a chuckle, pushing my disappointment to the side. Jesse sighed and his shoulders slumped forward. I chuckled and pulled myself off the bed, walking over to him in the process. I then reached my arms out and pulled him into a hug.
"I'm sorry darlin- I guess I just got caught in the mome-" I cut him off by giving him a quick kiss, grabbing one of his shirts in the process and handing it to him.
"Don't apologize baby- it's okay. You'll be back sooner than you think" I smiled softly as he grabbed ahold of the shirt, a smile on his face. I then let go of him- watching as he quickly got dressed- struggling with the belt buckle. He then pulled up his boots and jumped up, rushing to the mirror and messing with his hair- causing me to scrunch my nose.
I quickly ran over and grabbed his face- causing him to look at me curiously. I then began to fix his hair- telling myself that if he was going to go out- I might as well make his hair nice... I meant really- he usually does something to it.
After screwing around with it for a few seconds I nodded in satisfaction, grabbing his hat and setting it on his head- tilting it so that it wasn't crooked.
"Perfect." I smiled causing him to return the favor. He then leaned down and gave me a quick kiss, causing me to smile even wider.
"Just like you Darlin. Love you" he called as he began to rush out his door, a blush on his face as the door began to quickly close behind him.
"Love you too." I whispered softly as the door shut, a sigh coming from my mouth when I knew he couldn't hear me. I then took a few steps back, sitting on the bed. I pulled my legs close to my body, the thunder booming above me.
It was silent now- other than the rain and lightning. I couldn't help but grow tired again. I let out a quiet groan and leaned back, looking at the clock on my night stand.
"Wow- Angela had him get up early this morning." I chuckled out as the clock read "9:35"
I decided there was no harm in mediating- thinking that it would be better than sleeping.
Pulling myself off the bed, I once more began to stretch my mussels, enjoying the pops here and there. Smiling slightly, I walked over to my corner of our room.
Let me lay it down for you- our room that is. Sense it was connected- it was significantly larger than any of the other bedrooms. Some of the rooms we had were for multiple people- If they wished for it. But the other rooms were half the size of this. Except for Angela and Winston- Winston had a large room and Angela practically slept in the med bay so I couldn't really count them.
There were two doors- a yard apart that lead into the same room- but no one except a small handful knew that. Walking in, there was a large king sized bed, full of blankets and four pillows. Jesse slept on the left side- while I slept on the right. This kinda defined which side was which.
On jesses side, was our little kitchen. It just came with a microwave- a small refrigerator and an old fashion coffee pot. There were also cabinets underneath so we could store some food that didn't need to be refrigerated.
Beside that was Jesses belt buckle collection- something that he always kept clean.
Honestly that was all he had- he didn't really want much on his side... he usually stole what was on mine- which leads us to the right side of the bed room.
Mine was more... full of that makes sense. Inter corner of the room- I had a small area just for meditating. It came with a small bonsai tree that was on the ground- and an incense burner when I needed to focus. Next to it- was a bookshelf full of my favorite books- and some of my sketchbooks. The ones that I allowed Jesse to look at.
Then there was the bathroom- and besides the door to that in the other corner was a large bed- just for Eclipse or midnight... specificity eclipse considering no one else really knew about midnight back then. No one really does know her still- but that's okay.
I shook my head, and walked over to the mat that was already laid out before me. I then sat down, and crossed my legs, leaning over and grabbing a nearby lighter.
"I'm feeling peppermint today..." I mumbled to myself as I grabbed the stick that was filled with peppermint oils. I then lit it, and set it in the cliff incense burner I have- watching the smoke pour out.
I then closed my eyes, and took a deep breath, feeling my body begin to relax and my mind go blank. I wanted to see something- a memory of it was- or even just a vision.
I needed to see moon

Howdy guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter because I sure did- making it at least. I thought y'all needed some fluff bc it's rare and I decided to deliver! I also went ahead and explained you and jesses room- to make you feel like your actually there.
Anyways- again- I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Next one will be out soon! Have a great rest of the day/night!

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