~Chapter 34~

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Please remember that nothing (unless it's with the characters backstories/ events that actually are canon) in this story is cannon!

Your POV

     The room was dark, and covered in dust from head to toe. nothing had been moved or touched and honestly... the place was pretty fucking nasty... in summary at least.
I took a step in, looking at the dark- short carpet that covered the floors. To think it was once light blue. The only things- furniture wise- that were in the room were a large desk, an old- slightly tatted down swivel chair made of leather- and.... well that's about it. Jack wasn't one to decorate very well. Though there were a few things on the old worn out desk.
"Athena could you turn on the lights please? The motion sensors aren't working.... I'll have to ask Torb or Winston fix it." I mumbled to myself as the door shut behind me, the lights flickering on in the process. I squinted my eyes, blinded for a split second before allowing them to adjust to the light. I let out a sigh, before walking behind the desk typing on the keyboard to see if it would turn on- and to my surprise- it did. I sat down, moving the cloak I was wearing to the side.... the seat was dirty and I didn't really wanna be that gross.
    The screen lit up, the light blue background slightly grey from the dust that had settled on said screen. I lifted my robotic hand up and softly rubbed away some of the dust, looking at the apps and such that were the old piece of junk. It seems Athena had already let me in to access the computer.
     There were files on Overwatch, and Blackwatch. And a lot of files from when the omnic crisis began. But there wasn't just that
    "What is this?" I questioned to myself as I moved the mouse and clicked on a file titles "kids", and felt my eyes widen when I began to read the old file.

     "Gabe brought back two kids to the base today... well- not really kids but teenagers... young teenagers... very young teenagers
      The boy- his name is Jesse McCree- and he's a mouthful. Woke up quickly after we got him in the base and on a med bed. Tried to punch Gabriel in the face due to "instinct" but Gabe caught his fist quite easily.... then we proceeded to tell the boy everything that happened. He was scared- that was easy to tell. He wouldn't speak to us after we spoke to him...
    Then the girl woke up, and Angela lost her almost immediately. Eventually we cornered her in a janitors room- and me being the strike commander- I was the one that opened the door... only to be punched in the face- the girl has a strong swing. I write this now with an ice pack held against my broken nose
The two really seem to care for eachother. She leapt into the... cowboys arms? I don't really get the kids get up... and he held her as if she would disappear again. Maybe siblings?... I honestly don't know but- Gabe seems concerned... though no one else would really be able to tell. I'd ave to ask him later"

   I chuckled at the broken nose part, a content sigh coming from my lips. Everyone thought Jesse and I were siblings when we first showed up- refusing to leave each others sides.... funny to think we are much like that still except we are anything but siblings.
I then continued to read these little notes that went on and on, story's of Jack dealing with Jesse and I- and soon enough Genji. It was nice- because he really cared about us. More than I had ever realized. I sighed once more before hearing a voice
     "He always said you'd be a wonderful commander." I heard Athena speak smoothly and softly. I lifted my gaze up, letting out a huff as I crossed my arms
    "Yea right." I chuckled out, shaking my head in the process because I didn't believe it. Though it would make sense... jack never had kids of his own- and I really thought that him and Gabe were a thing. I knew that before Overwatch Jack had a boy he was sweet on but Gabe?... he never spoke of past relationships so I never really knew. But we did always tease the two because they acted like an old married couple... now I wondered if it was true.
I thought back to Jesse. I hadn't seen him in an hour- and I doubt Zennyatta had told anyone I was awake- or the whole base would be looking for me by now. I could only assume he was in our room. But for some reason I dreaded seeing him. Not because I didn't want to see him but because... I knew the conversation that would come after. Though maybe... maybe I could tell him we'd discuss it? He's always listened before... most of the time.
"Athena, I will be back soon. Please set the scanner at the front for my hand and facial recognitions. Thank you." I spoke while walking out of the door, it closing behind me. I then began to walk towards the rooms, the cloak still hiding my body and the clothing I was wearing... I didn't want to look unprofessional after all.
I noticed many people look at me- all rather young... or at least my age- I forget how old I am... a lot. Anyways- We had been growing- and the news of me being strike commander had spread throughout the base. I needed to step up to the plate of meeting all of the agents but right now I was set on other things.
I rushed to the door- in a slow fashion, knowing that no one ever came down this hallway... the rooms were for old members basically- newer agents were in the other wing... plus this was Blackwatch wing so only Genji really slept down here.
The door slid up quickly, causing my cape to swivel from the force. I took a step in, and not only did the door close behind me, but a head snapped over to me.
He was hunched over, at the end of the bed. His legs were spread apart and his hands were held together. His chocolate brown eyes were baggy- and dull, and his hair was more untamed than usual- and greasy. He looked exhausted to say the least, and his clothing choice proved it. Jesse never really wore T-shirts- or at least grey T-shirts... he didn't like the color grey- maybe dark grey but light grey? The man hated it.
He stood up quickly, his eyes widening, a shine coming to them once more. His mouth parted as he took a step, his arms slightly reaching out, but hesitant
I took off the cloak quickly, along with my mask. Setting it- no- tossing it to the side. I practically ripped it off my face.
In a split second I was in his arms, falling into his chest and wrapping my arms around his back, cuddling him in a soothing sort of way. He was quiet, not a word left his lips as he held me close, one hand going up to cup my head while the other held on to my waist. I had forgotten all about what had happened in that moment, now all I focused on was Jesses warmth.
He let out a shaky sigh, and his hand fell from my head down to my waist and lifted me up. Instantly I wrapped my arms and legs around him and he carried me to the bed, laying me down and basically flopping to the side, and pulling me to his chest, our legs tangling.
((Yea I caught you, some of you thought this was going else-wear! Naughty!! This is suppose to be a wholesome part of the story!))
      His heart beat was quick for a few second before it dimmed down to a steady beat, his grip tightening around me. He still did not speak, though now I didn't really expect him to.
I curled up against him basically, knowing that we had at least an hour and a half to stay like this, and honestly I was perfectly fine with it. I just needed him.
"Darlin- I don't know how much more I can take of you getting hurt..." he whispered. I lifted my upper body slowly, leaving his grasp and leaning down at him, my eyes squinting slightly as he rolled over on his back, his arms resting on his torso.
One of my hands went up to cup his face, and his robotic hand hand followed. I looked at him before smiling sadly.
"I promise- no more. I've said it plenty of times in the past but this time- I will not go into the field unless absolutely necessary. I promise Jess." I spoke softly. He lifted himself up and to my surprise brought me to his lips, but not in a forceful way- in a soft way. The taste of vanilla instantly hit my lips as I leaned into the kiss, closing my eyes.
His arms snaked over and around my waist, pulling me close, and my arms found themselves hanging loosely over his shoulders. Everything was perfect right now- and nothing needed to change.
"Promise me that you'll start taking care of yourself- and do things for you... I don't want you getting stressed and I know I'm being very protective but (Y/n) I love you and I-" his voice started to become louder in the minute before I spoke up, a laugh escaping my lips.
    "Your rambling Jess." I told him causing him to go quiet for a second before laughing and leaning his forehead against mine. I took in a breath heeding his words before speaking.
     "Okay, then... I have my first demand." I told him. He looked at me before leaning to the side slightly in a questionable mater.
     "I want my horse back."

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