~Chapter 30~

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Woo! Big thirty!! Thanks for hanging around y'all! Back to the story!

Your POV

I let out a sigh as I pressed my hand against one of the many scanners that lied inside the Overwatch compound, my eyes squinting as the refused to open. I groaned mentally as I pressed a button next to the scanner, watching as a key pad presented itself. I looked around, knowing no one was watching- no one was up thing early anyways- and typed in a few numbers, smiling as the door finally opened, closing quickly behind me
I walked into the large room, my eyes gazing at the burnt grass that was under my feet. As soon as I stepped on it, it broke into dust And fell to the ground, slowly drifting away.
"This will take work, but that's not why I'm here. Athena could you please block all windows? I need privacy." I called out, getting a response not a second later- though it wasn't Athena saying ok exactly. Instead she just had the windows blocked with a protective steel slate that came down from above, leaving me with the room, and the sky... I will have to fix the glass dome somehow in the future not today though.
     I closed my eyes and sat down, feeling the dust from the once living plants fly in the air- no doubt getting me dirty in the process. I took off my mask, setting it my lap as I took in a breath. I then placed my hands on my legs, which I crossed as I began to think.
    Eclipse was moved to my room a few days ago, a day after I was able to take a break from healing him. Nothing bad came from my work, and he was perfectly fine. He's almost back to his old self, but he's slow. Soon he will be one hundred percent but until then I'm having him rest. Luckily, sense I don't need to worry about the wound anymore I could send him back. That left two slots for creatures in this world... and I needed to talk to one of them.
I took in a deep breath before putting one of my hands out, pushing power to the tips of my robotic fingers. I called, and called... waiting for an answer, waiting for a roar of any kind, but I felt nothing.
I opened my eyes, confusion lacing my face as I wondered why Moon wouldn't show himself. Midnight and Eclipse were thrilled to see me when I first summoned them... in their own way. but why is he ignoring me?
I decided to summon midnight, knowing that I fully hadn't forgiven her for everything but I needed answers to my questions. And I knew she would have them... probably. Once again I called upon her, knowing that I didn't really need to summon her myself. She could do it just fine.
And just like that, I felt a small bit of power drain from my body, my eyes meeting bright green orbs.
   She stood there for a second, her ears pulled forward as she looked at me, a surprised expression on her face. Her tail floated to the ground as she blinked a few times.
     I sighed again before rubbing my eyes. She seemed concerned for a second before sitting down, knowing that we would not be training anytime soon. I took in a breath.
     "Moon" I told her. Her eyes widened even more, and she stood up quickly once again, leaning forward slightly. Her eyes shifted- probably looking for him. She wanted to speak, but I got to my words first.
    "He came when Eclipse was injured- when I was healing him. He formed a bubble over the two of us and kept me from everyone. I don't think Eclipse knew he was there, and I never brought it up... I've tried to summon him- but he refuses..." I spoke quietly while looking at the dead and burnt grass. It was quiet for a moment before I felt the crunch of said grass. I lifted my gaze.
"Moon will be difficult for you to... bond with. Yes, he was with you when you were a child, but out of the three of us, he was the most neglected. He... he doesn't like being alone. And after being by himself for so many years, it's probably hard for him to even speak to his once close family." Midnight poke softly while dipping her head down, her ears flopping back. She, of course, was saddened. But that meant that it would be hard for me to bond with moon, no doubt. But I had plenty of time. Overwatch was growing once more, and a war was coming. But it would be a while before that happened.
    It was quiet for a moment before midnight let out a sigh and disappeared, much to my surprise. I expected her to speak about other matters... but she left with ease.
    I sat there for a second, just staring at the spot that she once sat. My thoughts grazed over my head as I began to get swirled in confusion. From my memories, moon was a very happy companion. Always confident, and always in a cheerful mood. I could only think of what was going through him right now.
     I let out a tune and grabbed ahold of my mask once more. I then put it up to my head, smiling slightly at the feeling of it hovering against my face. I then stood up, dusting myself off in the process.
     "Athena, you can open the doors now. Thank you." I called out to her. This time I got a response from her as the barriers for the windows slid up.
"Of course (Y/n). Also, Winston and Agent McCree have asked you to meet them at the entrance to the compound. It seems we have a few more recruits." She spoke softly to me. I nodded, knowing she could see me as I walked forward. The door slid open, once again closing behind me as I made my was to the front of the compound. I passed a few unfamiliar faces- new recruits.
As I was walking, my head began to wander to other thoughts. I needed a new name- like a hero name. "The Summoner" was too long- and no one ever called me that back in the day anyways. But here only a small handful of people know who I was, and they had sworn to secrecy... even if it was old friends. They would find out toon enough when they see Eclipse.
I began to go through many choices, knowing that I hadn't spoken to anyone who didn't know my actual name. No one bothered to speak to me, and I wasn't on the welcoming party except for today apparently.
"Y-Yes... well welcome to Overwatch. I'm sure we can get you acquainted with a few people here and get you started. Oh! There's one of our commanding officers right now!" I heard the familiar voice of a Gorilla. I felt my head tip to the side slightly as Jesse and Winston looked at me, followed by the few people they were leading in through the front doors. Some of them looked like regular people, wearing random clothing. But there was one elderly man who was standing there with a visor covering his face, and a cloth covering his mouth. He wore a coat- or something like that. His color scheme was blue red and white... like the American flag. I was curious.
I shifted my head at Jesse, who shrugged. Winston then began talking once more.
"W-well this is- uhm-" I cut Winston off by putting my hands behind my back and separating my legs slightly, my head raising slightly. If I was randomly gonna get called a leading officer I might as well act like it I guess.
"My name is Commander Felidae, you can either call me that full name, or just Commander. Or Just Felidae. I personally don't care as long as you respect not only me, but your comrades and leading officers. Welcome to Overwatch. I trust Agent McCree and Winston got you all simi up to date?" I spoke loud with a commanding voice. A few of the people's eyes widened including Winston and Jesses as they nodded quickly... well everyone did that. Except for the older looking man who just gave a slight nod. There was something about him- maybe his aura- that gave a familiarity from him.
    I nodded my head before turning on my heel, having my back to them.
    "Agent McCree, please give these new recruits a look around the base. Introduce them to Dr Ziegler as well- it's good they know who to go to for a scratch. Winston, I need your help with something if you will follow me." I spoke while walking forward, listing as Jesse said "yes Ma'am" along with a few of the others. I heard the shuffling of Winston as he caught up quickly. He knew I didn't need help- but I did need to know what the fuck just happened.
    "I- I apologize. Angela decided that you would be one of the commanders along with her and I... we found it suiting and I guess we never got to tell you." He sighed while taking off his glasses and cleaning them. I also let out a sigh before pinching the bridge of my nose.
    "Winston- who am I dating right now." I whispered out as we walked into the main lab, waiting for the door to close before continuing to talk. The smell of chemicals filled my nose in a soothing kind of way. I used to Visit Winston for help many times back in the day in this very room.
    "I- um. Jesse?" He questioned at the end as if it were obvious. I nodded my head before letting out a growl.
    "And what happens when an Agent, and their commanding officer date Winston. What happens" I spoke while taking off my mask, allowing him to see the glare that was etched on my face. He parked before speaking.
    "We didn't think about that." He blatted out, his hands going up to rub his face. I let out a long sigh and leaned against one of the nearby medical tables.
     "I can't just not be a Commander now, and no way in hell am I leaving Jesse... now we're really gonna have to be carful." I whispered at the end while cupping a hand over my eyes. Now I was stressed. Surely it wouldn't be wrong right? It would be ok to be "friends" with him in public right? I mean... Jack was friends with others and so was Anna and uncle.
     "I'm so sorry (Y/n)" Winston mumbled. He felt bad- of course he did he was Winston.  I knew I couldn't be angry with him. And I knew that soon Jesse and Is relationship would spread throughout the base. But hopefully that would be awhile. I let out a tired sigh.
    "Don't worry about to Winston. I just need to know my new role now because there is no way I'm strike commander." I laughed out. I waited for Winston to respond before my eyes widened.
    "You didn't." I mumbled out,
    "N-no... so far we are deciding on three commanders only... b-but we might need a strike commander soon. Angela and I both thought you would be the best candidate but that wolnt be for awhile." Winston finished. I leaned there for a second before I grabbed ahold of my mask once more, putting it on and quickly leaving, not speaking another word.
    I walked quickly, passing by a few people who either looked at me confused, and scared. I squinted my eyes as I felt my hands clinch.
     "Woah! Watch out there Young one!" I heard a familiar voice call out as I went skidding to a stop, my head lifting up to meet with blue eyes.
     "Oh, hey Rein. Sorry about that." I mumbled out while I cursed at myself for being careless. Rein dismissed it and smiled down at me, pulling the papers in his hands down from his face.
    "We have not talked in a long time! You should come and see Torbjorn soon, his daughter is soon going to join- so he has been very busy. But he's going to be free to chat for the next few days! He's talking a break thanks to my cariama." Rein spoke loudly. I smiled at him, loving the old man from the bottom of my heart. He was always so joyful- but he could also be very serious.
    "I'd like that... I'm sorry I haven't been able to talk much to anyone from the past... it's been a rough few weeks. I promise I'll catch up with you all." I mumbled out. Rein let out a chuckle, smiling happily at my response. He then walked past me, continuing to look at the papers that were in his hands. I watched him leave, my smile dimming slightly. It was sad that I hadn't seen any off my old friends. And now that there were so many people joining... I guess I was nervous to really talk to them. I've changed- for the better at least.
     I began walking forward once again, but not before a man rounded the corner and ran into me causing me to let out a stumble. I let out a huff while the man let out a groan. I felt my eyes widen as they met the mans own eyes. I growled.

Hope you all enjoyed this part! I know- not as long but I was quite happy with it, and I hope you are too! I will see you all soon! Have a wonderful day/night and be safe! Love you all! See ya!

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