~Chapter 20~

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WOO! Big twenty y'all! We made it! Here's to ten more chapters! Hopefully! 😂

Your POV

     I let out a quiet grumble as I reached inside of my bag, my hand searching around, feeling random objects that were thrown in there. Their were a few soft clinks coming from the bag as my metallic fingers touched something that was also metal or hard. Finally, my fingers reached the one thing I was looking for.
"Here it is!" I Beamed as I pulled out the small trinket with a smile on my face. A watch that was a few years old, but was still way ahead of time.
     "I was hoping I wouldn't have to use this thing so soon, but not knowing where we are, with no landmarks to follow can be difficult. So I guess now than ever is a good time." I called out to Jesse as I wrapped the watch around my wrist. Eclipse and Midnight had disappeared, allowing the little energy that was taken from me to replenish. Sense I would probably need it in the near future.
As soon as the watch was wrapped around my wrist securely, a bright blue light beamed from it, showing a computer of some sorts. White words formed out.
"Password?... really?" Jesse glared playfully down at me and he leaned over my shoulder to look at the screen. His eyes held curiosity but also amusement at the same time.
"Well a girl has to protect her Mobil computer somehow." I smiled as I lifted my right hand and began typing in the password very quickly. But not quickly enough.
"Jesse McCrazy." Jesse chuckled out as I felt my face heat up slightly. It was a while ago when I made the password, and just your best friends name was to easy... so I spiced it up a bit, just to give who ever wanted in a challenge.
"Eheh, shut up." I giggled at the begging but snapped while finishing. After a few more clicks, the screen widened welcoming me into it. Happily, i gazed at the familiar background of Jesse, Genji and I. From the old days... how was Genji? We kind of lost touch of him for awhile. He just stopped sending letters.
Sighing and shaking my head, I pulled up a map, smiling as it showed us our exact location. I looked at it for a few seconds before letting out another sigh
"Good news is, we're close to where Ashe is suppose to blow up the bridge.... bad news is they don't have a hotel-" I stopped at I heard something heavy fall to the ground. I turned my head, and smiled softly as Jesse was on his back rubbing his eyes.
"The ONE thing." He chuckled out, me following suit. We missed beds. Sure, it was nice to sleep with the hammocks, but we have been sleeping on the ground for awhile, just in case we needed to make a quick get away.
    I took in a happy breath, and turned my head back to the computer on my wrist, but was surprised.
    "Hey, Jess?" I questioned our whole hitting his head lightly. I heard him shift and lean over my shoulder once again. His breathing stopped for a second.
     "This was not there a few seconds ago.... and The only people that could send me things were..." I began to open up the video, waiting for the blank screen to load, my curiosity getting the best of me.
     "Who?" Jesse questioned as he tilted his head. Suddenly, the screen turned white, before showing someone Jesse and I had grown to love.
     "Winston?..." I questioned before the picture of the gorilla we had grown to love vanished. Panicked, I tired to get back into the file, but it wouldn't let me. I felt anger begin to rise within my chest until the image popped up again, this time it was moving.
It began with a large hand moving the camera, showing an unfamiliar lab to be shown. And in the center of it was Winston with his eyebrows raised, and his face munching on a banana.
"Is this on?" The picture then glitched slightly, causing both Jesse and I to panic. We were happy and curious... we wanted to know what's up. It had been forever sense we had heard from anybody from Overwatch... or Blackwatch.
"I made a chrono exelerator, I'm sure I could do this." He said cockily as he flipped a few papers that were in his hands. The video then glitched again, but showed Winston more... well serious
"To all agents-" the camera started to tip slightly. It then fell, glitching again. Cutting back to him, I covered my mouth to muffle a giggle
"To all agents of overwatch- that's not right." The scientist groaned as the camera shut of again, then turning back on, he seemed to be nervous, but then again, when was he not nervous.
"To the FORMER agents of Overwatch! This is Winston, haha!... obviously..." he finished before the camera shut off again. I let out a chuckle and so did Jesse. Winston could be cocky, and it was funny to see it on tape when he couldn't do the things he thought he could.
The video then started up again. From the looks of it, where ever he was, it was night time. He lifted himself up, growling slightly, and then fixing his glasses. He then looked down at the papers he was holding, and took in a deep breath. He seemed tired, and what ever he was trying to do was taking a toll on him.
"Thirty years ago, the Omnics declared war." He pulled up an image with his hand, which showed a large omnic attacking innocents. I squinted my eyes, knowing quite well that Jesse and I showed up late to the fight... we were now what, twenty four and twenty five? Him being the oldest.
"The nations of the world had no answer, until they called upon a small group of heros, Overwatch was created to rescue humanity from the omnic crisis." I heard myself quietly gasp as I saw a picture of my Uncle fighting against an Omnic, my hand reached up to cover my mouth. It was before I had shown up in his life... Reinhardt and Jack were also there. Along with the little midget Jesse and I loved all the more.
"We became the greatest champions of peace and progress mankind had ever seen." I felt tears well up in my eyes as another picture showed itself. Lena, Anna, Jack, Gabe, Winston, Angela and Reinhardt were all there, standing proudly with golden metals... Jesse and I stood next to each other in the back, both of us looking cold and collected.... hard to believe how much we have softened up. I felt his robotic hand reach up to my shoulder and softly hold it in a comforting way.
"You were chosen because you had powers and abilities that made you...you joined! Because you..." I looked at yet another picture of Jack, Ana, Winston and Reinhardt, with Lena and Angela in the back, standing proudly together... I would give anything to see them again.
     Winston let out a sigh and pushed away the picture, his body slumping forward as his face softened.
     "You already know this...look... the people decided they were better off without us. They even called us criminals." I felt Jesses grip on my arm tighten. It wasn't hard to figure that out considering we have been on the run for so long, even before overwatch.
     "They tore our family apart..." Winston then looked up at the screen, his pupils dilating as determination filled his face. He then began to type furiously.
     "But look around!" The pictures then grew bigger and Jesse and I found ourselves horrified as we looked at what we were seeing. Multiple pictures showed themselves, of buildings being destroyed and trains being sabotaged.
     "Someone has to do something!" The pictures began to move faster, showing children surrounding an omnic about to be gunned down. I felt my heart clench in anger as it yet again showed what we once fought for.
     "We have to do something!" The pictures then ended, showing Winston letting out an angry sigh. He looked at the camera, as if knowing Jesse and I were watching.
     "We can make a difference again. The world needs us now more than ever." The gorilla then reached up and pulled off his glasses, and Jesse and I found ourselves standing, determination on our faces.
     "Are you with me?"

Hey guys, Flame here!! I hope you enjoyed this little chapter, because I sure loved making it! You guys know what comes next! If not, lemme give you a hint! There is pie. That's all your getting, but again I hope you all enjoyed! Special chapter next! Have a great rest of the day/night and as always, WOLF OUT!!

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