~Chapter 19~

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Your POV

"Jesse look out!" I faintly heard myself yell out as a bullet wizzed past my head, hitting a nearby tree. I felt my head spin around as I pulled out one of my guns, firing the weapon as I did so. Sadly, it was dark, and I was to tired to even function. My aim was off by a mile, and my eye sight was fading and blurry... and the people tracking us knew that.
     I let out a huff and began running faster, if I could that is. I couldn't really tell if I was limping, or running. Either way, it was faster than our captures.
"Shit!" I cursed as I tripped and began falling. Luckily, it was a steep hill so I would end up going faster this way... even if I was already injured and it caused me to hit my head countless times.
Groaning and seeing stars, I lifted myself up, hiding behind a large tree as I did so. I put a hand to my head and winced. Probably just gave myself a concussion.... though nothing like my powers could fix it when I got the chance.
     Suddenly, I felt someone grab my hand and pull me down, covering my mouth with their hand as they did so. I struggled for a second before I realized who is was.... it didn't take rocket science to realize the hand was made out of metal.
     He had blood seeping from a corner of his mouth, from a punch earlier on. Other than that he was fine from the looks of it, besides the fact that he was covered in dirt. I on the other hand knew that I had broken something, maybe a rib... but I knew better than to heal myself now, we needed to be quiet and undetected, and if I used the power now the green light would definitely attract attention.
     Jesse lifted a finger to his mouth, basically telling me to be quiet, and pulled me forward, leading me to a small underground tunnel covered by bushes. I felt confusion rise within my head. How the hell did he find this-
"Eclipse?-" I was interrupted by Jesse covering my mouth and leaning me backwards to the end of the den, my head hitting the dirt softly, whoops. I looked over at Eclipse to see he was struggling to keep quiet, for he was panting. His front paws and face were covered in dirt, and he looked tired. His claws were out, and his ears were flat. Then everything came together... Eclipse dug the hole... of course he summoned himself. That must mean that
     I took in a quiet gasp as I heard a lions roar, and more yelling, followed by gunfire. Their was the sound of running as the yelling got louder. Soon enough I saw a flash of the black lioness I had come to known rush by the den, followed by people with large weapons, and nets....
I closed my eyes, trying my hardest to keep my breathing quiet, which was working for the most part. But my head was pounding, and it was making my head wobble a little bit, which made Jesse and Eclipse worried, though I knew they shouldn't.

I don't know how long we waited for the coast to clear, but soon enough, light seeped into our small den through the bushes, causing me to open my eyes but wince in pain from the sunlights reign.
Instantly, my hand reached up and softly rested on the side of my scalp. I then took in a quiet breath and met my hands do their magic.
I felt a strain of energy release from my hands and engulf my head, the green mist swirling around my head and then sleeping into my skin. Instantly, every injury from my head to my shoulders healed, letting me open my eyes in piece. I then looked down at my stomach, where some dry blood stained my shirt... dammit now I have to wash it somehow.
Shifting my head to the side, I noticed Jesse was leaned backwards, his mouth open and his hat my his side. His chest raised slowly, allowing me to know that he was alive.
Sighing, I began moving out of the hole, muffling a groan as I felt pain where my ribs lay. Never less, I quietly pushed some bushes out of the way, and made sure no one was here... which no one was. Just forest with the sound of birds and different animals.
I lifted myself up, clutching the side of my body as I did so. I knew I couldn't defend myself like this...
"Eclipse, Midnight" I murmured out while moving forward, felling a small amount of energy leave my body. I looked down to see the loving panther looking up at me with his eyes slightly wide, and his ears back. I then looked to the other side of my body, seeing tree lioness I had come to know and love. She looked at me and her ears folded backwards.
"You have broken something." She called within my head softly. She was worried as well... it's been a long time sense I've been this injured. And not going to lie, I missed the trill of running for my life.
I nodded, and winced as I tumbled forward, expecting to fall onto the hard ground. But, luckily, Eclipse was their before me and caught me slightly with his back. Clutching to his fur, I let out another groan and brought myself back up.
"Your trying to find a water source to clean yourself. Luckily, you are going the right way." Eclipse said within my head. He looked ahead and followed close to me, as did Midnight. I kind of saw them as my parents as a joke... hell they act like em most of the time.
     "Oh thank god" I mumbled out as a small river came into view. Trees surrounded one area, making it look almost hidden, but the sound of water rushing made it clear that it existed. I sighed and looked around. Last time I checked, we were almost to the meeting point for Echo... but then we were chased into these woods, something about- locals calling it death Hollow? They said whoever went in it, didn't come out. Hopefully we would be the first.
     Once I made sure no one was watching I looked at Eclipse, with a small smile.
     "Could you please stand guard? I don't feel like having random people looking at me bathe... and I doubt you want to as well." I chuckled at the end. He nodded his head and walked backwards, sitting down with his back to me as he did so. Well that's that.
     "Come on Midnight." I yawned as I began to strip my clothing, grabbing a few sticks to wrap them on. I then shoved the bloody fabric in the water, except my belt, shoes and such. They weren't covered in blood or anything so I would only need to clean them in the water slightly.
     I then dipped my foot into the water, feeling my body shiver ever so slightly at the freezing temperatures. But at this point I was used to it. I then grabbed the clothing and one by one took them off of their hanging positions, and washed them as best I could. After doing that, I found a higher place to put them so they could dry.
     After that, and nodding at my work, I Slowly walked into the small river, which was just deep enough for me to sit down and wash myself. But first things first...
     "Well then..."
     I looked down as my stomach to see dark purple bruises scattered around my body. Yea, no doubt I've got a broken rib. And my legs look swollen as well. Good thing I was in the water already.
     I dipped my hands into the liquid, feeling it flow between my fingertips. I then closed my eyes, and let a green light swell around my body. Instantly, the water around me starts to turn a hastily green and reach to my injured areas. I felt the bruises start to heal, and I felt something crack in my side, causing me to take in a pained gasp and lean backwards. Midnight was at my side in an instant, looking at where the snap came from, her ears perked slightly as she looked back up at my scrunched up face.
     "It was a clean break. Your powers just brought it back into place. It will not take but a few minutes for it to heal all the way, but it will hurt... I have not taught you how to numb the pain yet but I have taught you well thus far" she smiled at the end as she herself walked into the water and lied down on a rock close to the surface. Purring, she began cleaning herself, her ears perked Incase she heard something out of the ordinary.
     I nodded, scared that if I opened my mouth, a scream would erupt from my throat. Though Midnight was right, and in just a few minutes, the break was healed along with the rest of my body, allowing me to let out a sigh of relief. No more pain.
    Then after deactivating my power and watching the green mist descend Into my fingertips, I finally decided to clean myself of some blood and dirt... First my getting some mud and bloody specks off of my face and body, and then Cleaning my hair.
    But as I was doing that, nearly finishing almost, I heard a low growl and the sound of something hitting the ground, a yelp coming from behind me. Midnight immediately jumped out of the water and over the bushes, heading in Eclipses direction.
     Quickly, I grabbed my almost dry clothing that was now clean, and threw them on, not worrying about my shoes or socks. I then rushed through the bushes, ready for a fight but stopped when my eyes landed on what was actually happening.
     Eclipse was sitting with his ears perked up, and his eyes lazily staying open. And his tail was flicking back and forth hitting something- or someONE in the face.
     I burst out laughing as I saw Jesse laying on his back with Eclipse sitting on his stomach. His hat was tipped over on the ground, and he glared daggers at the large cat. His hands were clasped together and lakes on his chest as he let out a sigh.
    Midnight laid on her stomach watching with an amused expression as Jesse looked up from his prison and pointed at the Panther.
     "A little help please?" He looked up at me with pleading eyes. I wiped a tear from my eye and nodded, letting out a happy sigh.
     "Alright Eclipse, thank you for guarding and taking advantage of the whole "don't let anyone come past this point" thing. But you can get off of him now." I chuckled quietly as the large cat jumped off of McCrees stomach, causing the man to let out a pained noise as he clutched his stomach, a loud huff coming from his mouth.
I smiled and quickly walked over to the male, reaching my hand down as I did so. Jesse looked up at me and smiled, grabbing my hand in the process. He then, after he was up quickly searched my body for wounds, finding none. After he was sure I was fine, it was then my turn to check him.

     "Oh please, it's a busted lip you big baby" I laughed, knowing I had absolutely NO room to talk. His eyes snapped to mine as he put on his best pouty face. Though him being older than he used to be, it just made him look pissed off. I smiled and kissed his cheek, a mist of green erupting from my lips and surrounding his head, healing his injuries.
     "How the hell did you even get so beat up. Last time I had checked you were in front of me" he mumbled out while wincing as he tried to get up. I noticed the back of his shirt and sat him back down.
     "First, take of your shirt-" he looked at me confused as if to protest against the action.
     "Take. Off. Your. Shirt."
     "Well damn, if you wanted to see me-" I smacked him upside the head, earning a chuckle to come from his throat. I smiled softly but it turned into a frown as I saw his back. Slightly pale from what I guess what blood loss, he had large gashing wounds from gods knows what.
     "Well, I decided to fall back and distract them, pulling them off of you. But they chased me and soon enough I went tumbling down a hill.... and I guess you did too. Just not with as much grass as I did." I said quietly at the end. I then hovered my hands over the wounds, pulling them back as I felt heat erupt from them.
      "Midnight, take this and get it wet and bring it back please. Quickly now" I told the lioness as I snatched a handkerchief from Jesse and handed it to her, instantly she grabbed it in her jaws and took off, arriving quickly after with the wet rag.
Thanking her, I softly went to clean Jesses wounds the best I could, him letting out a groan or two when I had to go into the cuts. I rested my hand near his, smiling when he reached for it and softly held it. Letting me know when something hurt more that the others with the squeeze of a hand.
"This might hurt a little, but it's all worth it in the long run" I mumbled out while pressing my hand one his wounds, closing my eyes as I felt energy warp around my fingertips.
"We should really get your hands an upgrade, I can't tell you how many times your cold ass fingertips have scared the living shit out of me at night." He chuckled lightly before taking in a quiet pained gasp as I watched the wounds begin to close. I chuckled and nodded... though they were highly advanced, they really needed a check up.... even Jesses arm. It was beginning to twitch more often, and would freeze a few times.
     I smiled and nodded, knowing that we both would need an upgrade soon enough. I then let out a sigh as his last wounds healed up, allowing Jesse to let out a happy, relieved sigh. I tossed him his shirt, watching as he caught it and pulled it over his head. After that, he proceeded to put on his poncho and then his hat, giving him his normal look. He then turned his gaze to me.
     "So. Where are we?"

Hey guys Flame here! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! A little short I know, but I wanted the next chapter to be longer than normal. I hope you guys don't mind. Also! Sorry for the long updates, just trying to think of ideas for the story to continue on the way it is. I've got a lot, but it's hard to choose those great choices.
     Anyways, Glad you read! Have a great day/night and as always WOLF OUT! 

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