~Chapter 29~

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Your POV

It took hours to heal Eclipse properly... many, many long hours. One might think that all I had to do was heal the skin, making it seam together and then just wait for the internal wound to heal itself. I only wished that it was that easy.
The arrow wasn't like your average... well arrow- it was made of metal, or some other type of material that I didn't know right away. Either way, it had twisted in his stomach, ripping him from the inside out. I had to push my powers deep into his skin, and heal him from where the wound ended, to where it began. Something I had never done before, but knew I could do it I focused.
If the wound was merely a scratch, I wouldn't had worried. I could have just sent him back, and have him healed immediately. But because the wound was so deep, I had to work to keep him alive.
"Your going to be ok alright?..." I whispered to the panther, his chest slowly rising and falling. His heart rate became normal, and he no longer was loosing blood. The wound had been fully healed, but because of how much blood he did loose- he was weak. Until his body produced more, i wouldn't allow him to do anything unless it was resting. I didn't want him back in the realm- I wanted him here with me, even if that meant I would be slightly tired.
His eyes opened slightly, a soft and quiet chuff coming from his mouth as he thanked me silently. Normally, he would disappear but he knew I needed to test and actually make sure he was ok. So he closed his eyes, and drifted off to sleep. Quite quickly- but who wouldn't in this situation.
My mechanical hands reached up and cupped the side of his face, scratching behind his ears as I did so. A low and quiet purr came from his throat, causing a smile to appear on his face from the action.
"Now... to figure out about this dome..." I whispered, not exactly knowing what happened a few hours ago, but having a strong idea. I let out a tired sigh, my eyes shifting to Eclipse multiple times as I reached my hand out to the... shield. I felt as if even though he was fine... he would leave my side forever at any second.
It was strong, and firm and it was made out of energy, that I knew for sure. It was weird. I couldn't see through it, but for some reason I could feel where everything was, just by touching it. I felt three people in the room- not one hundred percent sure who but I had a strong idea.
     I pressed my whole hand onto the dome and closed my eyes, silently asking it to break- or disappear or something along the lines of that. Luckily, my prayers were quickly answered.
     Starting from the top of the large bubble, the surface began to disintegrate into small tiny white particles, going god knows where. It came with a satisfying sound that sent chills down my spine.
    Soon enough it went down to where I could actually see the room, and people could see me. The first being Angela, who seemed to be the only person at least in the right mind state.
    She shifted her head to me, a tired look in her eyes as she looked at me for a few seconds. She was sitting in a chair, leaned back slightly. Her eyes blinked once, then twice before they widened. She leaned forward quickly, her hand reaching over and smacking the nearest person, who happened to be Genji.
His robotic eyes widened under his mask as his head shifted, a dark and annoyed aura coming from his body.
"What?..." he mumbled tiredly as he shifted his head to Angela, a yawn following suit. When he realized she wasn't looking at him, he seemed to become confused. Then he followed her Gaze and met my eyes before he threw himself out of the chair,  his leg going to Kick Jesse who unlike Genji, was not very quiet. The man growled.
    "Partner, this is the second time you've woken me up by kicking me, I swear to god- do it again and I'll-" Jesse took his hat off of his face, which at first was just lazily sitting there. His eyes were narrowed as they shifted to the cyborg, glancing over me slightly before widening. Jesses head snapped to the side, his eyes meeting my tired droopy eyes.
"Hi..." was the only word I could muster out. My head was fried from exhaustion, and questions that went unanswered popped in as well. Jesse stood quickly, knocking over the chair he was once sitting in. He tried to reach for me but not before a shield rained down from no where, causing him to retract his hand back quickly. His eyes narrowed once more as he shifted them to the ground. I don't think I've ever seen him so.... pissed.
I followed his gaze, my eyes widening slightly as I came face to face with Bright baby blue pupils.
     "Moon..." I mumbled out quietly at the large white tiger. He was just as my memories described him- or well. Recognized him.
He was Well built and tall, with eyes as bright as ice. His fur was pure white, except for the perfectly places black stripes that covered many parts of his body.
     He said no words as He came from a resting position to a standing position, a low growl coming from his throat as he slowly walked in front of me, his eyes trained on Jesse. His ears pulled back slightly, and jesses eyes squinted in anger.
I reached my hand out, softly resting it on his head. Is ears flopped forward, and he seemed to become tense. I knew that I needed to speak with him, but I needed rest. Having two creatures in the world would keep that from happening.
"Thank you for keeping me safe." I whispered as the large tiger shifted his head to look at me. He nodded his head slowly before disappearing in a puff of white smoke, taking his shields with him.
It was quiet for a second, and I could feel my eyes growing heavy. I then felt a hand reach up and cup my face, causing me to shift my eyes to whom ever was comforting me.
Jesses face was no longer filled with annoyance or anger, but with concern and relief. His eyebrows rose, waiting for me to speak. I smiled slightly.
"He's going to live. I'm keeping him in this world for the time being so I can make sure that his wound heals properly. No telling what will happen elsewhere. Right now though, I need rest, and so does he." I mumbled out as Angela came to my side, kind of pushing Jesse back slightly to which he raised his hands and backed up. Genji had not moved from his spot, but his eyes were trained on the weapon that caused all of this.
"Genji." I called out to him quietly as Angela began to make the proper needs to transport Eclipse to Jesse and Is room. The cowboy jumped in to help, his flesh hand rubbing Eclipses head.
The cyborg shifted his head quickly, a regretful aura coming from his body as we made eye contact. I looked at him, my eyes narrowing as I took in a breath.
"This is not your fault. Do remember that please." I told him, a tired and soft smile on my face. Don't get me wrong, I was pissed about what happened. But it was no ones fault except the one that released the arrow.
     Genji kept looking at me for a second before he shifted his head to the side once more, his head dipping slightly. I knew that he was angry, and I knew he was trying to settle it alone. He made progress with his brother but after this... no doubt it had set them back a little bit.
    "(Y/n), I will have him move to you and Jesses rooms. I'm going to get him on fluids and such. In the meantime- Jesse why don't you take her to rest. She looks exhausted." Angela murmured out while going to get the necessary needs to get eclipse better. Though the wound was fine, he still lost a lot of blood.
I looked at the panther, watching as his chest rose and fell. I knew I needed rest, but I didn't want to leave him in such a venerable state. I was pulled out of my thoughts as Jesse grabbed ahold of my hand and pulled me out of the medbay, Genji staying to help Angela even though she had everything covered.... pretty sure he just likes her company.
    "It's past ten Darlin- everyone's asleep and doors are locked. Let me help you." Jesse whispered softly, his hand once again coming up to cup my cheek. I looked away, my eyes dropping.
    "I can't take that risk Jess- not after having a new identity. I have to keep-" Jesse cut me off by grabbing ahold of my waist, my eyes widening slightly. He then flung me over my shoulder, a loud gasp coming from my mouth.
"Jesse-" he cut me off, a quiet sigh coming from his mouth followed by him speaking.
"Keep your tough guy look, I get it darlin. But your wobbling all over the place, and even if someone saw us, it wouldn't be the end of the world. I'd have a nice chat with em anyways. Now, stop struggling it's just making you more tired." Jesse spoke softly but firmly. I felt myself start to blush as I stoped trying to get him to let my go. I nodded, knowing that he already knew him gave up.
I then held my head up with my hand, one of my elbows resting on his back while my other arm dangled. He hummed in agreement, walking forward as if holding me like this was a normal thing. Which it wasn't I might add.
     Surprisingly, nobody saw us- or at least Jesse and I didn't see anyone. The cameras picked up everything- thank god Athena was in charge of all of that.
     The door to our shared room opened with ease, and we were both met to the smell of vanilla. A smell that i had connected with Jesse a long time ago. The room was dim, not bright. I was assuming it was Athenas way of shielding everyone's eyes at night.
     I was about to ask Jesse to set me down when he softly grabbed ahold of me and laid me down on the bed, back first. I looked up at him, curiosity lacing my face as I gazed at him. He looked down at me before chuckling, a soft smile appearing on his face.
     He then leaned down and softly kissed me, his hands once again, going to hold my hips. Of course, I immediately kissed him back, my eyes closing as I did so.
    We stayed like that for a few seconds- neither of us  wanting it to get heated before he pulled away, standing back up. I looked at him, and propped by body up with my elbows, watching as he went to get ready for bed.
    "Hey, grab me one of your shirts." I called out to him, hearing him whine in protest. He claimed to dislike me stealing his large shirts- but obviously that is wrong if he does it anyways.
    He began to take off his various accessories, one being his belt buckle and putting it in its original place while I began to take off my outfit as well...
    I laughed internally as I thought of how stupid my boyfriend could be. He's damn lucky that the blood on my outfit was dry and didn't get on the bed. Though I'll wash it tomorrow either way.
    I took off my top, and the rest of my clothing, minus the undergarments and threw the shirt on, letting out a happy sigh as I got comfy. I felt eyes on me and turned my head seeing Jesse staring at me with his cheeks beat red.
    I smirked and raised my eyebrows, my body leaning back slightly as I crossed my legs.
    "Like what you see cowboy?" I laughed out quietly causing his face to turn even more red. He shook his head.
     "Shut up!" He laughed out, a closed eyed smile appearing on his face. As he put his hat next to his dresser. At this point, he was only in his boxers, leaving the rest of his body bare. But honestly, I could care less, it wasn't awkward at all. I pushed my lips out and made a baby voice.
     "Come here boo." I spoke to him with grabby hands. He looked at me before sticking his tongue out and settling into the bed, quickly coming over to me and resting his head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around him, holding him close, but not tight. He did the same a soft sigh coming from his lips.
     The lights turned themselves off- or I did by throwing various things at the wall hoping to hit the light switch. After my third book, I hit a bulls eye.
    "Love you cowboy." I mumbled into his hair. He he'd me tighter, his voice muffled.
     "Love you too." He whispered. One might think that after those few words, the both of us would go to sleep. Only half of that was right.
     Jesse fell asleep like a log, but I stayed awake, listening to my own thoughts. I was exhausted, but my body refused to rest until I discussed a few issues.
      My eyes were open, not really focusing on anything considering the room was pitch black. But scenarios flashed through my head, none of them real- just figments of my imagination.
    I thought of possibility's of the future- where my life would continue- how long till I was dead? It felt like I was growing close, but that tends to happen when your part of Overwatch.
     Then I thought of something else- I saw a white dress and white flowers, worn and held by yours truly. And I also saw a small child, wearing a rather large hat and a large grin followed after.
    I felt myself smile as I looked down at Jesse, who looked as if he was in heaven. I couldn't help but brush some of his hair out of his face before quietly speaking.
     "One day maybe... but not today."

Howdy everyone! Hope you all enjoyed this part because I sure as hell enjoyed making the last bit! Wanted something cute- maybe a little foreshadowing but eh. Maybe not! Again, hope you all enjoyed! Stay tuned for the next chapter! I hope you all have an amazing rest of the day/night! Wolf out!

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