~Chapter 26~

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Your POV

     I woke up to the sound of metallic clicking, and small jolts of pain going up my arm. My eyes, which were heavy, opened just in time to see a flash of blue electricity fly from my fingertips and spread throughout the air, causing another jolt of pain to throb up my arm.
     Quickly, I lifted myself out of the bed, shaking slightly as I looked at my fingers, not minding the pain at the moment. All of them were twitching, and small sparks flew but disappeared in the darkness. I tried to move them, but all that came was another small jolt of pain, it slightly worse than the rest.
I turned my head to see Jesse soundly sleeping, his mouth slightly open, and his arms were wrapped around the pillow that his head was laying on. I smiled softly before flinching as another jolt of electricity ran up my arm. My head snapped down to my fingers once again.
"Alright that one hurt-" I was cut off as another jolt raced up my arm, much more painful than the last ones. Quickly I jumped out of bed, stumbling as more pain went up my arm. I then went to the door, it opening at my command. The hallways bright lighting spread through the room quickly, possibly waking up Jesse but at the moment I had more things to worry about. Though I did hope that he didn't wake. He needed his rest.
      I stumbled down the hallways as fast as I could, rushing out of what used to be Blackwatch sleeping quarters. Eventually I made it to the main compound and found myself in front of two double doors. I pushed them open with my shoulder, my mouth opening to speak as the doors opened.
      "Angela-" I mumbled out in pain as I almost fell into the bed bay, my eyes darting around the room and noticing how much bigger it had gotten. More beds, and more rooms for the sick and wounded. And there to the right was Angela who was neatly putting away some medical supplies. Or she was before she noticed me. her head turned to me with curiosity before she saw my state of pain. Quickly, she rushed to my side where I was hunched over and shaking violently. She grabbed ahold of my arm gently and took me to the nearest bed, sitting me down. She then looked at my hands, seeing my fingers twitch violently. She reached one of her hands out to touch one before pulling it back as a flash of blue electricity shot from them. Gasping, she ran out of the room, leaving me to my self.
     The pain got worse within the second, and my eyes were shut closed. I was hunched over more, and groans of pain kept escaping from my mouth. I could feel myself gasping for air as water started to well within my eyes. Pain was something that I was used to, and the fact that I was on the verge of tears made fear well within my chest.
    Though after a minute, the medical doors burst open and in came Angela and Winston, his eyes also widening as the two rushed by my side. At this point, the pain was unbearable, and my eyesight was fading. Angela rested her hand on my back, worry etched within her face as she nodded at Winston who rushed to the side, coming back with a needle of some sorts. Knowing it was an anesthetic, I closed my eyes once more and allowed him to inject me with the drug. After a few seconds, my eyesight faded even more, and I felt my body go limp. What I didn't want to happen came next. My mind left my body while I was unconscious, and went to meet with a few people while it rested.

I opened my eyes to a soft purple glow, something that I did not find myself familiar with... kind of if that made any sense. But within that soft purple glow were white dots that seemed to glide through it, lighting up the sky like... like stars.
I lifted myself up, shifting my head around only to realize that I was in my own head- or where my creatures stayed put. But it was very different. The sky was no longer blue, but a deep purple with some white glittering it. And the rest of the plains held a ghastly purple instead of its normal green. It was weird- but also told me that something was up.
"Glad you could make it." I heard a familiar feminine voice echo out. I felt my eyes narrow as I stood up, looking at my hands only to realize that they were fingerless once again. They were always fingerless in the mind scape.
I then turned, coming face to face with Midnight and Eclipse who were both staring at me with worried expressions. Scoffing, I crossed my arms and adverted my eyes. But not before I noticed Eclipse take a step forward, only to have his ears sink and his mouth part slightly. It took me my surprise.
     "Oh please, you and I both know that I wouldn't be here right now if you didn't drag me here to talk" I spat out harshly while shifting my gaze to look at Midnight. Her eyes widened slightly before she shook her head, her tail lowering slightly.
     "We never wanted you to find out like this... We never wanted you to look down on your father-" I cut her off, anger filling my chest as I called out to her louder. She was making time.
     "This isn't about him and you know it. It's the fact that you lied to me, and continue to. What else has my father done that I should know? How many creatures died in his hands.... is that why flair was a baby when he came back? Was he killed and never summoned again?" I got quieter as I spoke, my hand coming to cover my mouth as I thought of my poor baby, and how he could had been killed.
     Midnight stayed quiet along with Eclipse. Her head shifted to the side and she sunk down. I felt my heart stop for a second. So that is what happened
     "You put him on this throne, and expect me to be just like him. I may have his powers But I will never be like him and kill my creatures, disability or not. Why can't you guys understand and trust me on that?... Eclipse, I have known you for the longest time and yet-" I glared at him as my emotions got the best of me, but I refused to let myself cry. Eclipse looked at me but before he could speak, Midnight jumped in her voice raising.
     "Eclipse wanted to tell you everything once I showed up. He wanted to tell you every single detail, but I didn't want to let you know. Do not blame this on him." She called out. And right after she did that, eclipse pushed her out of the way slightly, and looked at her, his ears back as he growled quietly. Midnight looked hurt for a second, but nodded. She then disappeared in a puff of black smoke leaving me with the black panther I had grown up with. He looked at me before sighing and slowly walking in my direction
     "I know that you deserve explanations. You always have. But please listen to me when I say that the only reason we kept them was to keep you safe..." he pleaded. At this point I had sunk to my knees, my mind wandering and trying to find my own answers. I moved to where I was sitting down properly, but my knees were pulled to my chest. It was quiet for a second before eclipse spoke again. But he did not seem angry, or stressed. His voice was filled with slight sadness and a hint of calmness.
     "I have never been the best with emotion. ever sense your father summoned me I was what he  and many others called a black void. I was cold, and never spoke... many people said I was him in a cats body. But he was much different. We never told you that he would make so many mistakes. So many grave mistakes that he regretted in the future. Before he left blackwatch, all he cared about were his three main creatures and his team... and so did I. If one of his creatures posed as a threat, even if they didn't mean to, it would be taken care of immediately.... I followed suit, not caring about anything but him and what ever he was protecting. and then-" He cut himself off, trying to find the words. I looked up at him, my heart forgetting anger, and now being filled with curiosity and sorrow. It was hard to find out all that your father did. Eclipse seemed to smile as his ears perked up slightly.
     "Then you were born. I still remember the day that I met you. Once marcel held you, he changed his ways so quickly... and he couldn't bare the fact that he had killed creatures he had bonded with. He understood his wrongs when you made eye contact with him. Though when I saw you the first time, all I could think of was how You were such a small thing compared to me, and so fragile. You couldn't even walk but you learned with time. When marcel was gone, I took care of you the best I could. You were- my cub in some ways. You tried to walk like me, sound like me, and eat like me." He chucked at the end as he sat down next to me. I felt tears well in my eyes as he looked down at the ground. His eyes lightly glossy. His smile was no more, and a sad frown appeared on his face.
     "The day your father died, was one of the worst days of my life. But it never compared to when I found you... and had to leave you for such a long time. It broke my heart and struck fear in my soul when you were in danger. Words could not explain how happy I was when I was summoned for the first time and escaped my chains. I finally got to see how big you had grown. Though I was angry that you were shot at, don't get me wrong." He spoke. He then turned to me, and frowned.
     "You deserve more than just an apology. Much more. For all your life, parts of your life have been missing. And I had to hold them back. You never got the life of a normal child, that is why I agreed not to tell you these things. We thought it would be best to let you see your fathers good side... we never wanted to lie. And I'm so sorry for that. But-" he stopped as I hugged him gently, tears escaping my eyes as I held the large cat. He stiffened for a minute, and his tail froze. But after a few seconds I felt his wrap one paw around me and pure slightly.
     "It will take awhile for us to gain your trust back, we know that. And knowing you, Midnight will take much longer to trust. But let it be know, that nothing will be kept from you ever again." He smiled as my body started to fade. I smiled, and nodded, closing my eyes as my body faded into nothingness, leaving eclipse free to summon himself into the real world. And he did just that.

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