~Chapter 3~

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Disclaimer! Nothing in this book is following the Overwatch comics so yea. Also- there is gore in this part so watch out for that! I hope you all Enjoy!

Your POV

     I let out a sigh as I loaded one of my pistols, a soft click coming from the red weapon as I finished. I then stared at it, allowing myself to try and and calm down my beating heart. Being nervous was not what I wanted to be.
I lifted my head up slightly, noticing that I sat here by myself... well not really, considering many people were running to there places with weapons and getting behind barricades and what not. I meant that Jesse and Genji were already in place, and so was I.
     The only issue was that I didn't think that I was ready. I could feel a lump crawling into my throat, causing me to swallow and let out a breath. I guess that to a few, I seemed nervous because soon enough I felt a hand on my shoulder, causing me to slightly jump. I turned my head to see a familiar blond headed male behind me, a soft smile on his face.
     "(Y/N)" Jack began as he looked down at me, his eyes closing as he nodded. I stood up and looked at him, a small smile on my face. I guess they sent Strike Commander to the front lines as well. Good to know that I wasn't completely alone.
     "Jack, good to know your up here as well." I sighed as I stuffed my Pistol into its holster, another click coming from it as it sat there gently. I then shifted my gaze to my hands and let out another sigh.
"What is it kid?" Jack asked as he loaded his... to be honest I never knew what his gun was. He loaded his weapon
I looked up at him, opening my mouth to speak but nothing came out. Jesus When has this ever happened to me?
"Your nervous about summoning arnt you?" He questioned as he turned his visor on, a soft blue rectangle lining over one of his eyes. I nodded and looked back at my hands. A glare forming in my eyes
"I have an idea of what I want to summon... but I have no idea it it will work. I don't feel like being the reason for losing the war" I whispered as I turned my shaking hands into fists, my face twisting with determination. I then lifted my head and looked back at Jack, only to see a smile on his face.
"Kid, I think you just solved your problem. Considering your face looks pretty proud of itself... Quite quickly I might add." He mumbled at the end. His eyes then widened as he lifted his hand to a com that was in his ear. He nodded as his face twisted with anger.
     "Got it. Get everyone else ready." He called back into the electronic device. He then turned to me and nodded, his face twisting yet again with an unreadable expression.
     "Walker front lines with me." He spoke. He then called out loud, using his "leader" voice to get everyone's attention.
     "Team Bravo has reported that They are leaving the forest right now as we speak! Everyone, positions!" He yelled, causing everyone to run in different directions, myself included. I could feel the brown grass crunch underneath me as I rushed to my spot, taking cover behind a large sheild, much like Reinhardts. Jack quickly joined me, his gun pointed out towards the forest along everyone else's.
     Everything seemed to go slow as the first Omnic stepped out of the trees. It seemed to be a Bastion but the odd thing was that there was only one. It slowly walked towards us, it's metal feet hitting the ground as it did so.
     Everyone kept there guns pointed at the thing as it stood dead center of the crumbling field. It looked at us and the whole army looked back at it.
     "Commander..." I murmured as I took a glance at Jack. His face seemed confused but wary. He seemed to be holding his breath as his eyes squinted forward.
     "Somethings up..." He replied as he held his hand up in the air, telling everyone to hold there fire, which we all did.
     Suddenly the bastions eyes glowed black and red, switching back and forth quickly. We all stiffened as the robot then blew up in a black array of smoke, causing many of the soldiers to become to confused.
     The smoke then became a bright blue, causing more of the soldiers to become confused. Many began whispering to themselves.
Suddenly there was a loud screech of metal, causing me to cover my ears with my hands, blocking out a small amount of the painful noise. My eyes squinted shut on there own, causing me to force them to open only to see a large plane like structure above the battle field.
     Quickly, I uncovered my ears and looked at jack, who was yelling out words that I couldn't understand. All I could hear was the ringing in my ears from the Loud screeching of metal. He then looked at me with a determined look on his face and nodded.
Nodding back, I looked back up at the ship... plane thingy to see Omnics falling out of it. Causing the around to tremble under there robotic feet.
Jack then lifted his gun in the air, a growl escaping his throat as he yelled.
"Engage!" He yelled... and then all hell broke loose.

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