~Chapter 12~

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It's getting harder and harder to find pictures to fit the chapters 😂
Sorry if there are spelling errors and the chapter sucks! Though I don't think it does—
Your POV

     "Midnight?" I felt the familiar name And word role off of my tongue as I felt my eyes widen even more. The moon shined bright now, as if all the clouds that were covering it decided to vanish, allowing me to get a full view of what I was seeing.
Eclipse must had now recognized who and what he attacked, for he backed up slightly, his eyes wide and his mouth slightly open. His angry expression was now replaced with one of disbelief as his head was held high, his hind legs close to the ground, making it seem as if her was sitting
"After all these years. It's nice you still remember me little one." I heard a feminine voice echo through my head, causing my eyes to widen much more than they already were. She could do the same thing as Eclipse... I thought he told me only he could do that.
"Midnight?..." I heard the male who was named Eclipse call out, his ears were now perked up as he crouched to the ground and slowly walked towards her, his head tilted to the side slightly. Midnight stayed where she was, a... a soft smile slightly appearing on her face. Though to any normal person, she would just look like a regular lioness
"Is it... is it really you?..." the voices within my mind stopped as I saw the lioness close her bright green eyes, a slow nod coming after as she softly set her injured paw to the ground.
And before I knew it Eclipse had let out a sound I had never heard before, causing me to go into even more shock. One minute the two large cats were attacking each other- or Eclipse was attacking the large cat, and now... they were rolling on the ground happily...
I let out a quiet groan as I reached my hand to my head, allowing the palm of said hand to brush against my wound. Only for my head to retract back in pain as I felt it sting at my own touch. My eyes squinted as I saw all the blood on my fingers, the liquid sliding through my finger tips and down to my palm.
As my eyesight wavered, I heard some distant yelling, causing my head to turn and look behind me, my eyes squinting as I tried to see who it was. And soon enough, Through the darkness I saw a black shadow walking towards me, his voice becoming louder the closer he got
"(Y/N) is that you darlin?" I heard a familiar voice call out, causing a soft smile of relief appear on my face. Thank god, because Eclipse wasn't being very helpful at the moment, and I was losing a lot of blood.
"Jess- agh-" I winced as I had tried to get up, only for my pounding head to scream at me in pain. I felt myself fall forwards, my mind racing and Throbbing as I heard what I could only assume were feet hitting the ground.
I felt arms wrap around me as my head softly landed against his shoulder, a wine coming from my lips as I felt him shift my body around, allowing my eyes come face to face with the sky. Along with his worried chocolate brown eyes and his hatless face.
"Jesus (Y/N)- the hell did this to you?" I heard him ask me as he reached into his back pocket, his hand pulling out a red handkerchief, and slowly and carefully dabbing my wound.
     I winced, causing him to retract his hand, a frown appearing on his face, and his eyes showing how concerned he was. His hair was messy, but that was to be expected from Jesse
     "What kind of stupid shit were you doing?" He mumbled out as he continued to wipe the blood off of my face, the pain numbing itself as he continued to do so. At one point he reached for my water bottle that was close, and covered the rag with said water.
    "Rude..." I chuckled quietly before letting out a quiet gasp as he had actually hit the wound dead center, the water mixing with the blood, causing it to now flow effortless down my face.
    He pulled back his hand, causing me to open my eyes and look up at him. His mouth was agape and his hands were trembling trembling slightly.
"Is it that bad?" I questioned out as he shook his head in response. he bit his lip as he poured more water onto the rag.
Before I could say anything else, there was the sound of crunching leaves, causing jesses head to snap to the side, and mine to lazily flop in the sounds direction.
Eclipse and Midnight stood side by side. Eclipses face had a look of concern as he slowly walked up to me, his ears folded back as he sunk down to the ground. He reached his head to nudge my face, but instinctively, my hand swatted his face away.
"You've already done enough, but thanks for the concern." I said roughly, knowing quite well that he could had at least helped me. Hell, all he seemed to care about was his old friend... but now I feel guilty for doing so. I would forget about everything else if I had seen someone I loved after they disappeared.
His eyes widened slightly as he backed away, his eyes shifting to the ground and back at midnight.
I guess I didn't notice that Jesse had his hand wrapped around peace keeper, and his eyes were focused entirely on Midnight.
Slowly, I patted his arm and nodded towards her, groaning softly as I tried to lift myself up, failing to do so, as I let out a tiny gasp and let myself fall back to my original spot.
"She's with me" I managed to rasp out, allowing his body to become less tense, and his hand to come back to dabbing my face. All of his attention directed to me instead of my newly found creature.
"(Y/N) darlin, I don't know what do do. This would needs stitches, and you and I both know that we don't know how ta do that. And it's to risky to go to a hospital" he whispered, followed by quiet cursing as he couldn't get the bleeding to stop. I could feel my energy waver, and before I knew it I saw Eclipse disappear in a puff of black and blue smoke. Leaving Midnight to slowly walk up to Jesse and I.
Her eyes seemed to be glowing a brighter green, and the grass that surrounded her seemed to grow more.
Her head got close to my face, causing me to close my eyes for a few quick seconds, quickly re opening them and allowing my eye sight to settle. And Jesse seemed to tense up again as he looked down at the black lioness with caution.
She then sniffed my blood soaked wound and let out a sigh, her eyes shifting to the rag and then to Jesses red poncho. She then motioned for his poncho with the nod of her head, to which Jesse looked at her in confusion.
But none the less, Jesse knew that many of the creatures that were summoned were smarter than any man on earth, and softly unwrapped the poncho from his shoulders. Handing it to the female lioness as he did so.
     But Midnight did not make any motion to take it. She looked at Jesse for a few seconds before backing up slightly. Her eyes then glowed a brighter green as she looked at my mouth and then the poncho.
     "Jesse, she wants the cloth in my mouth to muffle my possible but most likely screaming." I softly spoke as I felt a hot drop of blood slide down my face, followed by a stream of said blood. By now, my mouth was just the taste of the red liquid that had that metal taste to it
     Jesse looked at me confused and worried, but nodded none the less. He then softly wrapped up a small amount of once of his favorite accessories, and stuffed some of it into my mouth, careful not to stuff too much in my mouth so that he didn't choke me in the process.
After the red poncho was in my mouth just enough to muffle my screaming pretty well, Jesse looked at the Black lioness and nodded slightly. Not sure of what she would do, but sure it would help.
     Midnight seemed to nod with her eyes and walked close to my face, her head dipping down to where I could feel her hot breath. She sniffed my would, And then with a quick motion, her sand paper tongue collided with my deep scrape, a jolt of pain echoing through my mind As I felt and heard myself scream.
     It was stinging, as if my skin was being burnt- no. It felt like it was being melted and conjointed with the rest of my skin. I could feel my skin popping and sizzling, and as I opened my eyes slightly, there seemed to be a steam of some sorts coming from my wound, reaching to the sky and disappearing once it got high enough.
But soon enough, the cackling and sizzling stopped, and the pain quickly stopped with it. I could no longer feel blood dripping down my face, for it seemed as it had dried up and disappeared along with it. The blood that had seeped into my mouth was now gone, And I felt no trace of pain on my forehead, which surprised me greatly. If anything, I felt like I had never even gotten hurt in the first place which was confusing as amazing at the same time.
"How come I'm the one that gets hurt all the time" I finally spoke out- but I guess I cried it out in a playful way for I heard a loud sigh of relief from above me.
Looking up, I saw Jesse with his eyes closed and his head facing the sky. He took in a deep breath before a smile appeared on his face and he let his head drop, a shake coming afterwards as his brown eyes seemed to shimmer.
"Ima be honest sugar- I got no clue" he chuckled out as he opened his eyes, no concern showing in them, or at least none that I could see.
I on the other hand was very curious as to how the actual fuck I was never told of Midnight. Or the fact that she had healing abilities that gave energy back and fixed the lack of blood.
I sat up, almost bumping my head with Jesses but he quickly leaned back slightly, a playful tug on his lips as he quickly leaned foreword, causing me to slightly lean back.
"Well damn (Y/N), I get that your fine now but if you wanted a kiss you just had to ask instead of diving head first... literally." He flirted causing me to burst into a fit of quiet giggles at his last remark. I pushed his face away with my hand, causing a sound of protest erupt from his mouth
"Maybe Later cowboy" I pushed his face away playfully, causing him to let out a sigh as an annoyed expression appeared on his face.
     "Right now we have some things to discuss- or at least I do." I told him as I wiggled out of his grip, his warmth leaving my body, causing me to shiver slightly.
     I lifted myself up, dusting myself off after I did so. I then reached my hand up, letting my robotic fingers trace over where I once was wounded. No pain- and I couldn't feel any blood.
      Smiling, I leaned my hand down in front of Jesse, who was still sitting on the ground. His eyes shifted between my face and my out stretched hand for a second before he wrapped his own robotic arm around my own.
    Once he was up on the ground, I felt my smile falter as I turned my head to look at my newest companion who was waiting patiently. Her head was held high, and her tail wrapped around her body, slightly flicking at the end. Her eyes were bright- but not even close to the green that we had witnessed when she used her powers.
     "I appreciate you saving me, I really do. And I thank you for helping so that we didn't risk going to a hospital." I spoke as she nodded her head, her body shifted as she planted her feet on the ground, her body now standing as she looked at the two of us.
     "But now, I need to talk to you."

I'm not dead, trust me. But anyways- I am so sorry for not being as active! I'm trying to get things fitted in with my schedule, and I guess I'm doing better than I have been. But I hope you all have enjoyed this part! I know it might seem a little boring without the main characters, but trust me! They will be showing up sooner than you think. After all, Genji now knows you guys are not at base- and he's not stupid. He knows exactly where you and Jesse have gone. But who knows! Maybe he will stay where he is, maybe he will come find you guys when he's ready. Only time will tell.
    But I hope you all enjoyed! Can't wait for the next chapter, and as always, WOLF OUT!!

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