Chapter 1

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WELCOOOOME TO MY NEW STORY! If you haven't noticed already, I am SO excited. I've had this idea for a long while and it feels so good to finally be putting it into a chapter!

Before you continue, there are a few things I want to say:

- This is based in the U.K. so it will have British spellings and British education systems etc. If you think I've spelt something wrong, do your research to definitely make sure! :)

- This is ORIGINAL fiction and NO COPYING !!

Be sure to leave comments, votes, or constructive criticism if there's anything I need to improve on and feel free to point out my spelling/grammar mistakes so I can correct any I've missed.

Thank you for clicking on my story and I really hope you enjoy!

- Sian

"Just shut up for a minute!" Alfie yelled into the corner of the room. "I know you're stressed, but I can't concentrate on what your wife is saying if you don't stop to take a breath!" His voice bounced off the walls.

The man he shouted at slumped against the shelves, crossing arms with a darkening frown. "I can't stop to take a breath," he muttered, "I'm dead."

Alfie sat back in his chair, twisting a ring around his finger, fighting the urge to sigh for what felt like the hundredth time that morning.

"He still can't shut up, even when he's dead," the man's wife said, wiping away fresh tears, staining her silk gloves with mascara. Of course, she couldn't see her husband roll his eyes, walk up to her, and stick a hand straight through her head.

"You had a challenging marriage," Alfie said in a monotone voice, ignoring him because he didn't think it was acceptable to laugh.

"We did, but I loved him. I guess it took his death for me to realise that." The woman scoffed, dabbing her eyes with a tissue. "Tragic really." Then suddenly, she perked up and rummaged through the long list of questions she hoped to ask. "Can you ask him about that tart he cheated on me with; did he love her?"

Alfie, without changing his blank stare, moved his gaze to the man she couldn't see who now had wide eyes. "Your husband didn't know that you knew about his affair," he said, judging by his expression.

The husband turned to him. His cheeks blazed red despite the lack of blood pumping through him. "Tell her yes, I loved Melissa more than I ever loved her."

"Really? You really want me to say that?"

"Yes. Tell her I'm smiling too. She hated it when I did that."

"Smiled?" Alfie shifted himself on the chair, wanting to curl into a ball and sleep for a full twenty-four hours.

"Yes. Apparently, it creeped her out."

Alfie, again, fought the urge to sigh. "You both had some serious issues."

The woman frowned, now dabbing her runny nose. "Excuse me. I paid you good money to let me communicate with my husband, not to judge our relationship."

"Right. Well, your husband never loved you, he cheated and found love somewhere else. Happy now?" As soon as the sentence finished, Alfie wished he hadn't spoken at all.

The twitch in the woman's eye and the bulge of the vein on her forehead made him sink further into his chair. She gripped her list of questions until she put her fingers through the paper.

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