Chapter 6

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"No. I would call you crazy... again." The hairs on the back of Koda's neck stood on end. He froze and didn't dare turn round. He didn't believe in ghosts, but Alfie was staring at something behind him like there was somebody there.

"I guess there's some truth to that." Alfie studied Koda's mother and the medium saw their similarities. They both had dark hair with the glow of chestnut against the light. Though his mother's eyes were brown and Koda's were hazel, the shape was the same; round with dark eyelashes. They were big eyes and in perfect proportion with the rest of his face. "Well, your son's here. You have the chance to talk to him."

When Alfie spoke to someone who Koda couldn't see, his mind started to spin. Crazy was an understatement. He didn't know Alfie at all. Why should he believe anything he said? "I can't." He quickly stood up, moving straight through the apparition of his mother. He shivered and zipped up his jacket. "This is too weird. I don't know what you're trying to prove here, but I don't want to be a part of it."

When he turned, Alfie jumped out of his own seat and ran around him. "Koda, please. I've been trying to tell you this all week. Your mother wants to talk to you! Please don't leave; she'll make my life so hard if you don't stay!"

Koda placed his hands on Alfie's shoulders, and the teen stopped. His heart, once again, sped up to unnatural speeds. His entire body warmed, his senses screamed. Alfie could only focus on the weight of his hands until Koda used them to move him out of the way. "I'm sorry. I don't believe any of this."

Then his hands were gone, and Koda was moving quickly down the hall.

"Just give me a chance to prove it to you!" Alfie wasn't prepared to give up. He would do anything for Koda and getting him to communicate with his mother would help him find closure in her death. "Koda!" His crush stopped, but he didn't turn around.

"I still wake up in the morning and expect to see my mother sitting in her chair in the living-room. I tell her I'm home when I walk through the door and I forget that I'll never get a reply." Koda turned his head and stared at the short kid from the corner of his eye. "How am I supposed to talk to the ghost of her when I can't accept that she's gone?"

Alfie heard the crack in his voice. He wanted to hold him, and he wanted Koda to crave his comfort. It pained Alfie to know that Koda had no idea who he was, but that was Alfie's fault. He was never brave enough to reveal his feelings. "You need time," Alfie said quietly. For once, his voice wasn't lined with sarcasm. He felt just as vulnerable as Koda. "I'll give you time, but please don't give up on this. I want to help you."

Koda let out a long and pained sigh like it hurt to breathe. Alfie thought he would reply, but Koda moved forwards and left without looking back.

When the door closed behind him, Molly popped her head out of the kitchen, staring down the hall at her son. "Do you know him?" she asked, frowning when Alfie looked visibly defeated. His shoulders drooped, and his permanent smirk curled the opposite way. He looked tired, fragile and small.

"Do I know him?" Alfie repeated to himself, forcing out a humourless laugh. "I'm going to bed."

Molly watched him desert his office and drag his exhausted body towards his room. She knew that when Alfie could see spirits, they drained his energy. It wasn't just mentally tiring; it was physically hard for her son to maintain the connection, especially when he was stressed.

"I love you!" she called after him and heard his mumbled response and fading steps as he went upstairs.

* * * * *

Alfie didn't see Koda's mother after Saturday's events, or Mister Dorinto. His Sunday was filled with clients, so he forced his other troubles away and focused on the ones in the present.

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