Chapter 74

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Morlen didn't notice that he was going in the wrong direction to his house until he found himself stopping in town. He looked out of the window and at the quirky little shop; Connor's shop. Morlen sighed to himself and got out of the car. He knocked loudly on the entrance, knowing it had already closed.

He could see through the closed blinds and Connor was sitting on the front desk like he was waiting for someone. As soon as Morlen knocked, Connor hopped down and made his way over to unlock the entrance, but he paused. "Is that Morlen?" he asked to be sure that he wasn't letting a stranger in.

"Yes," Morlen said. He kept forgetting that Connor was blind.

Connor finished unlocking the door, and Morlen stormed in as soon as he could fit through the gap. "Are you okay?" Conner asked.

Morlen didn't answer him. Instead, he looked around the shop, hating the world a little less. The more he remembered about what he used to see as a child, the more he felt what the shop had to offer him as a medium. The energy was something he had always longed to explore.

"Oh," Connor said and dug his hand into his pocket and pulled out a crystal. "A certain someone said you needed a Rose Quartz." He held it out for Morlen to take. Connor heard him shuffling closer.

"Alfie," Morlen said, looking at the ragged pink crystal sitting on Connor's palm. His lips curled at the sides at the thought of Alfie caring enough to bother Connor about an inconvenient crystal. "What do I do with it?" Morlen asked after picking it up and twiddling it around in his fingers.

"Keep it with you for a few weeks, maybe in your pocket or your bag. Fidget with it if you need to. You're drawn to it for a reason. You'll know when you don't need it anymore," Connor smiled. His palm tingled from where Morlen touched it with his fingers.

"Thanks," Morlen mumbled and shoved it into his pocket. He stared at Connor, but Connor could always tell when the attention was on him, and he stood up straighter.

"So, what are you doing here? Do you want to talk about-"

"Koda," Morlen interrupted, panicking. He didn't want to continuously talk about his sensitivity to the world of the paranormal.

"Oh?" Connor said and started moving towards the door behind the counter that led to his apartment upstairs.

Morlen followed and waited until they were seated on the couch to continue. "Koda, I think, is uh..." Morlen didn't know how to word it. "I think he's taking the next step in his relationship with Alfie."

Connor raised his eyebrows, thinking that he would be the last person who Morlen would find to discuss his son. Morlen's wife was no longer around, and Morlen obviously needed to speak to someone who he could trust. "How do you know?"

"How could I not know. They wouldn't stop looking at each other and grinning."

Connor smiled. Morlen liked to pretend that he didn't know much about his son, but that wasn't the case. "Have you spoken to him about it?"

"No. I don't know how I would even approach the topic."

"Do you want to talk to him about it?"

There was a long pause as Morlen thought about his answer. "I think so. Enya would've wanted to know." Morlen sat back against the couch. "Do you think it's too intrusive to ask?"

"Maybe just let it be known that you won't deny Koda the chance to talk about it. Let Koda know that he can approach you."

Morlen nodded. "Okay," he said before taking his gaze to the window and looking out across the town. The sea of lights was nice on the eyes. "Sorry about barging in like this."

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