Chapter 52

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From now until the 23rd, updates might be a teeny tiny bit slower because I have exams and assignments! I'm sure there are many of you who also feel my pain :')

Tell me your favourite subject if you're still in education!

Anyways, I hope you're all having a great start to the new year! If not, you have 11 more months to make it a year to remember ;)

- Sian

"Where are you?" Morlen asked over the phone. Connor heard a tone of urgency in his voice.

"On the way to the station. Can you meet us there?" Koda asked.


"Me and Alfie." The urgency in Koda's voice was even worse. Morlen didn't ask what his son had done, or if Alfie had gotten him into trouble, or why he was skipping college, or why he sounded so alarmed. He said, "I'm on my way. Stick together." Then hung up the phone.

Connor stood when he heard Morlen storm through the room. "Wait for me!" he said and tried to hurry after him without the risk of bumping into anything.

"You're not coming," Morlen said, almost as if the words had been waiting for hours at the tip of his lips. "Why are you even here?"

"I have a suspicious feeling that you may need me with you now. If this concerns your son and Alfie, it is likely that it also concerns the world of the paranormal."

Morlen turned, uncomfortable with how close Connor was as he stood with remarkable confidence. Morlen looked him up and down, wishing Connor could see his annoyance and hoped he could somehow feel it. "Fine," he grumbled, "but if you talk to me, I'm pushing you out while the car is still moving."

Connor smiled and followed the sound of Morlen's stomps down the driveway.

* * * * *

The bus arrived at the station agonisingly slow. Almost as agonising as Alfie's elbow that throbbed every time the bus went over a speed bump.

"Put your hood up," Alfie mumbled, trying to stay close to Koda as they crossed the road and entered the train station. As always, the large hall was busy with rushing people, trying to get to their platform. Alfie hated how the station always felt ten degrees colder than the outside chill.

"Let's go to the car park at the back." Koda knew his dad would be waiting already. He wasn't sure where the faith in his distant father had come from, but it felt good.

Alfie tried to stick close to Koda. It was almost impossible with stressed people shoving between them and delaying their quick journey to the bridge, so they could cross the tracks.

Alfie was close to yelling when a hand reached for his and his side was pulled strongly into Koda. Their fingers intertwined and Alfie felt a sense of completion. Of course, why wouldn't he hold Koda's hand? They were boyfriends after all, though it was still new to them both and they had to remind themselves that it wasn't all a very vivid dream.

When they reached the car park, Morlen hovered with agitation until he spotted Koda, and the relief replaced his deep scowl of worry.

"Get in," he demanded and Alfie almost sat on Connor when he got in the back.

"Steady," Connor chuckled. "I'm supposed to be the one who is visually impaired."

Koda turned from the front seat, surprised. "What are you doing here?" Koda eyed Morlen. He didn't bring his eyes up from the steering wheel.

"I paid your home a visit Koda, and your father was kind enough to let me come along."Connor smirked when Morlen reversed with too much force.

"Kind?" Koda scoffed. His smile didn't last long when his eyes brushed Alfie's expression. The young medium stared at his lap with a stale face. His hands still trembled. What had happened to Alfie at college had spooked him beyond the chance of a quick recovery. Alfie was scared, and Koda cared enough to treat that as seriously as if their lives depended on it. So when Morlen asked what happened, Koda told him, stressing how brave Alfie had been, and how frightening it must have felt, and how Alfie had done well to get them out of college so quickly.

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