Chapter 21

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Alfie's house was like walking into a place that was both familiar and unfamiliar. It was bright, warm, homely, and had the most welcoming presence Koda had ever felt. Molly waited for her son and Koda to arrive. She was hovering by the front door when they entered, and Koda couldn't help but wish his mother had been like that before she passed away.

"What's going on?" was the first question to fall out of Molly's mouth as Alfie hung up his coat and tugged off his shoes. "Connor said there's nothing to worry about, which means there's something to worry about."

"Honestly ma, I wouldn't know where to start." Alfie turned and kissed her on the cheek. He lied. If he were going to tell her, he would start by saying how someone murdered Enya, but he didn't want his mother to be involved. Molly would freak out, and Alfie didn't like it when she did that.

"Are you being possessed again?" Molly asked, cupping her son's face and inspecting every inch of his features.

"No!" Alfie pulled away, glancing at Koda's wide eyes. "I've learnt my lesson from last time." Alfie thought Koda went a little pale. "It's fine; I'm not possessed. Trust me, you'd know."

"You would." Molly patted Koda's shoulder. "Anyway, there's food in the microwave for you both. I'll be in my studio if you need me." She stared at her son until he groaned and told her again that everything was going to be okay. "Fine, lie to me. You must have a good reason!"

When she was gone, Alfie rolled his eyes and guided Koda to the kitchen. They ate in silence, but it was comfortable. They were both lost in thought about the day's events. For Alfie, it had started so rough because Koda was mad at him, Enya wasn't telling him anything, and his good mood had dissolved into nothing. Now, Koda was staying over, they were on great terms, and his mood was through the roof with excitement.

They entered Alfie's bedroom with full stomachs and the need to relax. Molly had made a bed on the floor for Koda, and Alfie couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. His own bed was large and would easily fit them both on it.

Koda looked around as Alfie climbed on the bed. The medium's room was twice the size of his, and he could see an en-suite bathroom through a half-closed door, an extension he could only dream of having. The air smelt sweet like fruit, and he spotted a vase of orange roses next to the open window. "Who's Ronnie Birch?" Koda asked, staring at the big name spread across Alfie's chalkboard wall.

"Someone who a ghost wants me to get in touch with," Alfie said, reaching for the drawer next to his bed and pulling out some circular glasses with wooden frames. He put them on, so he could read Enya's journal without holding it centimetres away from his face.

Koda's eyes performed a double glance as Alfie crossed his legs and opened the leather journal. Koda tilted his head and smiled to himself. He never gave much thought about the type of person who he was attracted to, but cute things seemed to draw him in, and he was undoubtedly drawn to Alfie Willow. The medium was small and gentle with everything he did, despite his blunt attitude and sarcastic humour. There was something about Alfie that Koda loved. The medium always brightened his spirits, no matter how he was feeling.

"You suit those," Koda said, referring to Alfie's reading glasses, walking over to join him on the bed.

Alfie peered at him from over the top of the frames. "I think you might need these more than me."

Koda shook his head with a grin, eyeing up the spot next to the medium. He wanted to sit close, but he was worried that Alfie's parents might walk in and get suspicious, so he perched a few feet away and sank into the mattress with crossed legs.

"I'm going to read more of Enya's journal," Alfie said, turning a page to see it also had a title. The first one was paranoia, this one said 'Observations'.

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