Chapter 73

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Finally, the Easter holidays are here! (Well, for me at least!) But that means a have a little more time for writing. I've recently finished the first chapter of a NEW book that will be out on the same day that this one finishes! If you're wondering, I think this book has about 5 chapters left. We still need to say goodbye to Dorinto :')

- Sian

Morlen had waited in his car for fifteen minutes until Nikki Pecan left. After she was gone, Morlen scurried back into the Willow's house. He stomped to Alfie's office, closed the door, and sat on the couch. The silence was nice, and there was plenty to look at in the small office. There was something about the room that heightened Morlen's senses. He wanted to close his eyes, but he didn't want to sleep. He wanted to let his mind drift, but not into his dreams.

As Morlen closed his eyes, his lids felt heavier. He was exhausted, but his mind had been too switched on to relax. Alfie's office was the perfect place to calm down. It had the same feeling as Connor's shop. He felt safe, like the stresses of the outside world would never touch him.

It didn't take Morlen long before his head drooped to the left, but he still wasn't sleeping, he was drifting.

Upstairs in Alfie's room, the door was still locked, and the boys were lying together on the bed, sweaty, out of breath, and completely in love. After a while of lying together, the comedic values started brewing in Alfie's head, and he smirked.

Koda was already watching him, and he frowned when Alfie looked like he was holding back a laugh.

"I don't think I'll ever be able to sit down again," Alfie said, watching Koda shake his head.

"Worth it?" he asked, moving a finger up and down Alfie's sternum. His skin was hot against the tip.

Alfie nodded and wrapped an arm around Koda's neck and pulled himself up. "Not to be dramatic or anything, but I think this is the best day of my life."

Koda laughed and buried his head into Alfie's hair. It smelt faintly of lavender. "I can't believe we've just taken that step."

"On Halloween too."

Koda reached over and checked the date on his watch. "I wonder how many Grim Reapers will knock on your door tonight."

"They can knock, but we won't answer."

"You don't give sweets to the kids?" Koda chuckled.

"Ma used to give them fruit to make sure they didn't come back."

"That's just wrong," Koda said and wrapped arms around Alfie's torso and pulled him out of bed.

"It's cold!" Alfie complained, but Koda dragged him into the bathroom and turned on the shower.

Koda left his hand under the water. The moment it turned warm, he would push Alfie under it. As he waited, his eyes examined Alfie as the medium leaned against the sink with crossed arms. Koda tilted his head and watched Alfie's eyes shy away. The excitement was still fresh in the air like a burst of confetti.

Koda turned his attention back to the water as Alfie started to sense something. He could feel the energy of a Medium he didn't know. "Weird," he mumbled when Koda opened the glass door.

"What's weird?" Koda asked after pulling Alfie closer and dunking him under the water.

Alfie shoved Koda away so that he could move hair from his eyes. "I feel someone," he said, and Koda stared, waiting for him to explain. "I feel a Medium. Do you think that your dad is still here?"

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