Chapter 59

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I'm SO sorry for the late chapter! Life officially punched me in the face this week. Thank you for your patience, I really appreciate it! :)

- Sian

Morlen's face resembled a fed up toddler for most of the journey, though Koda detected hints of his determination as Morlen sped down the streets. College came into view too quickly for Morlen and too slow for Koda. Morlen wasn't sure what they were getting themselves into, and Koda could only think about Alfie.

"Don't rush because you'll make it look suspicious," Molly said, taking the lead and storming through the car park with Koda on her heels.

Morlen was about to set off too, but a hand held his elbow.

"I wouldn't mind your assistance. I'm not familiar with the layout of the college," Connor said and unfolded his cane.

"Hey!" Morlen yelled and his son and Molly turned. "Let's go in together."

Connor was surprised when Morlen didn't shrug him off, and they started moving in the direction of the entrance. As soon as they entered the college, Koda picked up the pace, keeping his head down so he didn't meet the eyes of other students watching him hurry past.

He didn't stop moving until they were standing outside the principal's office. Koda stalled and Molly barged her way in, wanting answers and wanting action to be taken.

As soon as Morlen saw Ronnie, he squared up to him, moving close with a face drenched in anger. Ronnie jumped back with hands in the air.

"You know who I am now. Calm down," Ronnie said, staring Morlen directly in the eyes. "You're angry, and I understand, but don't act out on your anger alone."

"Is my son safe?" Molly questioned before Morlen could start yelling.

"He's with Tom, and Tom's the best agent I've ever worked with. He's in safe hands."

"Agent," Molly whispered. How could she have not known? "Was I kept in the dark about all of this because you wanted to protect me?"

"Tom wanted to protect you. He would never have forgiven himself if his job put your life in danger."

"And now here we are." Molly understood the lies, but she was in no frame of mind to accept them. Tom had lied to her for years, and a big part of her felt betrayed. "My son might be with his father, but what about the other people who wanted to take him?"

"Your son would have been taken, regardless of whether Tom and I came up with this plan or not. It was safer this way, to bring him in, without any interference at your home. They would have taken him from his bed if that's what they wanted. Tom was protecting you." Ronnie had known Tom for a long time. He had never met the woman he loved.

While Molly yelled at Ronnie about the safety of her son, Koda walked to the trophy cabinet. He reached out and traced a finger down the crack in the wall where the cabinet opened. Sudden anger sizzled through him like a surge of lightning and he turned, glaring at Ronnie.

Morlen watched in shock as his son travelled to Ronnie, grabbed his collar and forced him to walk backwards until Ronnie's back hit the wall.

"We're here to get Alfie back. Open the cabinet," Koda demanded in a low tone.

Ronnie stared while the darkness swarmed him and in the pit of his stomach, he felt a cold rush of emptiness like someone was touching his soul. Connor felt the darkness too, thick in the air. Morlen swallowed when he found it hard to breathe. The longer he watched, the more it felt like someone else's fear was injected into him. He felt the darkness too. The only person whose senses didn't acknowledge it was Molly.

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