Chapter 2

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When Alfie finally arrived at college, he ran as fast as he could to his first lesson. He wasn't just ten minutes late. To his art teacher, he was years late, and she would be ready to bite his head off as soon as he entered the room. Lucky for Alfie, her back was turned when he peeked through the window.

The heavy smell of paint and chemicals threatened to give him a headache.

The door creaked, and a few students glanced his way. Alfie kept his head down. If he saw their smirks or their judging eyes, he would snap and get sent out of class, which was not wise, especially when he was on a warning for bad attendance.

As quietly as he could, Alfie sneaked to the back of the room and slid on one of the chairs that were a little too high for him. When the students went back to listening to the teacher, he thought about his crush. He wondered if anyone knew Koda was attending a funeral today. Alfie certainly didn't. It was Monday, and maybe Koda's mother died before the weekend because he hadn't been in class since Thursday.

When his mind drifted, he didn't notice that the teacher stopped talking, he didn't see her walking through the other tables, and he didn't pay attention to her standing right in front of him with crossed arms and a highly arched brow.

"Mister Willow?" she said in her usual bold and confident tone. When he looked up, she continued. "I was prepared to let you off for coming in ten minutes late because quite frankly, I'm surprised you even turned up at all, but then I saw that you have no notepad."

Alfie looked down by his feet. He even forgot to bring his bag. After mentally slapping himself, he said in the softest tone he could manage, "I'm so sorry. I had a rough morning. You can even ask my mum-"

"Cut the crap Alfie," she sighed. "You're eighteen. I shouldn't have to phone your mother." She lowered her voice and leaned a little closer. "You told me you'd try this year."

Alfie pursed his lips with a slow nod. "I really did have a rough morning. It won't happen again."

His teacher stared for long enough to make it awkward. "Get some paper from the draw on my desk. You know where the pencils are and make time on Wednesday to stay when your college day is over. You have a lot to catch up on."

Before Alfie could protest that he was busy, she turned and made her way to a different student.

* * * * *

When Alfie got home that evening, his mind was always thinking about Koda and the funeral. He wasn't sure if it was because he was practically in love with the guy, or the fact that Koda's mother's death had felt so heavy in his heart. People die every day, but something about the funeral made him very uneasy.

After barely eating any dinner and face planting his bed, Alfie concluded that his uneasy feeling was because Koda was going to be depressed and sad. Alfie wasn't sure if he could deal with the sorrow.

Then he had the same conversation he has had with himself for years. Why was he so caught up on Koda? He hadn't spoken a single word to the guy. Alfie had watched him from a distance at school and again through college. They were now in their final year, and he knew if he didn't speak to him soon, he might never see him again.

Maybe that was for the best. Maybe there was a reason that Alfie hadn't plucked up the courage to speak to him. The time might not be right, or Koda might not be the guy for him. Regardless, something about the teen drove Alfie's heart wild.

"You're like a lovesick puppy," a voice said, and Alfie rolled his eyes.

"Get out of my room!" He threw a cushion, and it flew straight through the apparition of a man, the man from this morning.

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