Chapter 60

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Koda stepped out of the lift and the scientists were quiet as they examined the Reaper's sidekick. He was just an ordinary boy, an eighteen-year-old boy who liked art, sport, and food. There was nothing odd about him on the surface, which made him more intriguing. Koda was like an Oleander plant; beautiful on the outside but held a deadly secret.

Koda was about to burst and Morlen understood that he couldn't stop any of it from happening. His son was going to make those who hurt Alfie pay in the way he knew how; with their souls. When did he grow up? Morlen thought to himself, watching his eighteen-year-old stick up for love and what was morally right. More recently, Morlen caught himself thinking how thankful he was that Enya was partially in Koda's life to raise him. Morlen had a poisonous mind for most of Koda's childhood and the poison turned sour over the last few years. Morlen was reaching the edge of his guilt where he would do anything to go back in time. Morlen liked to think that he'd pat his son on the back if his son told him that he was gay, and Koda would smile, and they would talk about it.

"Step away from him," Koda demanded, staring at Alfie who couldn't lift his head to stare back. Every fibre screamed to reach him and never let go. "You'll regret it if you don't."

Fran scoffed and stood in front of Alfie. "We've waited for you, Koda, for far too long." Her icicles for eyes looked the teen up and down. "Grab him."

When a big guy in a white lab coat moved towards Koda, Morlen prepared himself to storm past Ronnie until Koda turned and punched the guy in the face, hard enough to send him flying to his back. A circle quickly formed around Koda. Nobody wanted to be next, but they didn't want to let the sidekick escape.

"I'm here for Alfie, then I'm leaving, and nobody here can stop me." Koda rolled his sleeves up and stepped closer to Alfie. Fran was still standing in front of his boyfriend, looking a little less smug than before. She had tensed from Koda's violence which was very out of character.

"We have worked too damn hard to let you walk away, but if you do, we will find you and your father's next," she spat, desperate to say anything to cover her fear.

Fran had stepped over the mark, and the ungodly silence drilled into Morlen's head when he realised that her threat had happened before. "You killed my wife," Morlen said, pointing in the general direction of the scientists. They were all to blame. "You killed my wife!"

"Well," Fran said with a hint of a smile, "Killed? I'm not too sure of that." She grinned wider when Koda and Morlen shared the same raised brows of surprise.

Ronnie's heart dropped. He thought Alfie's guardian ghost would have told Connor. Ronnie turned and eyed Connor who stood in the doorway of the lift with Molly. Ronnie sighed. Connor didn't tell them about Enya's body in room 18.

Koda stalked forwards until he was right in front of Fran. "Move out of my way, or I'll move you myself."

Alfie listened to his boyfriend's deep voice. He wanted to collapse into Koda's chest and pass out, but he forced himself to stay alert. He was scared that if he let the pain consume him, he'd wake up and someone he cared about would be gone.

"What are you gonna do? Punch me too?" Fran was as short as Alfie. Her head only reached Koda's chest. She was armoured with confidence and had hurt Alfie with such ease. Koda didn't doubt that she would hurt him too.

"No. I'll kill you." The words were like strange food in Koda's mouth. Unfamiliar, but he liked the taste.

"Will you let us chain you up like him?" Fran taunted, not hearing the truth in his words.

The mention of Alfie in chains kick-started Koda's protectiveness and he grabbed Fran. He shoved her out of the way and aimed for Ursula who threw the keys at him. She didn't want to get hurt.

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