Chapter 45

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Just a quick thank you for the support you give me. I honestly can't thank you enough!

Have a wonderful Christmas and new year!

- Sian

When the boys escaped Miss Pecan's art class at almost five in the evening, they headed straight for Koda's home. Alfie, for a change, was very excited to spend the evening with someone else. Especially when Koda wasn't shying away from his flirty behaviour. Koda couldn't hide his embarrassment too well, but he always bounced back with something cute to say.

When Alfie stepped through the front door to Koda's home, he wasn't slapped in the face with misery. The house didn't feel as cold as it had, and the darkness didn't suffocate him quite as much. He wanted to mention it, but Koda's mind was a million miles away from the death of Enya. Alfie didn't want to remind him.

"It smells like something is burning." Alfie directed his nose towards the door to the kitchen. Koda agreed and hurried in. Smoke poured from the room and Morlen stormed passed him with a tray held out in front of him. Alfie ducked out of his way as Morlen threw the burnt food, including the tray, onto the driveway and slammed the door behind it.

The fire alarm went off and Morlen roared at it to shut up. Alfie watched jealously as Koda used his height to switch it off. Granted, he had to go onto the tips of his toes, but Alfie could barely reach the top of Koda's head on his tiptoes, never mind something on the ceiling.

When the alarm stopped, and the smoke started to clear, Koda chuckled at his father's raging anger. "What were you trying to cook?" he asked, looking around at the mess his father had made.

"The pie that your mother used to make every Monday. She had always refused to give me the recipe, so of course, I'd fail."

Alfie bit his tongue, wishing he had asked if they could go out to eat instead. Though, Koda smiled at the memory, surprising both Morlen and Alfie.

"Mum taught me how to make it. I was going to make it for Alfie tonight. You can have some too if you want?"

Morlen turned to the medium as if he only just noticed him standing by the fridge. "Oh, um no, it's fine. Save me some though." As quick as a heartbeat, Morlen smiled at Alfie and it dropped as soon as it came. Alfie was stunned enough to make him wonder if he imagined it. "I'll order food... and I'll be in the living room for the rest of the night." Morlen turned and catapulted himself out of the kitchen, closing the door behind him with unnatural force.

"I think he noticed that we didn't want him hovering," Alfie said, coughing from the lingering smoke.

"Or he felt too uncomfortable to stay. Either way, I'm glad he got the message." Koda started tidying his dad's mess so there was room to make his own. "Hey, I'm supposed to be teaching you how to make this," Koda said with a pointed finger when Alfie tried to sit down.

Alfie groaned and dragged himself away from the table. As soon as he was close enough, Koda grabbed his arm and pulled him in front of him. He placed a knife in his grip and rested his hands over Alfie's.

Alfie felt Koda's chest against the back of his head. The heat radiated from Koda when he towered over him and started chopping vegetables to go in the pie.

"You wanted all the cliché stuff, right?" Koda grinned as Alfie rested against him.

"No complaints from me." Alfie wanted to picture their future when they have jobs, a house together, and time on the evening to sit down with a meal and talk about their day. He quickly buried the thoughts, wanting to live in the moment. The future would come regardless of whether he thought about it or not.

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