Chapter 53

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Thanks so much for your patience with the slower updates! My last exam is on the 23rd, so I'm almost free again! :)

- Sian

"Tom," Molly said, sensing her ex hovering by the door to her studio. "What do you want?"

"Just to see you paint."

Molly tucked her dark hair behind her ear, peering at him from the side of her canvas. "Why do I feel like you're having a hard time remembering that you left me?"

Tom stiffened and his eyes tried to divert, but they were lost in the woman he still loved with all his heart. "We both know you don't feel the same anymore."

"We both know that's not true." Molly's voice was small and frail, like she couldn't bear for the words to echo because her heart might shatter from the vibrations. "You got distant, and I got tired of holding onto you."

Tom swallowed and frowned like it caused him pain. He wanted to explain, but it was impossible to get the words out in an order that would make even the least bit of sense. "What are you painting?" Tom asked. His stomach tightened at her sigh of disappointment.

"Nothing. Please leave, we'll manage dinner without you tonight."

Tom wanted to say that he was allowed to stay and be with his son, but their situation wasn't yet comfortable, and he had important things to do. "Right, I'll see you tomorrow then?"

Molly turned away, acting like she was getting more paint. She listened to his footsteps fading and the misery stuck to her face quicker than a tear escaping her eye. Tom showed little concern about what had happened to Alfie, and she knew Alfie had noticed his mild interest in such a serious matter. Molly was angry. She didn't understand why Tom was acting that way. He loved Alfie, and he had always proudly shown it.

Molly stayed in her art studio until the sadness had moved on and an eagerness to see her son smile started eating away at her. She had seen how spooked he looked and how skittish Morlen had acted when they discussed what had happened at the college. Someone was after their children, and it was time Morlen and Molly worked together to keep them safe, just like Enya, though Enya was the only warrior in her battle.

Her son was in his bedroom when she peeked in through the open door. Koda sat behind him on the bed, massaging Alfie's shoulders with a force that made Alfie scrunch his eyes shut and hiss at him to stop pressing so hard.

"It works best this way, trust me," Koda smiled, massaging up her son's neck until Alfie swatted his hands away, falling back against his chest.

Molly's eyes glinted with more than just emotional tears. The endearment willingly oozed from her son who usually expressed very little emotion, other than irritation smothered in a generous dollop of sarcasm.

"Wanna draw something on your chalkboard?" Koda questioned. He thought it was time to rub off the 'RONNIE BIRCH' that spread across the wall. All they could do was wait and hope that their parents or Connor came up with a plan. It felt like too much weight on eighteen-year-old shoulders.

"Yes, but first I want Ma to stop spying on me." The boys turned towards the door and Molly didn't look surprised that she was spotted. Alfie always knew.

"I'm just checking on you both. Let me know when you're hungry and I'll make some food."

Alfie nodded, not questioning where his father was.

Molly left them to their drawing competition and found herself moving towards the kitchen. Morlen and Connor sat in silence that felt more comfortable with each passing hour.

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