Chapter 71

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Alfie sat in his office, twiddling a tiger's eye stone around in his hand. His mother had cancelled all of his clients for the next week because she felt that he needed proper time off, not just the odd day whenever Alfie felt overwhelmed.

Alfie had nothing to do, other than waiting for Koda to arrive. Alfie knew what time he finished, and he could estimate the time Koda would reach his house from the college. Almost an hour after Koda's last lesson, he still wasn't at Alfie's home. Alfie didn't want to call or text because he didn't want to be a 'needy' boyfriend, though he was rather impatient.

Thankfully, Alfie didn't have to wait much longer because of the doorbell that rang loud through the house. He was about to get up to answer it, thinking his mother was in her studio and sometimes didn't hear the door, but she beat him to it.

Alfie listened with anticipation and soon heard footsteps approaching his door. Alfie knew it was Koda by the thick darkness leaking into his room before anyone attempted to knock. However, the person didn't knock; they stormed into Alfie's office and slammed the door behind them. Alfie made eye contact with Koda before he stormed over, grabbed Alfie from his chair and pinned him against the wall.

"I took a soul," Koda breathed into Alfie's ear before pushing their foreheads together. "I want your soul." Koda's hand lingered on Alfie's neck, but he never applied any pressure.

"Well," Alfie said and swallowed, not because he was scared, but because his love for Koda's sidekick side increased his levels of pleasure. "You can't have it."

"I want it."

"And I'm saying no."

Koda trembled, and their lips brushed together, but they didn't kiss. Koda respected Alfie's words and his hands eventually wrapped around Alfie's waist as he took control of his feelings. He pushed his face against the side of Alfie's face until he came to his senses and stopped craving the soul he wasn't allowed to take.

Alfie watched Koda lift his head with wide eyes.

"I uh..." Koda blinked back his muddled thoughts. "Sorry. I didn't mean to get so aggressive."

"Yes, you did." Alfie stared into his dark hazel eyes, showing him that he wasn't afraid. "I told you yesterday; I like this side of you in ways most people wouldn't."

Koda didn't waste his breath on apologising again because Alfie wouldn't accept it. "I took a soul."

"I feel it. Is that why it took you a while to come here?"

Koda nodded. "I didn't even care that someone had died. I wanted the soul more."

"Can't exactly blame you for that. It's the cycle of moving souls to the other side. You're just doing a job."

Koda noticed that he was still pinning Alfie to the wall and stepped back. "I guess. Though I wish I didn't get so weird."

"I'm into weird."

"I've noticed," Koda said, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck and blushing hard.

"You'll get used to it." Alfie cleared his throat and brushed down the front of his jumper. He hoped Koda's sidekick side would start to make more of an appearance. "Tea?"

* * * * *

Morlen pulled up outside the Willow's household as soon as he finished work. He wasn't successful in summoning the Reaper yesterday. He felt too foolish, and he didn't know what he was doing. Morlen decided that Alfie would help him, knowing Koda would be with the medium anyway.

He knocked loudly only the door, and Molly opened it with paint in her hair and a paintbrush in her mouth. She was holding a palette and didn't have time to say hello. Molly pointed down the corridor and hurried back to her studio, not wanting to lose her burst of creativity.

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