Chapter 48

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If I don't update again before the new year, enter 2019 with a smile. This is our year. Let's make it a good one! ;)

- Sian

Morlen and Koda waited in the hospital for almost an hour before they heard any news about Alfie Willow. In that time, they had demolished the pizza and Morlen visited the vending machine three times for cheap coffee and chocolate.

"Want to get another pizza on the way home?" Morlen asked, bored of counting how many tiles were placed from his chair to the door.

Koda didn't hesitate to nod. It was no secret that Morlen and himself were bottomless pits. "There's Molly!" Koda saw Molly's smile as a good sign.

"He's quite concussed but absolutely fine in terms of his health. His back is sore and he needed a few stitches in his head, but they'll all heal on their own," Molly said with bright eyes. She moved her shoulders. They had been tense since she got a phone call from the college.

"That's great," Koda said and Morlen watched him exhale a breath of relief. "Where is he?"

"He's a little wobbly on his feet, so we were waiting for someone to help him to the car. My back isn't as young as it used to be."

"He's not staying the night?" Morlen asked.

"No, but we have been instructed not to leave him alone for 48 hours, and wake him up often through the night to make sure he's still okay."

"I can help him to the car," Koda said, trying to get a peek through the double doors that only members of staff could open.

Molly smiled and squeezed Koda's hand. "He'd like that." The nurse that was waiting by the door for Molly opened it when he approached. The corridor was long and white and busy. On each side, multiple cubicles lined up next to each other. Most of them were concealing the patients with a blue curtain that railed along the ceiling.

Koda stepped around an elderly man in a wheelchair and out of the way of a rushing nurse. The man who had guided him to Alfie pulled open the blue curtain on cubicle 17, revealing a small person curled up on the bed. Alfie lay on his side with a frown and closed eyes.

"You're free to go whenever you're ready," the man said.

Koda stood in the corridor until the nurse disappeared around a corner. Alfie didn't look well enough to be discharged, but Koda was sure the doctors knew what was best for him.

"Hey," Koda said and neared the bed.

Alfie's eyes partially opened and he smiled. His gaze traced down Koda's body and he sighed with content. "A sight for sore eyes," he mumbled.

Koda chuckled and reached down to move some hair from Alfie's eyes. "Are you ready to go home?"

Alfie lifted his arms like a child and Koda treated him like a delicate flower, scooping him up in his arms. Alfie wrapped legs around his waist and let his arms hang by his side. Alfie's cheek rested against Koda's shoulder and he felt very safe, safe enough to close his eyes and not worry about getting home.

Morlen and Molly stood awkwardly together when Koda slipped back through the double doors.

"Mum," Alfie mumbled. His head pounded and his spine ached. He was also in the type of mood to be very grumpy if he didn't get what he wanted. The two didn't blend well together. "Can Koda stay over?"

Koda squeezes him a little tighter. Alfie hadn't even asked, though Koda would be ripping apart his true feelings if he denied the chance to spend the night with Alfie. His personality drew him in like a million moths to a house fire.

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