Chapter 44

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At 10:30 on Sunday night, Alfie Willow was at his breaking point. Koda had gone home with Morlen after they shared the afternoon together in the park. Alfie had let the dove's soul pass on a few hours ago and he accidentally forgot to close his mind to the paranormal. Ghosts continuously appeared until his head felt like it would explode.

"Leave me alone!" Alfie screeched and Molly's hand hovered by her pocket, unsure on whether to call Connor to relieve her son of some ghosts. A loud crash came from Alfie's office and Molly barged into the room to see Alfie throwing a plant at someone she couldn't see.

"Alfie! I'm calling-"

"No!" Alfie yelled, turning to his mother with eyes so hard, Molly saw the pain he was keeping back from containing so many souls.

"I'm calling Connor."

"I want Koda!"

"Koda's probably sleeping." Molly searched through the contacts on her phone as she spoke. "You'll see Koda tomorrow at college."

"I won't. We don't have art together tomorrow."

"Then maybe you can see him after." Molly lifted her phone to her ear, listening to it ring.

"I have clients." Alfie ran hands through his hair and threw himself onto the couch.

Molly rested a hand on her hip when the ringing stopped. "Connor-"

"I'm outside." Connor hung up and Molly was left stuttering. Every time Alfie had a fit about too many ghosts, Connor was always able to tell. She heard the front door open and close, then the light tapping of Connor's cane against the wood. He always edged around the long hallway rugs for more stability and reassurance.

"Alfie, no!" Molly launched herself at her son before he ripped a shelf off the wall. She contained him in her arms as he struggled for freedom.

Connor heard the scuff of shoes on wood and the grunting of struggling bodies. Alfie yelled and Molly yelled back. Connor was no stranger to Alfie's breakdowns.

"Right, which ghosts are annoying you the most Alfie?" Connor asked, feeling the presence of a grumpy old woman. He pictured her leaning over Alfie with a walking stick pressing painfully against his chest, demanding that Alfie helped her first.

"Take that old hag before I fling her at the demons!" Alfie yelled, kicking at someone Molly couldn't see.

"Who else? Dorinto?" Connor asked, feeling his presence in among the chaos.

"No, Dorinto stays. just take the rest. Please!" Alfie begged, curling up against his mother with his head wrapped in his arms. "Shut up!" he growled when thirty different voices tried to talk to him all at once. "I'm keeping the one asking for Ronnie Birch, but take the rest now please, Connor! Please!"

"Alright." Connor stood with a palm facing the ceiling. He opened his mind and imagined many ropes flying from his hand and wrapping around the ghosts in the room. Some resisted, but most were attracted to his energy and directed their concerns to him. Once Connor had tied the rope securely, he shut his mind and the room silenced immediately.

Alfie relaxed like the ghosts left with his muscles. His heavy breathing was the only sound left. His lungs were wheezy and stiff.

"Are they gone?" Molly asked when the two mediums didn't say a word.

"They're gone." Connor sighed, unbuttoning the top of his navy blue shirt. Colours to him were now a mystery, but as long as he ordered dark coloured clothes, he knew he couldn't look that bad.

Molly rubbed her sons back as exhaustion washed over him like a large wave claiming the sand. "I wish your father was here," she grunted and lifted Alfie in her arms. Her legs struggled to straighten. "You're heavier than you look."

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